Sentences with phrase «for faithful people»

- psalm 109:9), and some Christians argue it is an appropriate way for faithful people to respond to sin in the world through prayer.
According to this indestructible hope the Spirit of the Church will always provide sufficiently for a faithful people as his body and thus prevent a revolution against the constitution of the Church that would destroy her.

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Research that I have done over the past decade suggests that a chemical messenger called oxytocin accounts for why some people give freely of themselves and others are coldhearted louts, why some people cheat and steal and others you can trust with your life, why some husbands are more faithful than others, and why women tend to be nicer and more generous than men.
I know this will draw criticism, but I say if it weren't for all the faithful people of all good religions doing good acts, helping the poor, clothing drives, and on and on, this world would be in a lot worse shape than if just your average aetheist were in charge of helping those who suffer.
Is our true desire to explore how we can be more faithful together as the people of God or to correct someone for the sake of being right?
You hit the nail squarely on the head for indeed so, biblical truths are «written on our heart» by way of the Presence of Christ's Indwelt Spirit Who is ever faithful to «guide you into all truth» and «show (us) things to come» (John 16:13) but the problem is (as is woefully evident with this Article \ s Author), too many people (believers) choose to eschew or disregard «sound doctrine» (2 Timothy 4:3) promulgating John 14:17 ignorance of the Doctrine of The Holy Spirit whose inevitable product is a darkened understanding (such as is evidenced by the Article's Author --RRB-.
Remember evidence, as is the case today, was not required for the faithful to conclude that a person or group are «evil» the word of a priest sufficed.
One small example of this in our neighborhood is the urban farm one of my friends and mentors started to provide jobs to «returning citizens»: It required the city to help give away land and clear vacant property and some startup capital from a local farming company, but it is based on the church's understanding of the needs of the people and explicitly tied to the concept that faithful believers can help disciple and encourage people who have been incarcerated for harming others, walking them through the transformative process.
You can also poke around on your Nook or Kindle — there are e-books there written for the faithful that give a detailed insight into the cult - like thinking (well, poor choice of words, a favorite LDS saying is, «the thinking is done», but you catch my drift) that's used to control their people from a very young age to find «the world» unbearable and the church to be a haven, etc..
Only living persons are to be baptized, for just before Jesus ascension to heaven, he gave the command to his eleven faithful apostles: «Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them... teaching then to observe all the things I have commanded you.»
If it is through the suffering faithful believers that this mystery is shared in the world, then perhaps deliverance will come from faithful people of the unshackled East and not from a West anesthetized by material comfort and thus still unaware of its own capacity for self - destruction.
It turned out to be essentially a continuation of what had already been revealed — a plea for prayer and penance, but with an added series of images: a ruined city, a rugged Cross, a Pope shot at with arrows, bishops, clergy and faithful people martyred.
Prophecy is where the dreams of God and the dreams of God's people meet, and the resulting poetry has shaped the rhetoric and lives of the faithful for generations, from John the Baptist to Martin Luther King Jr..
Too often, I hear faithful people waving away their problems, affirming that «God works out everything for good» without asking hard questions about how.
For this idea he had support in the ancient prophetic conception of a faithful and saving remnant standing out from a disobedient and apostate people.
He is one of the messengers that God always provides to wake us up and help prepare the way His words may bring to mind people in our own lives who have been such faithful harbingers of truth, those who have smoothed the way for us, leveling the rough places through which we must walk, even as they challenge us to seek to be the people God calls us to be.
Unlike nature, this book recalls the shadowy beginning of God's people; slavery, deliverance, wandering, revelation of God's will for the faithful community, and bright, promise in the land.
At the same time an effective support network for those who wish to live a chaste life in spite of homosexual temptations is necessary lest faithful people are left alienated and feeling separated from the Church.
Instead of simply stating the law and reacting in panic when it is widely broken, those concerned for traditional moral wisdom would do much better to affirm the high possibility of the life of faithful love, and to understand with love what is happening to people in ghettoes, in college campuses, in the life of the family today.
Sometimes, of course, the other person will cut you off or hurt you - maybe not intentionally, but as a result of feeling they aren't being faithful unless they punish you in some way for being wrong.
For the Ibadis, faith includes action; the person who commits a major sin is still a monotheist, but not faithful.
We need to say that it is possible for an individual to have faithful reasons for hanging on to substantial wealth: if, for instance, that person uses ownership in a business to pursue policies with important benefits to society, or is able to provide jobs for people that no one else would hire, or is able because of keeping their wealth to accomplish some unique and valuable good that at least equals the good that could be realized if this wealth were wisely given away.
Some Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is leading his Church into a truth which we have not been able to take in until now — that the Church's teaching that sex is for a committed, faithful, lifelong, exclusive relationship with one other person, should be widened to include gay people.
I think most of us are familiar with the concept of praying for other people, and so I will not belabor the point, other than to say that the primary prayer requests of Jesus for others is that they would remain faithful to God, and in unity with one another.
I was not referencing this scripture to point out the penalty for those who attempt to convert God's people, I used it to point out that the faithful are required to «not listen» making my point.
