Sentences with phrase «for evangelism in»

As a result, questions like, What's next for evangelism in a rapidly secularizing culture?

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For the sake of consistency I hope you'd direct those same questions to any religion that practiced evangelism or engaged in missionary work.
I can't say we're persecuted in any real sense in Utah, but on a very subtle level, it is different than it was in California, and there just isn't spiritual time or energy for the debates that there once was; we're focused on evangelism and getting the truth that we - do - agree on out there.
Offense is given to the Holy Spirit, holiness is quenched, and evangelism suffers, for outsiders see no point in becoming Christian.
Morris Cerullo World Evangelism is to start a funding drive in order to pay for the building of the theme park in the hope they won't have to take out a loan.
For the consecrated life (as John Paul II taught in the 1996 apostolic exhortation Vita Consecrata) is the spiritual engine of the Church, in which the energies of evangelism are refined and shared in a great exchange of gifts by which the entire Church, the bride of Christ, strives for union with her divine spouFor the consecrated life (as John Paul II taught in the 1996 apostolic exhortation Vita Consecrata) is the spiritual engine of the Church, in which the energies of evangelism are refined and shared in a great exchange of gifts by which the entire Church, the bride of Christ, strives for union with her divine spoufor union with her divine spouse.
This is not to say that there is a lack of people within North American churches who truly have a heart for God and for ministry and evangelism; there are many who are passionate and sincere in their faith.
I think not, Perhaps if one made the unbiblical assumption that evangelism is primary and social action is secondary, one could argue that one should resist the governing authorities in order to preach the gospel but not to work for social justice.
On the other hand, another Barna - affiliated organization called the ACFI reported that the number of churches that equip their members for evangelism is in decline.
ekklēsia) is the universal body of believers that functions under the headship of Jesus Christ and meets regularly in local assemblies to carry out the Great Commission through observing the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper and listening to the preaching of the Word of God, all for the edification of the believer and the evangelism of the world.
Teaching from the pulpit, for example, that God willed Adam and Eve to sin, that cancer is predestined by God, that prayer doesn't cause anything to change in the world, and that evangelism has no purpose since sheep are sheep and goats are goats?
Over the years, I have observed the bulk of the Evangelical fleet drift — and then in desperation for some greater motivation, change fuels — from the open - arms gasoline of evangelism meetings, to the super-sparks of charismatic gifts, to the sluggish - diesel of homogenized Biblical theology, to the stuttering - and - sparkle fuel of Christian music, to the nitro - flamed - fuel of hating gays, and now to the turbo - charged hatred of illegal aliens at home and Muslims overseas.
So the angel of the Lord sent him on the road to Gaza, as rough a road then as now, for an adventure in evangelism that is without precedent in the New Testament.
The death and resurrection of Jesus are definitely part of what we share in evangelism, but we tell them these things to convince and persuade them to believe in Jesus for eternal life, not because they get eternal life by believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
But local expressions of the universal Church that organize for evangelism, ministry, discipleship, accountability, worship, etc. still exert an influence in our relationships, just not the primary one.
So while we mock Billy Graha for «only» bringing 6 % to the Lord, the results in relational evangelism may be even lower.
Since it is not easy to draw the line between proselyting and evangelism, it may also be asserted that no teacher ought to evangelize for his faith in the classroom except through the silent witness of what he (or she) as a Christian is.
In fact, miracles are so important for evangelism that when the apostles needed boldness for evangelism, they prayed: «Enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
SB 1146 «could destroy the ability of numerous faith - based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created,» warned Ed Stetzer, the executive director of Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center for Evangelism, in a recent post reporting on an earlier draft.
Police first arrested Byle for street evangelism on April 25, 2007, in the Beyoglu District of Istanbul after officers said people complained about aggressive evangelism, especially on the part of a South Korean missionary worker.
ecclēsia) is the universal body of believers that functions under the headship of Jesus Christ and meets regularly in local assemblies to carry out the Great Commission through observing the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper and listening to the preaching of the Word of God, all for the edification of the believer and the evangelism of the world.
Readiness for evangelism: i.e., clarity about the story of one's own beginning and progress in the Christian life, and the ability to tell it so that it connects with the life and faith experience of the listener.
So, I knew that when I talked about the gift of evangelism and the evangelist, I had to get Rice to weigh in for several reasons.
Further evidence for the existence of table - fellowship with «tax collectors and sinners» as a feature of the ministry of Jesus is the role played by communal meals in earliest Christianity (E. Lohmeyer, Lord of the Temple [ET by Stewart Todd of Kultus und Evangelism (1942); Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1961], pp. 79ff, discusses the central role of table - fellowship in the ministry of Jesus, but he is particularly concerned with the development towards the Last Supper, which he sees as historical, rather than with the relationship between this table - fellowship and the cross, on the one hand, and the communal meals of early Christianity on the other.)
They have the largest base in India and give out about $ 50 million worth of aid each year, but Indian officials say that Compassion and other organizations like it are using humanitarianism as a cover for their evangelism.
In addition to shaping Christian thought through his voluminous publications («Fundamentalism» and the Word of God, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, and A Quest for Godliness, to name only three of the most popular), he helped steer the flagship Evangelical magazine Christianity Today, spoke at countless Evangelical conferences and local churches, mentored hundreds of future pastors through his seminary teaching, and lent his name to the back covers of more Evangelical books than probably any other Christian endorser ever.
