Sentences with phrase «for future exploration»

For future exploration missions, this oxygen could be used to support the crew's breathing needs.
It's not just the exploration platforms they have, it's the rights they paid for future exploration.
While that may be an opportunity for future exploration, for now, the simpler method of counting seems like a good start.
«These results define specific targets for future exploration of Mercury by orbiting and landed spacecraft.»
This work will serve as a useful reference for future exploration of Europa.
«It's long been a goal in planetary exploration to send a dedicated probe into the atmosphere of Saturn, and we're laying the groundwork for future exploration with this first foray.»
Fuzzy, the difference is that atheists recognize that science explains everything we know about the universe, and those things we don't know are simply «unknown» and are avenues for future exploration.
The crews will be able to grow and eat fresh produce and feel closer to Earth during their missions.NASA believes this is key for future explorations.
The potential for such activity in this small ocean world has made Enceladus a prime target for future exploration in search of habitable environments in the solar system beyond Earth.
The $ 2.3 million research project may be a dress rehearsal for future exploration when a modified version of ENDURANCE could be dispatched to explore the extreme environments of the solar system, such as Mars or Jupiter's moons.
«Because of planetary protection and our desire to go back to Enceladus, go back to Titan, go back to the Saturn system, we must protect those bodies for future exploration,» Jim Green, director of NASA's planetary science division, said at a news conference on September 13.
The interstate was subsequently built over these parcels, and nearly 17 additional acres near the site were preserved for future exploration.
In parallel, NASA is developing an Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM)-- a first - ever mission to identify, capture and redirect an asteroid to a safe orbit of Earth's moon for future exploration by astronauts in the 2020s.
But on 9 March, the output shot up to 93 % of its initial level, giving it more power for future exploration.
As it is a highly efficient engine, it is expected to be an important technological tool for our future exploration of the Moon and the planets.
The orbiter is also measuring radiation, looking for good spots for future exploration, and mapping the moon's topography to 100 - meter resolution.
The video takes you on a tour of several different regions, some of which still present tantalizing mysteries for future exploration.
Better understanding how signatures of life and environment are preserved will guide how and where to look for evidence for life elsewhere in the universe — directly supporting the Curiosity mission on Mars and helping set strategic goals for future explorations of solar system and studies of the early Earth.
NASA's Cassini mission has revealed the small, icy Saturn moon Enceladus to be one of the solar system's most scientifically interesting destinations for future exploration.
Yoga Practice Video: Practice along with Olga in a 40 - minute exploratory yoga practice that will show you how to introduce proper back bending and side bending technique to build a solid foundation for future exploration.
«We think these could be interesting targets for future exploration,» Mustard said.
Opportunities in cave research may be few currently, but with the development of new techniques, a whole new world is opening for future exploration, says Giovanni Badino, a speleologist and physicist at University of Turin.
The study suggests that glass deposits are relatively common impact features on Mars and could be targets for future exploration.
Through these observations and others, supported by Society members and their donations, the Society is playing an active role in helping to «retire» some of the risk of impact from NEOs and to reveal the properties of these interesting and valuable targets for future exploration.
«Given that it's such an important target for future exploration and perhaps returning a sample to Earth, we hope this will serve as a framework for more detailed study and landing site selection.»
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