Sentences with phrase «for equalization of net family property»

After a trial in 2009, Mr. Purcaru was ordered to pay the respondent in excess of $ 1 million in arrears of spousal and child support and for equalization of net family property.
Finally, also in Canada under the Ontario Family Law Act, she asked for equalization of net family property.
If a spouse declares bankruptcy, is he or she then prevented from claiming for equalization of Net Family Property (NFP?)
Once that limitation period has been missed then, unless a Court agrees to extend it based on the common - law (which is difficult), no further claims can be made for the equalization of net family property.

Not exact matches

Section 5 (3) of the FLA states that if, while the spouses are cohabiting, there is a risk that one spouse will «improvidently deplete his or her net family property,» the other spouse can apply for equalization.
As you have been separated for 8 years it may now be too late for you to seek an equalization of net family property, if that is still an issue for you.
In addition to custody and spousal / child support, she also asked for the usual equalization of Net Family Property (NFP).
Therefore, if you are applying for child support as part of your divorce application, or if you are seeking relief related to property (such as equalization of net family property) as well as child support, you must file in the Superior Court or Unified Family family property) as well as child support, you must file in the Superior Court or Unified Family Family Court.
Under Ontario law, the matrimonial home is the only asset for which you don't receive a date - of - marriage deduction in the calculation of the equalization of net family property, Diamond says.
As a comparison, Diamond says the only the growth of an investment account during the marriage is subject to net family property equalization, allowing the party that brought the asset into the marriage to get a credit for its value on the date of marriage.
• It only applies to spouses who are asking for something in addition to divorce (i.e. spousal support, child custody, child access or child support, division of property, and / or equalization of net family property).
In the context of determining their respective Net Family Property amounts for the purposes of equalization, a legal question arose as to whether the wife's annuity payment entitlement should be counted as «property» or as «income» as those terms are used in the Ontario Family Property amounts for the purposes of equalization, a legal question arose as to whether the wife's annuity payment entitlement should be counted as «property» or as «income» as those terms are used in the Ontario Family property» or as «income» as those terms are used in the Ontario Family Law Act.
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