Sentences with phrase «for free school meals»

The programme was found to have a differential effect for pupils eligible for free school meals compared to their peers.
But the government managed to match 82 per cent of students to their eligibility for free school meals in year 11.
Schools also reported improvement in how learners who qualify for free school meals were supported as they progressed through school.
Schools would also see a boost in funding through the pupil premium, which is given to schools to support children registered for free school meals.
The study found that attainment had been improving for pupils who were eligible for free school meals for less than 60 per cent of their time in schools.
The report found that 4.9 per cent of students eligible for free school meals achieved three A grades or better, compared to 11 per cent of their peers who were not eligible.
The reading ability of pupils eligible for free school meals at age 7 in 2015 was 6 percentage points closer to the level of their peers than 5 years ago.
It found that just 24 per cent of children eligible for free school meals attend higher education compared to 42 per cent of children from more privileged backgrounds.
However the improvement was small for pupils eligible for free school meals between 60 per cent and 90 per cent of the time.
The figures show only 52 % of children eligible for free school meals reached the expected standard, compared with 70 % of all other pupils and 67 % of pupils overall.
Even some children whose family incomes are low enough to qualify for free school meals never actually get them.
And I believe there's also a connection between being on food stamps and certification for free school meals, so pushing kids off the former affects the latter.
Because to achieve «outstanding» your data for free school meals pupils must be equal to the progress of your non free school meals children.
Parents to be charged, except when children are registered for free school meals where reduced charges will be made at the discretion of the respective Principal.
The responses were representative of all year groups as well as reflecting our community in terms of eligibility for free school meals.
To count in the group, children must come from families earning below the median income level, yet don't qualify for free school meals.
With more children registering for free school meals, we've also got to make sure that we continue to encourage more children to take them up.
The premium is paid for pupils who have been eligible for free school meals over the previous six years or who have been in care.
It found that just 24 % of children eligible for free school meals attend higher education compared to 42 % of children from more privileged backgrounds.
In 2013 the Lib Dems said they had agreed to the tax breaks in exchange for free school meals in primary schools, a policy championed by the then deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg.
«Given the advantages of this policy, it is essential that the Government retains its commitment to it, helps schools share good practice in terms of managing provision and ensures that the funding schools receive for addressing poverty and deprivation is not affected by the lower registrations for free school meals that may be an unintended consequence of this initiative.»
EPI executive director Natalie Perera told The Observer: «Around 900,000 children from low - income families will lose their eligibility for free school meals under these proposals.
Robert Halfon MP: How a cross-party campaign for free school meals won the backing of Michael Gove and Nick Clegg
Continue reading «Robert Halfon MP: How a cross-party campaign for free school meals won the backing of Michael Gove and Nick Clegg»»
The Department for Education is consulting on plans to restrict children's eligibility for free school meals if their parents claim universal credit, the new one - size - fits - all system that will replace several other benefits from 2022.
The eligibility criteria for free school meals include families claiming jobseekers» allowance, income - related employment and support allowance and those receiving child tax credit and with an income less than # 16,190 per year.
New analysis by the IfS, funded by the Children's Commissioner Anne Longfield, looks at the potential long - term impact of the government's new # 7,400 earnings threshold for free school meals under the new universal credit benefits system.
Identified students include those who qualify for free meals because they live in households that participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), as well as children who are certified for free school meals without submitting a school meal application because of their status as being in foster care, enrolled in Head Start, homeless, runaway, or migrant students.
But Andy Ratcliffe, the chief executive of the private equity philanthropy charity Impetus, which funds education projects, said the plan means some pupils will gain and then lose eligibility for free school meals within the space of a few months, at the same time as the census data which informs exam results and school funding is collected.
At the age of 11, the gap was 16.8 % but rose to 26.2 % at 16 when exam results of pupils eligible for free school meals compared with those not eligible.
The panel have also called for free school meals to be extended to parents on low pay and new laws to stop utility providers charging people on pre-paid meters more.
They were youngsters who are on free school meals during term time (1 million pupils), and those who don't qualify for free school meals because their parents «work for their poverty» (2 million youngsters).
The CEP allows districts and schools to serve free meals without paperwork if at least 40 percent of their students are already automatically enrolled for free school meals due to their participation in other means - tested programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).
If the achievement of children who are temporarily eligible for free school meals due to the recession is higher than children whose families are on benefits for a longer period of time, then the gap between free school meal and non-free school meal children will narrow.
Ms Rayner also highlighted that many working families on low - incomes and in multiple jobs did not quality for free school meals.
He has been caricatured as a Blairite, but his call to abolish the charitable status of private schools in order to pay for free school meals for the poorest children in our society, and his support for a mansion tax, reflect his strong social - democratic credentials.
Jenny Whittle, Conservative councillor and committee chair, has said that figures are improving with grammar pupils eligible for free school meals now over three per cent, but admitted she would like to see that figure doubled.
The combination of working long hours and low pay can make it difficult for parents to provide nutritious meals for children (Green, 2007), yet some parents do not apply for free school meals for fear of stigmatisation (Seaman et al. 2005).
Russell Hobby, general secretary of school leaders» union NAHT, says: «We know that not all children who are eligible for free school meals claim them.
Meanwhile, maths results were boosted by one month overall, and even more for free school meal pupils, who made an extra two months» progress.
«A third of our pupils are on some sort of fee reduction, but where the line would be drawn for free school meals is something we would have to look at,» he said.
Figures show that just five per cent of children eligible for free school meals gain five A grades at GCSE, while a child living in one of England's most disadvantaged areas is 27 times more likely to go to an inadequate school than a child living in one of the least disadvantaged.
However, the government is planning to introduce means testing for free school meals under universal credit, which The Children's Society warns will fail to reach one million children in poverty and will create a «cliff - edge» where many families would be better off taking a pay cut.
«The need for parents to register their children as eligible for free school meals means that many children miss out.
It comes after several public clashes between Mr Clegg and former education secretary Michael Gove — particularly over funding for free school meals.
Other LAs with a different set up for free school meals applications (it often sits within another department) will need to work together to find common ground for the benefits of our pupils and schools.
When compared with their peers, the performance of both boys and girls eligible for free school meals progressively worsens at every stage it is measured.
Across England, DEMOS said that the attainment gap for free school meals pupils was 26.7 % in 2013 - 14, up from 26.4 % in 2011 - 12 but reduced from 27.5 % in 2010 - 11 when the pupil premium policy was introduced.

Phrases with «for free school meals»

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