Sentences with phrase «for established power»

The advance of technology will then have dire consequences for established power.

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Establish a structure that allows for supervision and cooperation without meddling or inadvertent power plays.
The mediator does not have the power to enforce a solution on anyone but they help the parties establish common ground rules for future interactions.
The only solution, Soros said, is for the US to recognize North Korea as a nuclear power and align with China, Japan, and South Korea to establish an agreement to prevent a war.
A few years later, after its transition from DVDs - by - mail to streaming was better established, it had a stronger foundation to build the original content that put it on an equal footing with rivals, like Time Warner's HBO, in luring customers and to build pricing power for a more profitable future.
A strong brand doesn't guarantee success, but the power of a well - established, well - known brand can boost a company's chances for success immensely.
Recent advancements in the technology that powers bots have opened the flood doors for companies of all sizes, and they're rushing in to establish their bot as a point of reference for consumers.
This loan provides buying power for established businesses to purchase new or used vehicles or equipment at competitive rates with flexible terms.
Using numerous examples from Fortune 100 down to solopreneurs, Horowitz and Levinson demonstrate the right ways to establish genuine Green credibility, and take advantage of the incredible marketing power this commitment provides you: building partnerships that turn customers, suppliers, nonprofits, and even direct competitors into marketing agents for you.
If you have a good business with potential for growth, Factor Funding can speed up your cash flow and unleash your power to survive and thrive, whether you are one, a couple, or one hundred or more people business, working from home or away, already established or just getting started to implement your plans and strategies, buy supplies, meet payroll, pay debts, taxes, or meet other expenses.
For instance, the end of June saw the rollout of the first blockchain - powered instant - remittance service, which has been jointly adopted by Japan and Thailand as a way to establish a new payment rail between the two countries.
Where Bitcoin's transaction speeds average 7 transactions per second, new blockchain - based currencies are already approaching thousands of transactions per second; Bitshares claims they can process 100,000 per second.In fact, a newspaper in Winnipeg, Canada, has already begun to use a micropayment system to charge per article for its news content and projects earning over $ 100,000 in digital revenue.Blockchain could tilt the balance of power towards individuals, not publishing powerhouses.As mentioned previously, YouTube and Medium have dramatically increased content creators» access to audiences and established a more democratic, popularity - based promotional scheme.
We have established ourselves as a strategic long - term partner for our customers, and our customers are increasingly relying on us to meet long - term demand for power management and sensor semiconductor products.
as for the priest guy — catholic or not — i hope you are casting demons out in jesus name — cause if your doing these thing in your own power — and not in jesyus name — it ai nt established and the demigods will just laugh at you..
America is doing more than any other nation to spread the kind of political structures that can best prepare the globe for God's ultimate work of establishing the final kingdom, Webb contends, and he proceeds to quote from a variety of sources to support a role for providence in contemporary theological thinking while interpreting America's rise to world power as a divine blessing that comes with special responsibilities.
For Christianity must not remain forever linked with the established powers.
, giving way to the Ayyubids for more than a century; the Mamluks then seized the power and held it until the Ottoman Turks established their rule in the tenth century (sixteenth century AD.).
We're about to witness firsthand what happens when the established Church compromises its moral authority for the promise of power, and it won't be pretty.
Love, while rejecting power and going beyond the rights and duties established by justice, establishes a will for justice and a moral motivation which crowns the just act.
For that reason only we find now the ruling powers are in the hands of secular non religious ones... The conference above stated that the secular regimes in the West had used the indifference between religions, branches, doctrines by creating «Fitnah» said to be harder than killing... because you get all those with Fitnah to fight among them selves... beside establishing and supporting terrorist groups to get the area unstable far from investment and development environment that has caused the mass immigration of the capital heads, professions and skilled labour hands from their countries to the west and be treated as garbage at countries that they do not belong to whether as culture, race or religion....
While helping to establish a moral foundation for society, it was just as often abused by the powers that be to keep the populace under control.
Kierkegaard's formula for the state of the self when despair is absent is this: «in relating itself to itself and in willing to be itself, the self rests transparently in the power that established it.»
Hobbes and Locke, certainly, might be criticized (even excoriated, be my guest) for attempting to sever the right from the good, for proposing to «enlighten» society with the proposition that rights can be established without any reference to a common Good, that freedom can produce order from itself, without acknowledging any power not only outside by above itself.
When the nation was established as a democratic republic, the people of the former English colonies, acting in their various constitutional conventions, transferred all governing power to their states and to the federal government, reserving for themselves only certain rights and powers they previously claimed to enjoy as subjects of the British Crown.
There are many Christians for whom the sacramental life of the Church and the Holy Communion would have power beyond anything they can at present imagine if a genuine connection should be established in their understanding between the Sacrament and the mutual ministry which is going on all the time in the life of the Church.
For a number of reasons he is convinced that the established order today can be neither overthrown nor effectively challenged — the primary reason being that «the relevant decisions are made neither by the people at large nor by the official government, but by the private governments where effective power rests.»
