Sentences with phrase «for glucose metabolism»

Furthermore, animal studies suggest that taste buds produce hormones that are important for glucose metabolism and that, in rodents, taste buds decrease in number with age.
(2) These metals actually interfere with vital minerals in the body that are essential for glucose metabolism.
When ketones are available in the liver, the body has no need for glucose metabolism.
Hypoxia - inducible factor 1α (HIF - 1α), an oxygen sensor that controls the expression of various genes for glucose metabolism under conditions of low oxygen levels, is the most well documented substrate of the von Hippel - Lindau (VHL) enzyme.
One hallmark of cancer is the accelerated metabolism, high energy requirements, and increased glucose uptake by the tumor cells, the latter being the first and rate - limiting step for glucose metabolism [2,3].
Findings published on the National Institutes Of Health website, Metabolic Effects of the Very - Low - Carbohydrate Diets: Misunderstood «Villains» of Human Metabolism, (Manninen et al) ascertains that reducing carb intake triggers a harmless physiological state known as ketosis, where ketones flow from the liver and spare the need for glucose metabolism providing an alternative source of fuel for the body.
«Sulfur is also extremely important for glucose metabolism, helping to decrease the weight gain and the risk of diabetes.»
Chromium: Essential for glucose metabolism, chromium is needed for blood sugar regulation as well as for the synthesis of cholesterol, fats and protein.
I also use a dietary suplement for Diabetics called Glucuril from Phytopharmica which contains chromium, bitter melon extract and other ingredients important for glucose metabolism.
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