Sentences with phrase «for doing this»

But for now, there doesn't seem to be a good reason for doing so.
At the same time, even though your family member works for that doesn't mean that they're a decision maker.
So thanks for doing what you do and making an important contribution to the blogging community.
Thanks so much for doing what YOU do — you've gotten me off to a great start in learning to adapt traditional recipes to fit a low - carb routine.
There may be reasons for this we do not understand yet, but we can make certain observations.
I am amazed you have been able to keep posting while so much else has been going on — but thanks so much for doing so.
Rewards for doing something right, an achievement for beating a boss, a trophy for finding secrets.
On another note, all of the previous posters who said the recipe didn't work for them did not actually follow the recipe, as they clearly state in their posts.
If you are constantly trying to fix things for them you don't allow them to feel the full range of emotions and they don't learn to work through these emotions.
These are some great options for doing just that.
It wasn't (and still isn't) glamorous or lucrative, but now he's getting paid for doing what he loves.
They need to spend time alone regularly and get used to it, and be rewarded for doing so well.
The voters have a right to know who they are voting for don't you think?
How much does one man need for doing something most of us would do for nothing?
They also get paid more money for doing more work.
The union wants wage parity with counterparts in other federal departments who the union says make as much as $ 14,000 more for doing similar work.
Getting something back for doing what you already do is a bonus in itself.
I do have some tips for doing so that you can read here.
It's definitely nice to go on vacation and get paid well for doing absolutely nothing from my online businesses.
The Getting Started section of its site offers advice for doing just that.
Your real life must be able to support the time required for doing it.
It is the latest meeting place for both doing things together and trying to figure out, as we never cease to do, where we really are.
Thanks team for doing an excellent work for me.
But, I do suspect that you won't find many situations where investors are getting penalized for doing what I explained above.
But can the defence secretary really be forgiven for doing so, given the state of play?
It's definitely difficult to not want to absolute best for your children, and often times, making things easy for them does seem like the logical way to do that.
I just let them be, because they have a right to believe and they are not wrong for doing so.
Just because white pasta isn't great for us doesn't mean we can not eat pasta ever again.
The last thing you need are idle workers being paid for doing little.
We are grateful for all you do for Reddit, and the buck stops with me.
He believe in doing - the second big driver for him is the understanding that there is never perfect timing for doing something.
I went upstairs: got called on the carpet for doing so!
Even if you do suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed.
First, be sure you have a dedicated area that's appropriate for doing business.
Talking to him and reading his extraordinarily rich poetry have been remarkably helpful for doing theology.
Catch twenty - two was we were blamed for doing nothing, like we didn't and were taking sides.
And congratulations for doing the right thing as well.
Note that this is a recipe for only 6 muffins, I do so much baking all month that if I'm baking for myself I do smaller batches.
Hopefully we get a little bit more spread for doing smaller deals.
For example, you could individually thank workers for doing a great job and regularly thank social - media followers for their support.
It's a good mode to get your feet wet in with no consequences for doing poorly.
Be clear about the benefits they will receive for doing business with you and don't make empty promises.
Ozil for me does nt deserve a permanent spot in starting 11.
The game almost relies on experimentation or trail & error to discover how effective some weapons and tactics really are, but at no point ever rewards players for doing so.

Phrases with «for doing this»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z