Sentences with phrase «for gale force»

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From November through February, 30 - foot swells and gale - force winds lash the western shores of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, putting on an awesome show for guests at the Wickaninnish Inn.
I had never planned to go, but Spurs» ability to sustain a plan for 90 minutes and to pick themselves up after an average first half, features so distinct from past sides and vital to our 2018 surge, blew us gale - force into the quarter finals.
«You'd be prosecuted for keeping dogs in these conditions» a fellow volunteer said to me this weekend, as we watched driving rain and gale - force winds tear the Calais Jungle apart.
The best way for a popular mayor to remain that way is to catch a changing wind before it acquires gale force, in this case a wind set in motion by the Kane evaluation.
Weather forecasters are urging residents of the Western and Northern Cape to be prepared for freezing temperatures, heavy rains, snow and gale force winds.
Temperatures plummeted, gale - force winds (30 - 40 mph) rocked southern Michigan, and for reasons completely unrelated to weather, my wife and I were running late for a hockey game located 53 miles away by freeway.
Mazda attempted something similar with the introduction of the overhauled Mazda6 — going for broke on an updated, U.S. - specific chassis and launching it headlong into the hurricane - force gale that was the economic collapse of 2008 - 2009.
Warm winds blowing at up to gale force intensity from the south have assaulted the ice with high waves and above - freezing temperatures for about four days now.
When gale force winds harm roofs and windows, this often creates the opportunity for rain and debris to cause additional damage.
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