Sentences with phrase «for female dogs»

It's quite common for female dogs who have just had a litter of puppies to eat their poop so that she can hide evidence of the pups from predators.
Simple solution disposable dog diaper is perfect for female dogs.
This name is most commonly used for female dogs that have their male owners wrapped around their little finger — or paw.
There's no reason for a female dog to have even one litter.
On the other hand, the term spay is used to describe the surgical procedure for female dogs.
A dog pregnancy is one of the most amazing, yet vulnerable times for a female dog as well as her unborn puppies.
Its especially important for female dogs intended for breeding to be vaccinated.
It is especially important for female dogs intended for breeding to be current on vaccinations.
Some people claim that it is better for female dogs to have a litter of puppies before being spayed because it is «healthier» for them.
Are you looking for a diaper for your female dog who is in heat?
The lower limit for males is 18 months old, and 14 months old for female dogs.
You'll find ideas for female dog names, male dog names, cute dog names, even Latin dog names!
Women tend to live longer than men do, but did you know this life span edge holds true for female dogs too?
No, there is no advantage to letting your pet have one litter or even to let for female dogs and cats go through a heat cycle.
Many are under the impression that there are health benefits to waiting for your female dog or cat to either go into heat or have a litter at least once before spaying.
It is normal for a female dog to be very aggressive, and even attack, if a stranger approaches her puppies.
You can start your search for female dog names here.
For female dog owners: Please be aware that during check in we will ask you to wait while our doctor checks to see if your dog is in heat.
This compared to the international breed standards which is 56 - 57 cm for male dogs and 54 - 56 cm for females dogs.
It is possible for a female dog or cat that has gone through spay surgery to show signs of heat — bleeding, attracting males, and behavioral changes — after the surgery.
You will hear the word «bitch» a lot; it's the proper term for a female dog, and you will have to get used to it.
Did you know that many people «in the dog world» (such as dog show enthusiasts) use the word dog for male dogs, and bitch for female dogs?
Although back to back breeding can be considered healthy, organizing breeding after breeding after breeding purely for increasing revenue is potentially dangerous for the female dog and totally unethical.
Although male dogs are more likely to mark urine than females it is not unknown for a female dog to scent mark too.
He would be wonderful as a companion dog for a female dog.
Truth be told, there's absolutely no need for your female dog to ever have a heat cycle or to have puppies before spaying.
This name is used for female dogs that have dominant traits or is the center of attention of her human owners.
There is an extra fee, $ 50, for female dogs who have had a heat cycle or are in heat.
The name Dixie is a popular name for female dogs in the southern United States and seems best suited to dogs that have rather graceful and ladylike demeanors.
Meanwhile, certain types of cancer such as mammary and cervical cancer, are almost eliminated completely for female dogs spayed before sexual maturity.
Blossom — Blossom is the perfect name for a female dog who loves to be pampered and adorned with frills.
There are many benefits for female dogs specifically.
There are lots of different yorkie cuts and styles but some of them are most suitable for female dogs.
Ben - In the U.S., ovariohysterectomy (same surgery you are describing) is almost a «standard» recommendation for female dogs and cats.
In older dog's a condition called canine cognitive dysfunction can be the cause for female dog incontinence.
Profanity: A word for a female dog is used in its proper context and as an expletive.
Volunteers who gather donated supplies hold clinics as often as possible but the numbers are too great to even make a dent without the help of a sterilent for female dogs.
An anxious dog might tear down a tree, chew on some ornaments, unwrap every gift, finish off the turkey, shatter some glassware, knock down Aunt Betty, mistake Dad's leg for a female dog and Uncle Harry's coat for a fire hydrant, and much, much more.
Female dogs are known to hump, and while she doesn't do it as much as her male counterparts, it isn't uncommon for a female dog.
In nature, it is instinctive for a female dog to dig so to build a den to raise her young.
Being in heat or estrus is something of a hormonal roller coaster for female dogs.
Why can't we show Paternal Haplotype results for female dogs?
Its meaning can be interpreted as «white shouldered» or «with a web or veil over her face,» perfect for a female dog with a white blaze or collar, like a border collie or rough collie.
These stylish female dog diapers (Petego Hot Pants Dog Panties) offer safety for female dogs in heat and for urination incontinence in dogs.
An inexpensive, easily available local anesthetic has been shown to provide good pain relief for female dogs after spay surgery.
Please look at the area of the incision daily (middle of the belly for female dogs and cats, scrotal area for male dogs and cats).
● For female dogs: o The sutures do not require removal; they should dissolve on their own in 30 days.
Dog period diapers specially designed for female dogs that wrap their private area to absorb discharges blood to provide a comfortable life.
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