Sentences with phrase «for godless»

Translation: «In medieval times people could not believe that the worsening climate and the advancing glaciers were happening naturally, and saw in them the punishment by a higher being for the godless manner, in which both mine owners and miners had behaved.
At the Vatican Museum, an armless plaster figure made by Marino Marini in the immediate aftermath of World War II is rife with ambiguity — did the artist mean it to be a circus performer, as the title claims, or a disguised, desacralized Christ for a godless world?
A promo poster for Godless features women standing with rifles in hand next to a tagline welcoming us into a «no man's land.»
While he has picked up awards at the Golden Globes, Critics» Choice and Emmy's, he was up against Benedict Cumberbatch for Sherlock: The Lying Detective, Jeff Daniels for Godless, Robert De Niro for The Wizard of Lies and Geoffrey Rush for Genius for the SAG.
May I request you use the more inclusive term for us godless heathens?
oh but it's ok for the godless to force their views (as in this case) upon others?
The same goes for the godless that reject God and believers they simply someplace else.
Thank God for the godless Consti.tution... it is the only thing keeping you from acting like the radical terrorist Muslims.
this is prime, an apologist for Godless Communists reveals himself.
We are only one flavor of ice cream, and one day we hope there'll be congregations for every godless palate.»
The number of abortions had by believers and the rate at which believers have abortions should significantly less than for godless, immoral non-believers!
It looked for a godless kingdom of God.

Not exact matches

For you are a thankless, godless, amoral generation that has been raised by the philosophies of the heathen and I will challenge your philosophies till you hate me and my people.
Fortunately there are no facts against God at the moment and there are no facts relative to an alternate reason for existence from the godless.
Christine, Sabio, Godless Monster, sarahmorgan: why don't you just ask for a clean sweep?
Only the very devoted atheists might garner the freezingbitter cold of Nothingness for Christ was never of them even though words were said to them being those ungodly and godless souls of deniabilities aggressions!
Animals, as you know, do not sin, so for you, being godless is your choice to become animal like rather than a child of God.
When you do not realize this simple key you can never get past blaming God and everyone besides yourself for the problem associated with a godless existence.
Except for possible the words «Go Godless Instead», which I dislike because of its divisive properties, there is absolutely nothing disrespectful about the sign at all.
You need to read the gospel for yourself to find your true identi.ty instead of relying on godless people who hate your Creator.
Insofar as it attempts material constructs, university theology characteristically is moved by the secularism and godless maturity of the university to turn to «God the problem,» and to offer itself to God to help him with his problem of finding a place in a world which has no place or need for him.
You and your godless friends can go on being disconnected — life for you I would imagine be harder than someone who can believe.
Hostees did it for other reasons, but no need to run a business against your own conscience when forced by a godless government to do things against your own beliefs!
I first heard that God had gone missing from the Democratic Party platform from a Facebook friend who rejoiced in a godless platform as a triumph for the First Amendment and the separation of church and state.
David, (thanks for listening and for your encouragement) another person, Michael Kwak, The Godless Monster (my favourite atheist - could see myself sitting down with a cup of coffee and chatting merrily away for hours with you) I wish to thank you for taking the time to sort out my questions.
You should post it to a godless blog so that you could get applause for your Dawkinisms or is it Richardisms?
For every Pol Pot whose infamous name is still spoken with horror today, there was a Mengistu, a Bierut, and a Choibalsan, godless men whose names are now forgotten everywhere but in the lands they once ruled with a red hand.
Perhaps because he was forced to exist for so many centuries as an exile in alien religious worlds, the Jew has been prepared to live in faith in a Godless world, and therein to preserve the name of the Lord, even if that name must now be named as no - thing - ness.
The Godless Monster (is that a name you chose for this blog, and why?)
Growing up I learned that the biblical creation narrative is meant to be a scientific explanation for how the world came to be, that the earth is 6,000 years old, and that evolutionary theory is a bogus idea invented by godless scientists.
As people begin to ask whether our beautiful but fragile world is part of a godless and random universe, on course for an inevitable extinction event, how can we show that it is in fact held in the hands of a sovereign and loving God?
Hold off on giving 70 year old benefits based on Judeo Christian family model that does not exist in a godless union (i.e. the little women stays home for life and daddy is the head of the family and the bread winner) to both new forms of marriage.
It is clear that it is very hard, nearly impossible, for a Christian today to survive in that demonic system, and one can only hope that Jesus will return soon, and kills those godless leaders (sounds harsh, I know, but they are real criminals making us unhappy in contrast to former leaders who made their people happy holistically).
Of course Godless is free to drop out of the conversation any time, the fact that he / she (sorry for presuming male earlier) said, «We can continue this when you demonstrate a basic understanding of the scientific method, logic and critical thinking»» shows a level of impatience and crotchetyness.
So ignorant you can't grasp socio - political constructs for what they are... Godless cowards... Bring on armageddon
It is clear that it is very hard, nearly impossible, for a Christian today to survive in that demonic system, and one can only hope that Jesus will return soon, and kills those godless leaders.
The story runs through Woodrow Wilson's expansive mission to «make the world safe for democracy,» Eisenhower's World War II «crusade in Europe,» and the long years of cold war struggle against «godless communism.»
the godless left has already trashed Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, the 4th of July (and yet they want all of those as PAID LEAVE for everybody whether or not they are of that faith.
A godless society is perfect for the production of Oil of Man.
As opposed to — get rid of God, hopefully have some empathy in a Godless world, no hope for my human condition...
It is a ruse to forward a Godless and almost Marxist agenda and as history teaches us Godless Marxism has ALWAYS led to dire, negative outcomes for ordinary and poor people.
The Godless Monster December 1, 2011 8:53 pm Imagine if all of the energy being spent by some folks here here rationalizing and dodging reality was used for more productive purposes.
Spread that message loud and clear brutha, because the Godless Democrats are coming for our guns!
Realizing they are ignorant about religion, even their own, some Americans are now unsure if Obama really is a secret Muslim trying to subvert Christianity and impose a godless Communist government — or if he was just trying to ensure health care for the needy.
@ GODLESS... nobody is forcing anything on you... Jesus Christ does not force anybody to except HIM... Dieing on the Cross for our sins was a GIFT... Take it or leave it... if you decide to leave it... then leave it and shut the HELL up... LOL!!
10s of millions of people died for not conforming to a superior godless community.
it is for freedom of thought and conscience for all people... those of faith and non-faith, or of God or godless people... The Commission would stand up for all people... so that one person does not kill another person because they think some other way than you think or I think.
I can't wait to hear the atheist's excuse for why this godless evil - doer wanted to kill so many.
They are in fact, godless people and the same sort of people who brought about destruction and misery every where they've gone; from the French Revolution with it's guilotining of tens of thousands of people a year to those who established the Soviet Union at the costs of millions of lives and kept half the world under its iron fists for nearly a century.
Back in New York, Lee Moore is gearing up for the launch of Godless Revival - but still speaks bitterly of his time with the Sunday Assembly network.
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