Sentences with phrase «for graduate fellowships»

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InVivo paid for a year of Pritchard's graduate fellowship and funds his research in Langer's lab; in exchange, Pritchard brings to InVivo insights gleaned from some of the smartest scientists working in biomaterials anywhere.
To this end, it offers up to three Post-Graduate Research Fellowships valued at $ 40,000 for Master's graduates and $ 42,000 for PhD graduates for a one - year non-renewable term.
Every two years Yale awards this prestigious fellowship to four graduates «whose personal and professional accomplishments embody the school's mission to educate leaders for business and society.»
The fellowship is worth $ 40,000 for Master's graduates and $ 42,000 for PhD graduates for a one - year non-renewable term.
Royce, however, was not going to be able to dream Kantian dreams in Germany forever, and when Gilman (who had by now ascended to the presidency of the new Johns Hopkins University) offered Royce a graduate fellowship at Hopkins, Royce packed his bags and headed for Baltimore.
After receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree, the university offered her a fellowship for graduate school with an internship associated with not only their speech and hearing clinic, but with the George Washington University Hospital, as well.
Elsewhere, the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR), which funds a wide array of STEM programs, would be reduced by $ 119 million or 13.6 percent below last year enacted, with a particularly sharp cut to graduate research fellowships.
Johnson had an NSF graduate fellowship, which gave her the freedom to go to Noma for several months.
The fellowship program, supported by a competitive National Science Foundation GK - 12 grant, provides students with partial tuition, a stipend, and an opportunity for community outreach and training in education as they continue their graduate education.
The report suggests aiming for a balance that existed in the late 1990s, when 37 % of graduate students were on training grants or fellowships (compared with 32 % now) and 17 % of postdocs had this funding (compared with 9.6 % now).
As for the length of graduate training, she notes that NIH training grants and fellowships are already limited to 5 years.
«I don't understand the motivation for trying to cut off something of benefit to both sides,» says Martin Briggs, a hydrogeology graduate student at Syracuse University in New York, who spent two months at Fudan University in Shanghai on a fellowship funded by the NSF to learn about water quality.
We have a variety of career training fellowships for persons who have, or will soon have, a college or other graduate or health professional degree.
In addition to being an interesting training opportunity for graduate students and postdocs, the fellowship came with the added bonus of travel funds.
In addition, the majority declared, the money that graduate assistants receive does not constitute pay for services because fellowship students who do not have to work receive essentially the same amount.
But at NSF it projects both a drop in research grants and a rise in graduate fellowships, which together will eventually increase competition for postdoc jobs.
- Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Program for NIGMS MARC Predoctoral Fellowships (F31) Deadline: December 5, 2005 MARC Predoctoral Fellowships are individual National Research Service awards made to outstanding graduates of the MARC U * STAR Program (Minority Access to Research Careers / Undergraduate Student Training in Academic Research) to help them pursue a graduate degree in the biomedical sciences.
«So I went to graduate school in Kansas on an NIH fellowship for which I shouldn't have even been considered.»
A DOE blue - ribbon panel, charged in 1999 with finding ways to bolster nuclear energy education in the United States, recommended new graduate fellowships and grants for faculty research including special programs for new faculty.
The American Institute of Indian Studies offers fellowships to faculty and graduate students for research on studies related to India's history, culture, and contemporary development.
D. program is that most of them offer fellowships that cover tuition for medical school and graduate school and offer a stipend that can be anywhere from $ 20,000 to $ 30,000 per year.
He followed the prescribed path for an academic scientist: narrowing his focus first in graduate school, then identifying original avenues of research to pursue in his postdoctoral fellowship, and finally landing a tenure - track assistant professorship.
Two areas in which NSF proposed large cuts for 2018 were its prestigious graduate research fellowships and a long - running program that helps states receiving relatively small amounts of NSF funding.
The NSF has been pushing for increased funding for graduate students, but the foundation's budget request for fiscal year 2002 contains no formal policy statement on postdoctoral fellowship stipends.
In each case, an expert group calls for, among other things, supporting more postdocs and graduate students on training grants and fellowships instead of on professors» research grants, employing more staff scientists in permanent posts and fewer temporary trainees to do scientific work, providing higher pay and better working conditions for postdocs, and publishing information on the career outcomes of departments» and labs» graduate students and postdocs.
