Sentences with phrase «for gamesmanship»

For all their gamesmanship, though, there is no getting around their outsize ambition and allure.
He reasonably dings NCLB for the tests the states use, for the crudeness of the adequate yearly progress (AYP) determination, and for the gamesmanship allowed in state AYP timelines.
Most of it has been eliminated in medal play where there is no time for gamesmanship.

Not exact matches

This is now likely to be just another little bit of gamesmanship on Wenger's part (as we ALL know for a fact that Coquelin would not be playing against Spurs in the Capitol One Cup even if he was fully fit).
That is disgusting gamesmanship and is why I totally advocate video referees for checking major decisions like this.
His gamesmanship would surely have had ramifications for him within the team, but Fernando took matters into his own hands.
No 10's gamesmanship paves the way for a public trial of Hunt.
Setting one date — April 3 — for all the pre-trial motions to go before the judge «would conserve judicial resources, avoid gamesmanship and ensure a fair process for the consideration of all defense motions,» Bharara wrote in the letter to the judge.
It's a disgrace and Cuomo's wrong, there will be a lot of mud sticking to him as a result of this political gamesmanship he's engineering, but still attempting to avoid taking unwanted credit for in the State Senate.
I am not into playing games with boys or men nor do I care for the bullshit going with gamesmanship these days.
The gamesmanship between director and audience is meant to mimic the cat - and - mouse machinations between former MI6 agent Ray Koval (Owen) and ex-CIA operative Claire Stenwick (Roberts) as well as the corporate honchos they work for.
He devised the story — about a Niagara Falls couple (Ryan Reynolds and Mireille Enos) whose young daughter is abducted and held prisoner for eight years by a foppish psychopath (Kevin Durand)-- and his screenplay, co-written with TV - movie vet David Fraser, employs his usual structural gamesmanship, leaping to and fro in time and withholding crucial details.
Over a night of gamesmanship, the title of the film is examined in shifting power dynamics between a woman who has spent her professional life subsuming her femininity for power in a traditionally masculine arena and the girl who has spent her life exploiting femininity to the same ends.
rock leanings come through in this brand of orchestra and samples for the high - tech political gamesmanship in a distinctly low - tech country.
Buying into the traditionalist thinking that middle - class families already have school choice — and conflating the housing gamesmanship that typifies life in D.C., New York, and Boston, with what happens in the rest of the country — Amundson declares that those families «are never going to be the drivers of this innovation» because choice seemingly exists for them.
It's time for all reformers, including Pondiscio and the rest of the Core Knowledge crowd, to stop this silver bullet gamesmanship and push for all systemic solutions.
If anything, you can argue that one of No Child's flaws is that the law — or more importantly, the U.S. Department of Education — allowed for too much leeway, allowing for states to engage in gamesmanship.
What Duncan continually fails to acknowledge is that the underlying reason for that had to do with the gamesmanship by states that didn't make their standards and proficiency targets more - rigorous in the first place, then ramped them up just a few years before the 2014 target would come into play.
But for all the maneuvering and legal gamesmanship, the Wright — Curtiss feud was at its core a study of the unique strengths and flaws of personality that define a clash of brilliant minds.
«The students who rely on these loans are being used for political gamesmanship,» Sen. Cochran said, «It is important that we find a reasonable solution to this situation.»
Interest rate gamesmanship fostered the 10/02-10 / 07 stock bull; it front - loaded the stock rally for the 3/09 -5 / 15 bull market.
Considering them both to be transformative figures, Steinberg located a particularly significant moment of transition in contemporary art at large in Rauschenberg's Erased de Kooning Drawing from 1953, a seminal piece of conceptual gamesmanship that the artist created by asking Willem de Kooning for an intricate layered work of ink, graphite, crayon, and charcoal and then meticulously erasing it.
Saucedo's sculptural output is often rooted in riddling gamesmanship, for example, abstract forms of an exacting weight and volume corresponding to those clinical facts in specific people: himself, his family.
The sole reason I am still targetting you though is not for the reasons «mike» put in his sadly departed comment, but because by putting on multiple personas such as Stirling English you are unhelpful to my cause (of finding out what sceptics really think) because in the back of my mind I will always be wondering whether (to use a bit of «mike» - style psychological gamesmanship) you really are just a bored and perhaps lonely man, or whether there is more to your method.
Yet to support their plans for emissions taxation Western governments, including ours, are still propagating scientifically juvenile greenhouse propaganda underpinned only by circumstantial evidence and GCM computer gamesmanship
This is nothing but political gamesmanship, and I've got no patients for it.
With lifelong terms for the justices, the Supreme Court is rightly designed by our founders to not be as easily affected by political gamesmanship as Congress or the Executive Branch tend to be, however, as we saw with its handling of Citizens United, this current court with its 5 - 4 conservative majority is not afraid to take radical action.
I hold special scorn for those who want to tear away funding for programs that mostly benefit the disadvantaged, because this is pure gamesmanship — if politicians were serious about balancing the budget, they'd either tackle defense and entitlement programs, or do something that would be much, much better for the economy than slashing government spending: raise taxes on the wealthy.
Now, there could be a number of reasons for this: a) he's genuinely unsure how best to navigate the political waters to get climate legislation passed, and is cautiously gathering data, b) curbing emissions and fighting climate change truly does not rank among his highest priorities, c) he's slyly implementing political gamesmanship to push the issue through external forces like imbuing his EPA with the ability to regulate greenhouse gases, or d) a combination of all three.
No expert there, but they seem rife with gamesmanship and potential for distortion.
The principle is that the only reliable way for a law firm to build a lasting positive presence on the web is through the steady and timely production of relevant content: no amount of SEO gamesmanship will outperform good content that builds links with other websites.
Whether it be true ignorance (rare), willful ignorance (less rare) or intentional gamesmanship (common), lawyers must bear the lion's share of blame for their lame social media pages and sucky law blogs.
But, parties can not use the basically free public service offered by this court as a playing field for tactical gamesmanship,» he added.
Still, be prepared for a custody evaluation to view the RO as «child custody gamesmanship» — especially if you're a father who has taken out a restraining order against the mother for her poor behavior during these proceedings.
This is more than a little high - tech gamesmanship that you have to play to survive in this business for one more year.
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