Sentences with phrase «for fear they would»

«Even though public universities are not affected by the endowment tax, they are very much opposed to it, for fear it would set a precedent that would be applied to them in the future,» Terry Hartle of the American Council on Education told NPR in December.
Since the start of the year a bill has been proposed in America's Congress to block the government from using telecoms equipment made by Huawei and ZTE; and Mr Trump has halted the takeover of Qualcomm by Broadcom, a rival chipmaker, on national - security grounds, for fear it would give China the edge in setting standards for 5G, a wireless technology.
The Department of Justice sued to block the deal for fear it would give AT&T too much power.
Milestones Nigeria A week before it was to take place, Nigeria's presidential election was postponed for fear it would spark violence.
The thing was though, was that I wanted to know I hadn't committed it, but I didn't want to know what it was for fear I would then be thinking on it.
But I guess I can't leave it at that, for fear you'd have the wrong idea about what I have or don't have below the belt.
These are definitely company worthy, and ONLY happening when we have company for fear I would eat the whole pan if I didn't have to share:)
I love Julia Child but have never attempted her own recipe well for fear I would end up screwing it up 100 %.
It looks interesting but I hesitate for fear I would make a math error and put the wrong amount of one of the ingredients and waste it all.
I've been dying to open up a nice bottle of red wine, but haven't for fear I would have to (gasp) drink it all.
Much to the dismay of many of our taste testers, Test Kitchen Dictator Manager Brad Leone was adamant that we abide by a strict no - buns policy, for fear it would compromise the test's purity (Martin's Potato Rolls, we love you).
In the past, Campbell admitted, the NHL went slowly for fear it would look foolish in revoking rule changes that didn't work.
Wowzers... I was scared to check the comment section for fear it would be exactly like this.
«Our Davey was the kid you had to lock in the bathroom with you when you were showering for fear he'd get into something.
Schmidt said she did not tell anyone at the time for fear it would hurt her swimming career, only told her parents at age 17, and, up to recently, had only shared the information with a few coaches and close friends.
I think it worked well for us because he never liked being in a wet or poopy diaper so I didn't want to wait too long to teach him to go in the toilet for fear he'd accept the diapers and stop hating it somehow.
I would not let me 2 year old grandson eat foods with it for fear it would bind up in his intestine.
The decision to get pregnant was extremely hard to make for the fear she had and the trust she lacked.
I couldn't admit to him what I suspected was up for fear he'd think I was crazy.
The conservative Gorsuch joined the court in April 2017 and has yet to weigh in on mandatory union fees, but government employee unions opposed his appointment by President Trump for fear he'd side with his fellow conservatives.
Two other commission members, Philippe Sands QC, a Liberal Democrat adviser, and the Labour peer Baroness Kennedy QC, opposed the introduction of a UK bill of rights for fear it would be used to lever the UK out of the Strasbourg court.
The governor recalled how the 2002 Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act deliberately excluded transgender persons from its protections for fear it would poison the bill's chances of passage, and the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act — which would have extended those legal shields to individuals who do not conform to prevailing sexual identification norms — has passed the Assembly eight times, but State Senate leadership prevented it from coming up for a vote.
2 Nicolaus Copernicus never wrote down his theories for fear it would jeopardize his day job working for the Catholic Church.
In winter the observers didn't use the anemometer, an instrument for measuring wind speed, for fear it would be damaged by the supercooled water droplets that froze to everything, leaving the observatory caked in windblown ice.
But she was deliberate and more than a little superstitious, so she had waited to call for an obstetrician's appointment for fear she would miscarry.
As a result, new teachers were reluctant to confide in their mentors, implement research - based practices that went against the status quo, or ask for help for fear it would hurt their careers.
NASA earlier proposed a greater U.S. contribution to Euclid, but the U.S. astrophysics community was not supportive for fear it would drain resources from WFIRST or other U.S. space science priorities.
I only added 1 egg yolk for fear it would interrupt the fasting but I stick with the coffee and liquid fats.
In spite of the many negative side effects of the progestins, many doctors have hesitated to prescribe progesterone cream instead, for fear it would not protect the endometrium.
I normally wouldn't have bought a skirt this length for fear it would look unflattering and dowdy but, when priced at $ 4, it was a bargain that was hard to pass up.
I didn't dare try it on for fear I would fall in deeply in love with it and then would spend the month obsessing over it.
I would not be brave enough to try sewing something onto leather for fear it would rip.
I am pretty sure he was on to my bogus door excuse but chose to ignore the nonsense for fear it would just lead to more conversations about possible colors, shades, hues and undertones.
I wouldn't put it in the dryer though for fear it would shrink.
Maybe you were even once a victim and you didn't want to tell anyone for fear you'd be looked down on for falling for the scanner's tactics.
We wouldn't dare view their profile for fear they would see ours in return.
I think Tears for Fears has a song that might explain why.
And this puts teachers off using force, for fear they would end up facing an allegation from the pupil, she said.
He turns to me abruptly and pretends to startle — our old gag — and explains how justice is either impersonal and indifferent or extremely personal and shamelessly vindictive, and how finding yourself in front of our volatile jury system means submitting your fate to a bunch of people whose omelets you wouldn't dream of eating for fear they hadn't washed their hands.
The Wall Street Journal reports that many publishers refused to participate in Amazon's Kindle Owner's Library for fear it would debase the value of their existing catalogs, and they're right.
In fact, Tahlia's comments kind of put me there last week, which is why I waited until today to reply for fear I'd retaliate like this -
The problem for most people was there wasn't a location that was close or they might not want to be seen going in and out of a payday loan store for fear they would run into somebody they knew.
is a fairly large oriental rug (which is one of the nicest things I own), so I am a little leery of putting something on it, for fear it would make it powdery and / or affect the colors — ?
They seemed to block every great idea that came along for fear it would lead to arguments on the forums:
«I... have had a bizarre reluctance to assimilate too much new art for fear it would make me forget my life,» she said, and so she lived in almost - isolation.
In a country where the seascapes are typically linear, pristine, and strangely unpunctuated by boats (Cubans aren't allowed to have them, for fear they'd flee the country) the platform breaks the plane and begs questions about development and progress.
Apparently some recyclers stopped shipping their plastic to China in the early fall, for fear it wouldn't arrive before the deadline.
These rules the President put on hold in 2011 in an effort to reduce «regulatory burdens and regulatory uncertainty, particularly as our economy continues to recover» — or maybe for fear they would harm his reelection chances in 2012.
That's a dirty little secret the insurance industry doesn't want you to know, for fear it would kill the sale.
The last time Jamie had to go to the hospital for emergency care, he had to make sure that his friends used his «legal name and gender when interacting with the hospital staff for fear they wouldn't treat me, or wouldn't treat me appropriately.»
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