Sentences with phrase «for false arguments»

It is not enough for proponents of climate change policies to simply make counter scientific and economic «factual» arguments to the scientific and economic claims of the climate change policy opponents, advocates for climate policies need to help citizens understand what interests are responsible for the disinformation that is the basis for the false arguments made by opponents of climate change policies, why the tactics used the opponents of climate change policies are morally reprehensible, and why the arguments of those opposing climate change policies will continue to create huge injustices and immense suffering in the world.

Not exact matches

Essentially, Stumpf's argument is that he accepts responsibility for the scandal, but that senior executives did not create a culture that encouraged the type of behavior that led to employees opening 2 million false accounts.
In a terse decision, Judge Gregory A. Presnell of the United States District Court in Orlando rejected the former workers» arguments that Disney and the two contractors had colluded to make false statements when they applied for temporary visas, known as H - 1B, for the foreign replacements.
by There are a nine prevalent myths and false arguments that bankers and their puppet commercial investment firms have used to keep people from buying physical gold and physical silver over the years (remember the paper GLD and the paper SLV is NOT a proxy for physical gold and physical silver and from the information -LSB-...]
For them ideas, especially political ones, are badges of elite membership, not notions that could be true or false, not arguments that can be made or refuted.
If, for the sake of argument, evolution is true, then creationism is false.
The idea of an «absolute antidote» suggests a different concept of the human than is presumed in Hitchens's argument: a being capable of enslavement by his darker side, one whose infinite desire for something beyond himself can be short - circuited into various «false infinities» (Ratzinger), who can redeem himself only by restoring the circuitry of his absolute relationship with his Generator.
The best way to meet Boswell's argument is to grant for a moment that the O.T. prohibitions reflect idolatrous worship practices, that homosexual acts are wrong because they are used liturgically in false worship of false gods and goddesses.
The argument states that no one would die for something they knew to be false.
So not only is your argument weak, so is the method you take for your arguing by the same standard that you judge religion to be false.
His comment could easily be deconstructed and a reasonable argument being made for that being false.
I disagree, lack of scientific knowledge does not increase the argument for an intelligent designer, that's a false dichotomy fallacy.
Carl, saying that RH's use of a fallacy «thereby conceded the argument» is itself a fallacy, The «Argument From Fallacy» Fallacy, which sis the potentially faulty assumption that if an argument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion itself iargument» is itself a fallacy, The «Argument From Fallacy» Fallacy, which sis the potentially faulty assumption that if an argument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion itself iArgument From Fallacy» Fallacy, which sis the potentially faulty assumption that if an argument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion itself iargument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion itself is false.
For the folks commenting that God can see thru your false belief, Pascal addressed that: «Following his argument establishing the Wager, Pascal addressed the possibility that some people may not be willing to sincerely believe in God even after acknowledging the enormous benefit of betting in favor of God's existence.
for instance, you'd be amazed to know that I don't consider myself a Wengerite; I never extol his virtues, but since I always try to counter anyone using false info to justify their arguments, I realise I'm regarded as being Wenger In)
The point being that the biggest argument for controlling marijuana, the claim that it lead to use of worse drugs, was pretty much proven to be false, and most statisticians and researchers seem to agree on that fact today.
The first leg of the dioxin - based argument for a vegetarian or vegan diet — that dioxins are potent human carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, reproductive disruptors, and immune disruptors — has been shown above to be either false or irrelevant at the level of dioxins currently consumed in the US.
Although the first tenet of the dioxin - based argument for vegetarianism, that dioxins are potent human carcinogens, endocrine disruptors, reproductive disruptors, and immune disruptors appears to be false or irrelevant to humans at the levels at which they are exposed, it is still sensible for us to err on the side of caution and, ceteris paribus (all things being equal), opt for a lower dioxin intake over a higher one.
Chief amongst the arguments levelled against is that as a background check for criminal records inevitably can not be 100 % reliable, such checks create a false sense of security which may make ordinary members of an internet dating service actually more vulnerable to undesirables who do slip through the net.
Karen's last - minute argument for his father to preserve his own life falls flat because it rings false.
But that deconstructionist argument also tears down any semblance of artistic merit within the work itself: If everything is fictional and false, then there's no nobler rationale for the bare flesh, and thus the nudity in Killer Joe and Compliance is, pure and simple, sheer exploitation — of no greater value than the top - doffing teens of Project X, the bathing beauties of Piranha 3DD, or the softcore action of a vintage Shannon Tweed vehicle on Cinemax.
Included within this teacher PPT are 27 starters to revise high frequency vocabulary, grammar and essential exam topics ⁃ 2 false friend activities ⁃ Opposites match up ⁃ Gap fill - nouns in German ⁃ Dominoes - adjectives ⁃ Match up - negative expressions ⁃ Categorisation of irregular verbs in 6 tenses ⁃ Unscramble letters - reflexive verbs ⁃ Reading comprehension - leisure ⁃ Gap fill - possessive pronouns ⁃ Writing - house and home ⁃ Writing - free time ⁃ Categorisation - adjectives to describe personality ⁃ Town or countryside - arguments for and against ⁃ Ideal town conditional writing frame ⁃ Sentence match - directions ⁃ Reading comprehension - school timetable ⁃ Crossword - higher numbers ⁃ Writing / speaking - common questions with numbers ⁃ Writing - times ⁃ Word search - time phrases ⁃ Match up - question words ⁃ Word unscramble - restaurant vocabulary ⁃ Common questions ⁃ Opinion adjectives - fill in the missing vowels ⁃ Opinions - past, present or future?
Over the years, our Facebook and Twitter feeds have become a hotbed for unfounded claims, unverified or false information, and mind - numbingly myopic arguments one could only very loosely refer to as «rhetoric».