One may certainly refrain from insisting, as some Jewish leaders have, upon mandated Holocaust studies in the public school curriculum: for many people, such «mandates» might appear as an effort to establish the passion of the Jews as the larger culture's defining story, thus, ironically, giving plausibility to anti-Semitic claims about Jewish power.
They are meaningful in that (1) they keep the ethical problems of history clearly defined, and (2) they indicate the nature of the perfection of history for which grace as Truth established the norm and grace as Power anticipates fulfillment in experience.
The League of Nations was established by the victorious Allied powers at the end of World War I for the purpose of preventing another destructive global conflict.
A new power relationship must therefore be established, to allow for a response to the dismantling of the systems of social protection and the weakening of social movements.
This meant for the earliest disciples a basic renunciation of the struggle for existence, implemented by a complete break with the power structure of society: the automatic prerogatives of the chosen people, the security of the holy tradition, the comfort of established religious organization and clergy — all such props, controlled by man and as a result constantly available to him for securing his existence, were in principle eliminated.
This final part of Griffin's argument for the process theodicy turns on an assumption that he appears to have borrowed by Hartshorne, viz., that the so - called «social view» of omnipotence is the only alternative to the monopolistic (and thus to the standard) view.9 The critique of the latter thus established the former as (in Griffin's words) «the only view that is coherent if one is talking about the power a being with the greatest conceivable amount of power could have over a created, i.e. an actual world» (GPE 269).
When we accept our members in their weakness, illness and dysfunction, and offer them strength and the opportunity for health and hope, we proclaim our faith in God's redeeming power and establish a basis for faith in each other.
Moreover, in its examination of problems of government in theological schools, the study continues in the tradition of the University of Berlin by voicing a powerful protest against patterns of school governance that «seem to have little confidence in the power of God to establish the victory of truth» and an eloquent plea for the freedom of inquiry that disciplined critical inquiry requires.
The threat to this idea of secularism arises form religious fundamentalism which is afraid of insecurity through change in traditional religious dogmas, ritual practices of purity and impurity in social laws; the threat also comes from communalism which seeks political power for one's religious community or in the case of Hindutva wants to establish a Hindu state.
The criterion for determining the relationship to the powers is the extent to which God's creative, liberating and serving power is evidenced in their actions, and the extent to which equality is established.
A monolithic language, the ideology of modern day power, was established for the erection of the Tower of Babel, the Babylonian Empire.
(eh eh) While I agree with you, let's give due credit: the organized religions have done a fine job of establishing an environment that invites, tricks, cajoles or forces gullible people to buy their fantasy, for the purpose of power and control.
Having won this battle for power over the forces of innovation and independent creativity, these established political and economic interests have become institutionalized within the industry.
He concentrated on the first four centuries, and deprecated the need for and importance of later councils: «A council has no power to establish new articles of faith, even though the Holy Spirit is present.
Yet we may with confidence assert that, for the time of the Judges, such law as existed in established usages like blood revenge, and in certain tribal and family customs, was not sufficient to supplant the belief that might constituted the supreme socially valid norm, qualified mainly by the restraining magical powers of the oath and curse.
Because the «government» has raw power over us such power does not establish any justification for their use of that power to suppress or deny God given «rights» or privileges.
Similarly, they did not merely say there should be separation of church and state; rather, they actually separated them by (1) establishing a secular government on the power of «We the people» (not a deity), (2) saying nothing to connect that government to god (s) or religion, (3) saying nothing to give that government power over matters of god (s) or religion, and (4), indeed, saying nothing substantive about god (s) or religion at all except in a provision precluding any religious test for public office.
By advancing and acting upon his understanding of the power of courts, says Bork, «Barak surely establishes a worldrecord for judicial hubris.»
With all of this in mind, it was necessary for the preacher to establish that the authority for what was being said rested not with the preacher, not with the power of the minority groups, but with Scripture itself.
The uniqueness of Muentzer's proclamation was his insistence that the community of the faithful must prepare the world for the rule of Christ by establishing a theocracy in which princes renounced their titles and power for the sake of a visible equality before God.
With this year's focus on key topics of «Sports & nutrition» and «Green proteins» the innovative power of the Dutch food ecosystem was highlighted for establishing UK partnerships.
Levi's ® Stadium is owned by the Santa Clara Stadium Authority, a public joint powers authority established to provide for development and operation of Levi's ® Stadium to ensure that the stadium serves the goals of the City of Santa Clara.
Supports NFF submission and identifies 10 priority areas: Unconscionable conduct, Misuse of market power (effects test), Unfair contract terms (extension to small business), Collective bargaining (inc raising threshold for primary production bargaining), Codes of conduct, Statutory duty of good faith, Powers of the ACCC (price monitoring, divestiture powers), Access, Protection from agri - terrorism, Establishing a Perishable Goods Commissioner
For Portland, establishing their All - Star power forward was again the number one priority.
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