Sentences with phrase «for fans of the franchise»

And if it's been in development over the last year without any negative change in trajectory, that's very, very good news for fans of the franchise.
This was a game that was made for the fans of the franchise and not really to bring new fans into it.
Despite some rough edges, it achieves that goal very well and should be a lot of fun for fans of the franchise to play.
Luckily for fans of this franchise, it's not into next year, however, it is still a sizeable delay.
It's a big surprise for fans of the franchise that the game finally came out on a console.
This expansion is another slap to the face for all fans of the franchise.
While it's ideal for fans of the franchise, the absence of the second game and some dated mechanics in the fighting system are serious cons.
It's quite strange, it has lots of problems and it is made mostly for fans of the franchise.
This one was for the fans of the franchise aka the kids and that is all.
Add in a compelling if simple story and the always entertaining titular detective, and you get a great adventure for fans of the franchise.
The very same thing we got promised but never got, that is the least they can do for fans of their franchise the very same fans who brought them were they are today.
While it lacked a satisfying ending, it's still a worthwhile investment for fans of the franchise.
Awesome news for fans of those franchises, but neither game is actually rumored to be in development, they've already been confirmed by the creators themselves.
Despite some rough edges, it achieves that goal very well and should be a lot of fun for fans of the franchise to play.
This was a game that was made for the fans of the franchise and not really to bring new fans into it.
It is fairly clear that the board game won't add any more gameplay to the standard Monopoly game, but the idea of seeing familiar locations and factions represented on the board is of course exciting for fans of the franchise.
In addition to the classic games, developer Digital Eclipse is also adding in a few new exciting features for fans of the franchise, including a Challenge Mode and leaderboards, so you can compete with friends.
Nintendo did add some new features, such as the battle mode and other small enhancements, making Mario Kart 8 the best buy for any fan of the franchise.
Critic Consensus: Slow, joyless, and loaded with unintentionally humorous moments, Breaking Dawn Part 1 may satisfy the Twilight faithful, but it's strictly for fans of the franchise.
Despite wasting Oscar Isaac's talent and having all - around boring villains, X-Men: Apocalypse is still a must - see for fans of the franchise, while more casual superhero enthusiasts will enjoy its bold action sequences and emotional character backstories.
It was a real treat for the fans of the franchise since it included more opportunities to go wherever you want, being subjected to fewer restrictions than in the previous Assassin's Creed titles.
In the end, Berserk and the Band of the Hawk offers plenty of content for fans of the franchise in an impressively presented package.
«We're honored to have the opportunity to develop «Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties» with Ensemble Studios and confident that the innovation of both teams will deliver an exciting experience for fans of this franchise,» said Brian Reynolds, chief executive officer and creative director of Big Huge Games.
Overall, Uncharted Golden Abyss is a must own for fans of the franchise and Vita owners alike.
Value: With 40 playable characters and a seemingly endless single - player campaign, Tekken 6 is a good deal for fans of the franchise willing to put up with some online issues.
We love where the story is taking Agents Jay and Kay and know this new chapter will deliver a fresh fun twist for fans of the franchise while also introducing the Men in Black to a whole new generation of moviegoers.»
Last generation's UFC - licensed titles were mediocre at best, which was a real disappointment for fans of the franchise.
It looks like Vin Diesel «s Dominic Toretto has switched sides in the new movie and gone full - on bad guy, quite a shock for fans of the franchise, and a bold move for the filmmakers and Universal Pictures.
Everything I said in my review of the vanilla game still stands — it's an incredible experience in zombie - slaughtering that's paired with a story that's surprisingly affecting for fans of the franchise.
While the film relies a bit too much on fan - service and could have been trimmed to a more palatable runtime, it's still a must - watch for fans of the franchise.
This would be a good time for fans of the franchise to re-watch that 11 - minute gameplay demo then, and shed a tear.
According to Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli, «nobody would accept» the title except for fans of the franchise, and that overall, it's a pretty hard sell for publishers.
New gameplay footage for Mass Effect: Andromeda was shown off at CES 2017 in the presentation of Nvidia, further drumming up excitement for fans of the franchise after receiving confirmation on the title's release date.
This event space will only be up for a limited time (though we do have some more surprises for fans of the franchise scheduled to release in the not - so - distant future, including a bunch of awesome MotorStorm clothes, so stay tuned to this here blog thingy for more news).
Throw in the fact that the company has already explained that the new title is going to details how Charlie Nash comes back from the dead to go up against M. Bison and how it bridges the gap between IV and III, and the wait seems pretty tough for fans of the franchise's lore.
Though not a direct sequel, there are small mentions of our brave hero Oliver and a few throw - backs that will bring out a little nostalgia for fans of the franchise.
In the shadows of this announcement lurks some rather disappointing news for the fans of the franchise though.
Sadly the additional content from Persona 3 FES was omitted, but it was a must - own port for fans of the franchise.
The game carries sufficient challenge for fans of the franchise and newcomers alike, and Mellow Mode is a great alternative for kids and inexperienced gamers.
Their output on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita has been somewhat reassuring for fans of the franchise, especially in western markets.
In other Telltale Games news, the upcoming Season 3 for The Walking Dead, called A New Frontier, has had its premier trailer released today for fans of the franchise to check out.
Every year, a new expansion, item pack, or mainline game is released, and for fans of the franchise such as myself, we...
Microsoft has plenty of Forza news for fans of the franchise at their 2014 E3 Press Conference.
Definitely a must buy game for fans of the franchise, especially if Syndicate left a sour taste in your mouth.
This is perfect not only for fans of the franchise but also for those who are new to RPG games.
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