The implication is that the causes of the malaise are internal; they are to be found in the structure of the church, the curriculum, the strategy for evangelism, the quality of pastoral leadership, or the general level of Christian commitment.
But our work together thus far has already established several points that may have an important bearing on the future of theological education in America: (1) the party - strife between «evangelicals» and «charismatics» and «ecumenicals» is not divinely preordained and need not last forever; (2) the Wesleyan tradition has a place of its own in the theological forum along with all the others; (3) «pluralism» need not signify «indifferentism»; (4) «evangelism» and «social gospel» are aspects of the same evangel; (5) in terms of any sort of cost - benefit analysis, a partnership like AFTE represents a high - yield investment in Christian mission; and (6) the Holy Spirit has still more surprises in store for the openhearted.
The friendship and cooperation between the Arminian John Wesley and the Calvinist George Whitefield during the First Great Awakening had shown that the two groups could work together in evangelism and make common cause for the evangelical movement.
for one group that gathers on a certain day in a certain place to focus more on teaching and knowledge gifts, and not as much on service and evangelism, while another group at another place and time focuses on service and evangelism, but not as much on teaching and knowledge, and that from God's perspective, this is all okay?
Calvinists within the SBC will gain a better hearing for Reformed theology if they can combine their zeal for doctrinal purity with a passion for evangelism and a love for the brethren, including those who may not ring all five (TULIP) bells in quite the same way they do.
Yes, augment it with new models for mission, creativity in proclamation of the gospel and a renewed boldness in personal engagement in evangelism.
Look for a moment at three specific examples of the questions that missionary strategy in our age raises about evangelism.
The book is called Adventures in Fishing (for Men) and is not really about fishing at all, but about evangelism.
Interestingly enough, no one in that process sought to determine whether the vote for evangelism was a positive one, or whether it was a vote against programs of social involvement.
Watching the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries on television brought me back into an intense interest in the word of God and I am waiting for their World Evangelism Bible College to begin offering online bible college courses, which they say will be soon, but don't know for sure when they will begin.
These new devotees of evangelism are imperialistic, attacking those who deviate as secular humanists (read pagans) and demanding conformity of its adherents under pain of excommunication (read being targeted for defeat in the next election).
Nowhere was this clearer than in Youth for Christ, a movement that began as an effort to provide Christian young people with a blend of wholesome entertainment and high - powered, upbeat evangelism.
The Koran (and yes the Old Testament encourage evangelism by violence) thus we have relatively same Islamics trying to force Islamic government (and likewise Zionists taking land because it was in David's kingdom; therefore they do not have to pay for it or consider their brother semitics).
«The pool of people for which Church is able to say «those are my friends» is getting smaller and smaller... I believe in street evangelism because I believe in meeting people.»
For example, a count of headlines in this journal during one six - month period revealed a total of 136 articles on topics such as nuclear weapons, social issues, economic issues and peace, compared with only 22 articles on the Bible, nine on evangelism and nine on prayer.
Among his publications are: Keep in Step with the Spirit, Revell, 1984; God's Words: Studies of Key Bible Themes, InterVarsity Press 1981; Beyond the Battle for the Bible, Cornerstone Books, 1980; Knowing Man, Cornerstone, 1979; I Want to Be a Christian, Tyndale House, 1977; Knowing God, InterVarsity Press, 1973; Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, InterVarsity Press, 1961; «Fundamentalism» and the Word of God: Some Evangelical Principles, Eerdmans, 1958.
Most of the street evangelists talked about being secure in God's love and in our identity in Christ as an important foundation for evangelism.
The indigenously led churches do not require foreign workers in administration, and the absence of any confessed strategy of witness and evangelism to the overwhelming Muslim majority would seem to minimize opportunities for foreigners to be useful.
Perhaps that's why evangelism in many UK churches for the past 20 years or so has tended to focus on Alpha courses or inviting friends to church: what we now refer to as «friendship» evangelism.
Whether it's open - air preaching, treasure hunting or one - to - one evangelism, get yourself in community with people who are wanting to grow in it, who are wanting to go for the gospel.
Woody L. Davis, «Men and the Church: what keeps them out and what brings them in Journal of the Academy for Evangelism; Martin Pable, The quest for the male soul (Notre Dame IN: Ave Maria Press, 1996), writes: «Ian Harris's research on men's spirituality turned up a striking statistic: 86 % of the respondents to his questionnaire said that their spiritual beliefs gave them a sense of mission», pp 96, 9in Journal of the Academy for Evangelism; Martin Pable, The quest for the male soul (Notre Dame IN: Ave Maria Press, 1996), writes: «Ian Harris's research on men's spirituality turned up a striking statistic: 86 % of the respondents to his questionnaire said that their spiritual beliefs gave them a sense of mission», pp 96, 9IN: Ave Maria Press, 1996), writes: «Ian Harris's research on men's spirituality turned up a striking statistic: 86 % of the respondents to his questionnaire said that their spiritual beliefs gave them a sense of mission», pp 96, 97.
The churches have just completed two decades devoted to each of these emphases in turn, the 1960s for social action and the 1970s for evangelism.
While Students for Life advances Gospel values in their admirable pro-life work, their strategy prevents them from making evangelism an explicit core commitment.
Since all Christians are to be living out the gospel in their life, this means that all Christians are evangelists, for «evangelism» means «living the gospel.»
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