Sentences with phrase «for healthier school meals»

Maybe we could find a way to tax it to generate some revenue for healthier school meals.
Given my own advocacy for healthy school meals, you'd think I'd be cheering the former piece and criticizing the latter.
Please consider signing and sharing this letter with your colleagues to stand up for healthier school meals at this most critical time.
That's not a sustainable model for healthy school meal programs.
In this letter to Senator John Hoeven, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops and Agricultural Research, and Senator Angus King, NSBA Executive Director Tom Gentzel voiced NSBA's support for the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act.
June 9, 2015: NSBA Letter to Senator John Hoeven and Senator Angus King In this letter to Senator John Hoeven, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops and Agricultural Research, and Senator Angus King, NSBA Executive Director Tom Gentzel voiced NSBA's support for the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act.
But now a survey conducted by SNA's own ally clearly identifies a «concern» of fully three - quarters of the school food professionals surveyed: they would like more funding for healthier school meals.
Once again, if you are a current or former SNA member who disagrees with your organization's current legislative agenda, please show your support for healthier school meals by signing and sharing this open letter.
USDA's Redesigned Menu Planner Resource Be one of the first to hear the latest about USDA's new Menu Planner for Healthy School Meals to help meet the meal pattern guidance of the Healthy, Hunger - Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA).
While on the road Sara Salo, MPH, advocated for healthy school meals and sustainable food production.
Meanwhile, he traveled widely — evangelizing for healthy school meals and inspiring others to nurture lifelong healthy eaters.
Rather than improving school meals, the government's push for healthier school meals could have destroyed the system, the Lib Dems argue.
Opponents of federal standards for healthy school meals say that newly introduced fruit and veg ends up in the trash, but experts say it's too soon to give up
Earlier this month, First Lady Michelle Obama addressed hundreds of school nutrition professionals from across the nation to advocate for adequate funds for healthy school meals.
June 9, 2015: NSBA Letter to Representative Rodney Davis and Representative Brad Ashford In this letter to Representative Rodney Davis and Representative Brad Ashford of the House Subcommittee on Nutrition, NSBA Executive Director Tom Gentzel voiced NSBA's support for the Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act.
This recent Lunch Tray post contains several very easy steps you can take to show your support for healthier school meals, and most of them don't take more than a few seconds.
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