Sentences with phrase «for heart disease risk»

In addition, a ketogenic diet improves the metabolic markers for heart disease risk.
HDL percentage is a far more potent indicator for heart disease risk.
Finally, the scores calculated for heart disease risk were based on assumptions that were not verifiable.
The Endocrine Society recommended screening women and teens diagnosed with PCOS for heart disease risk factors and diabetes in its Clinical Practice Guideline on the condition.
In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, LDL is not a good predictor for heart disease risk.
Another more important test than cholesterol levels for heart disease risk is a test for serum homocysteine levels.
Measurements include the Omega - 3 Index and Omega - 3 score to assess for heart disease risk, the ratio of Arachidonic Acid (AA) to Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) as a marker of inflammation, total Omega - 3 fatty acids, total Omega - 6 fatty acids along with mono - unsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and saturated fats.
The consensus conference even showed signs of being holistic, emphasizing that a comprehensive evaluation for heart disease risk should be made up of «multiple biomarkers including total and HDL cholesterol, blood pressure, body fatness, glucose tolerance, and inflammatory markers.»
However, these studies did not look at LDL particle count or ApoB which have been shown to be more accurate markers for heart disease risk than the standard LDL cholesterol measurement that is more commonly used.
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