Sentences with phrase «for environmental reasons»

The companies I spoke to said that it is their goal to keep leakage below 1 percent, not just for environmental reasons, but for financial ones.
I'm planning to cloth diaper for environmental reasons and to keep harmful chemicals off of baby's skin.
But someone else may be in it because of sensitivities to disposable diapers or other chemicals, or perhaps for environmental reasons.
We are trying to get away from synthetic materials for environmental reasons.
There is growing social pressure to go vegetarian or vegan for environmental reasons.
There's a great interest for environmental reasons to have people moving towards more localized business opportunities too.
Many parents initially look at cloth diapering for environmental reasons — and with good cause!
The packaging industry is celebrating after EU negotiations ruled that packaging would retain its Internal Market legal base, making it harder for national governments to introduce unilateral bans for environmental reasons.
Asked which province — B.C., which wants to delay the project for environmental reasons, or Alberta, which wants to avoid delays for economic reasons — is making the more compelling argument, Canadians are evenly split, with 50 per cent saying each province's government is more persuasive
Emission growth has slowed only because certain forms of emission have been easy to phase out and energy efficiency has become a priority for environmental reasons, but if you think coal, oil and deforestation will just go away by themselves, you are dreaming.
The way we understand it, she's looking for people who bought the hybrid primarily for environmental reasons and not to save money on gas or because they liked the look or whatever (though those can be secondary reasons)... We'll take down the contact information at the end of the day, so if you are a good fit for this story, don't wait too long to contact Mary.
For almost 30 years the Council has been fighting against regulation that would limit balloons for environmental reasons.
A further 32 % said that they first bought organics for environmental reasons and 25 % because of animal welfare concerns associated with conventional food producing systems.
Democrats, however, have generally opposed any sort of hydrofracking in the state for environmental reasons, Avella said.
Catherine Hart, who was loading her car with groceries in reusable bags after shopping at the Mattituck Marketplace, said she stopped using plastic bags for environmental reasons.
Dear EarthTalk: Apparently boxed wine (instead of bottled) is becoming all the rage for environmental reasons.
After that requirement is met — and regardless of how serious the impact seems to be — a project could not be delayed or canceled for environmental reasons, barring the introduction of substantially new facts.
Scientists require the experimental hall to be large enough for the detector and all its supplies, but at the same time, public affairs often requests that it be as small as possible for environmental reasons.
I did wonder, however if this perception came from my fondness for upcylcing and if folks assumed I wanted reusable diapers mostly for environmental reasons.
Fancy an LPG powered premium car for environmental reasons maybe?
The Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources claims killing cats «by any means deemed necessary» is necessary for environmental reasons.
Brass finishes — although now discontinued by many North American manufacturers for environmental reasons — do contain trace amounts of zinc, but certainly not enough to cause clinical signs of zinc exposure in any bird.
Or, they find that while they might enjoy car culture, in theory, they might not even want to drive, live somewhere where driving is unnecessary or impractical, or have moral qualms against driving for environmental reasons.
If it's profitable to dril for oil up north, it's going to be done because Russia will have a stake up there and probably won't really restrict the area for environmental reasons.
I for one wish he had picked another building; the grid of ceramic rods is there for environmental reasons, and cut down the heating load from the sun by 30 % and the total energy bill by 13 %.
I don't know enough about Hemp to comment other than my dear friends, whom I trust implicitly, have all advocated the use of hemp for environmental reasons.
Environmental regulations affecting power plants have played a secondary role in driving coal's declining generation share over the past decade, although plant owners in some states have made investments to shift generation toward natural gas at least partly for environmental reasons.
«What once seemed radical is now mainstream,» said American Rivers President Bob Irvin, whose group has advocated dam removal for environmental reasons.
If you can stomach it, watch this entire segment with Tucker Carlson of Fox News — it hits all the usual notes, culminating in an interview with some professor who wrote a book about reducing immigration for environmental reasons.
Despommier's skyscrapers [edit] Ecologist Dickson Despommier argues that vertical farming is legitimate for environmental reasons.
Just one year later, Frances Moore Lappé published Diet for a Small Planet, one of the first books advocating that people adopt vegetarian diets for environmental reasons.
The decision was based on the conclusion that the business models of these companies were unsustainable for environmental reasons and because of the financial risk in its exposure to coal.»
Shutting down Nanticoke, while a good move for environmental reasons, will cause many headaches in the area.
Residents of Rhode Island have joined in the call to ban balloon releases for environmental reasons.
Of course natural gas (NG) is not ideal for environmental reasons, even if it is one of the cleaner - burning fossil fuels.
Like car commercials claiming that 2000 pounds of metal and plastic are «good for the environment» because it has a trunk full of batteries, the choice between beer and wine for environmental reasons is a false one.
The US can impose a tariff for environmental reasons, but the reverse would not seem to be justified.
We in North America would do well to push second - hand sales for environmental reasons:
I have pursued this because I carry the bike for environmental reasons, to reduce the carbon footprint of my travelling.
The majority of Americans do not turn to green products for environmental reasons, so home marketing messages should not be connected to the environment.
When permission was denied for environmental reasons, Suitum sued for compensation.
Some people choose to have their gifts arrive unwrapped for environmental reasons and convenience.
Tim Ma prepares a duck confit salad at his restaurant, Kyirisan, in Washington, D.C. Ma says being mindful about reducing food waste is an integral part of his philosophy in the kitchen — not just for environmental reasons but also for profitability.
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