If evangelicals listen intently to the testimony of faithful GLBT persons, and if our side accepts evangelicals» prompting to admit our need and desire to be renewed, maybe we can strive together for a church as just and generous — and holy — as God's grace.
Red, White, Blue, and Catholicby stephen p. whiteliguori, 101 pages, $ 12.99 In this primer on Catholic citizenship, the Ethics and Public Policy Center's Stephen White reminds us that faithful citizenship is about love — «love for the people and institutions to which we are bound by birth and by....
The basic idea was to get people to recommit, to double up in their efforts at faithful attendance and daily Bible study, and to make sure they were «keeping watch» for the return of the bridegroom, so that they were not left out in the dark when He returned.
They are the persons who, in simplicity of spirit, in comforted sorrow, in humility, in yearning aspiration after goodness, in compassion for others, in purity of heart, in peace - making, and in faithful devotion even to the point of persecution, seek after God and his kingdom.
Once we know, with Luther, what we can not and do not know — for example: God directly; or anything that contributes to our own justification or salvation — then what must we know to live our lives as faithful people?
A priest who is accused of even one incident» even if it was no more than a misunderstood hug, and even if that was twenty or thirty years ago» and has given his life in faithful service to the people of God ever since, is rudely thrown out, not because he poses a credible threat to anyone but because he is a convenient scapegoat for bishops who, after years of laxity, now want to look tough.
A true pastor - teacher is one who knows the primary way of feeding and caring for his flock is through faithful and systematic teaching of Scripture, while at the same time, the teaching of Scripture is not an end in itself which is solely an academic pursuit, but is for the purpose of loving and caring for other people.
A more ancient view, still apparent at many points in the Old Testament, had been that righteousness was rewarded by prosperity and long life in this world, and misfortune was a punishment for sin; but as Israel suffered more and more adversity, and the most faithful individuals and groups were the most oppressed and afflicted, it came to be felt that the humble, the meek, the devout, the poor were the righteous people of God, and the mighty and prosperous were the proud, wicked oppressors.
All we know about «The Enemy» comes from people who have an agenda for there to be an enemy to rally the faithful.
Because we believe in divine presence, power, and authority, we know that we should plan our way, making wise, informed decisions about every aspect of life, including voting, but we must also conduct ourselves like those who believe that their God is faithful and true to his promises for his people and his plans to renew the world.
All sorts of faithful people lean on them for inspiration in trying to help the church and culture make sense of one another.
With this in mind, preachers of the «good news» needs always to remember that in their proclamation of that which in Christ God has «determined, dared, and done» (in Christopher Smart's compelling words) they are speaking not just for the contemporary Church but for the whole body of faithful people.
«Together with the Synod, I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced, and with solicitous care to make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church, for as baptized persons they can, and indeed must, share in her life.
They discerned the purpose for which they had gathered to be fourfold: (1) to impart vigour to the Christian life of the faithful, (2) to adapt to our own times those structures subject to change, (3) to promote unity among Christians, and (4) to strengthen whatever serves to call all people into the embrace of the Church.
The use of Limbo (from the Latin «limbus», for hem of edge) refers to a state of natural happiness outside heaven for babies and certain virtuous people, such as the faithful Jews who lived before Christ.
If the church does not foster that and allows for people in the pews to wander into areas of belief that do foster faith in Jesus then the church is not being faithful to the Master.
Likewise, the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s changes to its policy took place over a much longer time than Azumah names, involved persons holding many positions left undescribed, and came about not because the denomination chose to ignore the Scriptures but because over time, many of us became convinced that there are theologically and historically faithful ways of reading the Scriptures that find space for contemporary understandings of homosexuality.
Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak shalom to his people, to his faithful, to those who turn to him in their hearts.
it is impossible for any adherent of xianity to be good people and still remain faithful to the admonitions, instructions and edicts in their bibles.
I thank the Lord for your faithful service to Him as you continue to witness and minister to the blessed people throughout the UK.
But the main stress in the sacrament is found not so much in that kind of talk (which may be appropriate enough for an adult) but in the simple words with which the minister of baptism signs the baptized person with the sign of the cross as he or she is «received into the congregation of Christ's flock»: that «hereafter he [or she] shall not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, and manfully to fight under his banner, against sin, the world, and the devil, and to continue Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto his [her] life's end.»
Indeed, we don't know much about what God has in store for the world in the days to come, but as faithful people, we are invited by Jeremiah, Paul and Jesus to think about those days.
Wesley writes that, for him, much of this shame was lifted when he encountered C.S. Lewis» essay «The Weight of Glory» — a literary reflection on the moment when God glorifies his people, when followers of Jesus hear God declare, «Well done, my good and faithful servant.»
We need to be able to be faithful to our own convictions (and, for instance, I would completely understand that person refusing to marry a gay couple).
«However, as I have prayed and thought about this new role, I believe that it will be an excellent opportunity for me and the faithful people of Bro Moelwyn to grow together in our faith and service to our Lord.»
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