The Delta Gamma Foundation offers scholarships for undergraduate work, fellowships for graduate study, and loans for any form of higher education beyond the sophomore year.
When I graduated from college, I applied for this weird fellowship called a Watson Fellowship, where they send you basically anywhere you would like to go in the world for a year to do a project that you would like to do.
In late 1992, as the end of my graduate days was looming, I considered doing a short spell in journalism before going abroad for a postdoc fellowship.
And finally, it calls for 25,000 new undergraduate scholarships and 5000 new graduate fellowships annually to support Americans seeking science degrees.
Generally speaking, as a foreign national you will not qualify for a «graduate fellowship» — the first category — because most of these are limited to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
It's a long struggle, but if I can help establish a lab, start a graduate course, or find fellowships [for students], I will be happy.»
She joined HHMI in the spring of 1995 as a program officer and has since moved through the ranks to senior officer in charge of several fellowship programs for graduate students and postdocs.
The reality is that [these programs] do a large variety of different things, from graduate fellowships at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to an introduction to science for kindergarteners.
Kirschstein, for whom NIH's postdoc and graduate fellowships are named, acknowledges the difficulty of the task, but believes that the will exists within NIH to make at least some of the necessary hard decisions.
Although 6 days in Ottawa is nowhere near the amount of exposure U.S. graduate students interested in policy get through programs such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science (publisher of Next Wave) Science and Technology Policy Fellowships, it's the first such project of its kind in Canada and a running start.
Its education and training programs would rise by 2 %, to $ 892 million, including $ 19 million for graduate training and postdoctoral fellowships in a joint program on clean energy technology with the Department of Energy (DOE), which has budgeted $ 55 million.
Paula Stephan, an economist at Georgia State University in Atlanta and a member of the current report's modeling subcommittee (Stephan was also a member of that 1998 NRC committee), writes to Science Careers in an e-mail that it's «disappointing to see that NIH did not figure out a way to shift more funds into training grants and fellowships and away from research assistantship stipends» or «implement any requirement for limiting the amount of salary that can be written off of grants — something that could dampen the demand for graduate students.»
Even before Rousseff's ouster, the Brazilian scientific community was struggling with severe cuts; in 2015, Rousseff's government slashed the science ministry's budget by 25 %, and support for the country's lauded graduate fellowships has languished.
The center offers a number of travel grants, summer fellowships, and research fellowships for university undergraduates and graduate students.
Of the two available models, a dual - degree program is probably the best approach for students interested in basic science, because the choices available for research training are likely to be wider and include more opportunities for basic science and bench research into molecular mechanisms, compared to graduate programs or postdoctoral fellowships linked to post-MD clinical training; the latter is more likely to be focused more on clinic - based studies.
This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Research Project Agency - Energy (ARPA - E), the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (OCI - 1053575), an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and the Fellowships for Young Energy Scientists program of the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter, which is part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
Competition for jobs within certain fields, such as the life sciences, is so great that almost all students now enter a second training period after graduate school called a postdoctoral fellowship.
Funding support for the study was provided by National Institutes of Health grants R01 NS30989, R21 NS093987, P01NS074972, and F31 NS087919, as well as a graduate research fellowship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Carnegie is renowned for its post-doctoral and graduate student fellowship programs, which operate on each of the Carnegie campuses.
ORAU sponsors a broad range of internships, scholarships, fellowships, and research experience programs for graduate and postdoctoral students.
He published over 200 papers in top journals, over 40 review articles and book chapters and was presented with numerous awards, including National Institutes of Health graduate and postdoctoral fellowships, the Young Investigator Award from the Society for Leukocyte Biology, the Established Investigator Award from the American Heart Association, and a Visiting Scientist Fellowship from the Swedish National Research Council.
The work was funded by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program, the David and Lucile Packard and Alfred P. Sloan Foundations, and the Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds.
Sometimes the simplest mechanisms are the most difficult to reproduce, said Janna Nawroth, a graduate student in the lab of Caltech engineering professor John Dabiri, who won a 2010 MacArthur fellowship for his research on jellyfish.
Google is calling for applications to its 2012 Google Policy Fellowships, which offer undergraduate, graduate, and law students interested in Internet and technology policy «the opportunity to spend the summer contributing to the public dialogue on these issues, and exploring future academic and professional interests.»
An ever - growing list of other science policy opportunities, including internships and fellowships for students and graduates.
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