To give you a taste of what is coming in Part 2, the arguments can be summarized as: 1) Education does not lend itself to a single «best» approach, so the Gates effort to use science to discover best practices is unable to yield much productive fruit; 2) As a result, the Gates folks have mostly been falsely invoking science to advance practices and policies they prefer for which they have no scientific support; 3) Attempting to impose particular practices on the nation's education system is generating more political resistance than even the Gates Foundation can overcome, despite their focus on political influence and their devotion of significant resources to that effort; 4) The scale of the political effort required by the Gates strategy of imposing «best» practices is forcing Gates to expand its staffing to levels where it is being paralyzed by its own administrative bloat; and 5) The false invocation of science as a political tool to advance policies and practices not actually supported by scientific evidence is producing intellectual corruption among the staff and researchers associated with Gates, which will undermine their long - term credibility and influence.
Colbert revealed what a lot of the populace already knew: that the causes for war were trumped up, and the administration was colluding with policy circles in Washington, D.C., and the mainstream media to prop up false arguments for the status quo.
An argument for tolerating false identification of teachers is minimizing the risk to students.
Echoing arguments made last month in the pages of the Hill by Schott Foundation President John Jackson, Judith Browne Dianis of the Advancement Project and wishy - washy education professor Pedro Noguera, Journey for Justice declares with no evidence that testing and accountability has somehow harmed poor and minority kids as well as supposedly «narrowed curriculum» (an argument that has been proven false by research from the likes of the U.S. Department of Education and Quadrant Arts Education Research's Robert Morrison).
The arguments against a living wage for teachers — they get the summers off, they have a six - hour day, and so on — are tired, damaging, and based on false information.
The argument for natural variability is based on a false premise, that the world's environment of today was the same as lets say the year 1535, with a small exception of 6 billion people and hundreds of millions of internal combustion engines constantly belching out fumes in the air we breathe.
It's a misdirection argument, i.e., a particular form of false dilemma, and related to the arguments * for * geoengineering in the Carlin paper, of which Gavin said:
I was in court when Ms Reilly's genial co-counsel made his argument for Mann, which was a straightforward appeal to authority: Why, all these eminent acronymic bodies, from the EPA and NSF and NOAA even unto HMG in London, have proved that all criticisms of Mann are false and without merit.
Unlike opposition to the wind industry, there is no need for arguments to be confined to selfish motives nor is there a need to desperately look for arguments of dubious veracity, or arguments that are simply false.
As a guess, I'd suspect that the reason for the disparate benefice is that, in a true example of his very false canard directed at Steve M. (and Craig Loehle, for that matter), TCO's comments were in fact «on [Gavin's] side,» in contrast to Jerry's very powerful arguments detailing the failure of GCMs to model the upward cascade of enstrophy.
Strassel asserted that Healey targeted ALEC because it is «one of the most powerful forces in the country for free - market legislation,» an argument she based on the false premise that «ALEC doesn't now, and hasn't ever, taken a position on the climate.»
To be convincing, the arguments for climate change need to change from the burden of proof model to a model whereby a thesis is supported explicitly by addressing the issue of what the case would have to look like for the thesis to be false, in the mode of argument justification (e.g. Betz 2010).
Given that people on Brulle's side of the Global Warming / Climate Change argument have been making false claims for decades — for example, that New York and Washington would be under water by the year 20004 — and given that the mass media sound daily alarms about the climate threat, the statement in the National Research Council report that «some» information sources are «affected» by campaigns opposed to policies that would limit carbon dioxide emissions is scant foundation for believing a massive conspiracy exists.5
These arguments strike a chord for the reasons discussed above, but it's important to keep showing how empty and false they are, to dissipate the delusion of denial and bathe all who will listen in the sunshine of reality.»
It looks like EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has a good procedural argument for reopening the Obama era false finding that CO2 emissions endanger human health and welfare.
However, if, for ideological reasons, you want to tear it down by using false arguments against it, the first thing that you have to do is mischaracterize.
In its argument for the existence of CAGW, Working Group 1 employs the negated law as a false premise thusly arriving at the conclusion that CAGW is proved when it is not proved on account of the false premise.
The seasonal cycle simply is a false argument, as that doesn't influence the trend (neither do the tides for sea levels...).
As the premise is false, this argument for CAGW is unproved.
Thus, when the uniform prior is used as a premise to an argument for CAGW, this premise is false, by the law of non-contradiction.
I didn; t have time for this, but at least I read the whole thing through... The argument that glacial retreat started in 1850, therefore it doesn't support ACW is false.
«One by one, literally every argument and excuse they've been using for years is being proven false.
-- CREDO calls State Dept's EIS on Keystone XL «coward's logic» in statement: «The State Department's environmental assessment is a vehicle for the White House to test the waters to see if the public will buy its false and cynical argument that the Canadian Tar Sands are going to get burned anyway, and so the government's chief climate scientist's assertion that Keystone XL will spell «game over» for the climate may be true but is essentially irrelevant,» said Becky Bond, political director at CREDO.
4) For the sake of argument, if we allow the (known to be false) assumption that the uncertainty of Anthro was constrained by Greenhouse and OA alone, we can then calculate a derived uncertainty using the relationships between Greenhouse and OA shown on Figure 10.4.
The latter argument is particularly problematic, for as the International Energy Agency has noted, deferring mitigation is probably a «false economy» and can significantly increase total costs over time.
Thank you for expression of rational arguments in the face of an untimely, sadly false and publicized, opinion.
As reported in the International Herald Tribute, Paul Volcker, speaking to American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, said «the argument that taxes on oil or carbon emissions, for example, would ruin an economy was «fundamentally false
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