Sentences with phrase «for hidden assumptions»

Moreover, our analysis does not depend on large, complex global climate models, the huge computer programs that are notorious for their hidden assumptions and adjustable parameters.
Moreover, our analysis does not depend on large, complex global climate models, the huge computer programs that are notorious for their hidden assumptions and adjustable parameters.
In this regime that probes people's minds for hidden assumptions, for biases concealed even from their holders, the custodians have an impossible task.

Not exact matches

Since the late nineteenth century, however, except perhaps for a brief period before and after World War II, this is no longer the case, and we should not allow this hidden assumption to determine our explanations of trade imbalances.
An honest apologetic that presents rational arguments for a particular religious world view is less likely to indoctrinate then a superficially neutral presentation that contains hidden assumptions and bias.
Matthew and Luke weren't hiding the truth, but they did want to distract their readers from the real problem about Jesus» birth: the sordid assumption that Jesus was a mamzer (Hebrew for «bastard»).
While Christians rightly believe that all truth necessary for such a spiritual experience is mediated only through the revelation in Christ, they must guard against the assumption that only those who know Christ «after the flesh», that is, in the actual historical revelation, are capable of such a conversion, A «hidden Christ» operates in history.
For Ozick, however, the literary critic is herself the architect of literary tradition, arranging works, authors, movements, and trends in conversation with one another, «teas [ing] out hidden imperatives and assumptions held in common, and... creat [ing] the fertilizing conditions that underlie and stimulate a living literary consciousness.»
But even here the emphasis falls on becoming aware of hidden assumptions, learning how to live with people whose «value systems» differ, and acquiring the critical detachment necessary for students to «choose for themselves what principles will guide them.»
His newest film, Caché (also known as Hidden), received the San Francisco Film Critics Circle award for Best Foreign Language Film, as well as several other American awards, leading to the assumption that a wide variety of reviewers not only liked the film, but also bothered to see it at all.
For many of them, it's because people explicitly taught them... particularly for the dyslexics and the students that have other hidden disabilities, having a name for why they weren't learning how to read, and not allowing them to develop a negative assumption about their own capability, was really importaFor many of them, it's because people explicitly taught them... particularly for the dyslexics and the students that have other hidden disabilities, having a name for why they weren't learning how to read, and not allowing them to develop a negative assumption about their own capability, was really importafor the dyslexics and the students that have other hidden disabilities, having a name for why they weren't learning how to read, and not allowing them to develop a negative assumption about their own capability, was really importafor why they weren't learning how to read, and not allowing them to develop a negative assumption about their own capability, was really important.
Moreover, we can also talk about the units that will be hidden under the bonnet of the German model, even if for now are just assumptions.
Guest posting has a hidden assumption that your quality writing should be given away for free all in exchange for a backlink.
We have a cultural problem where we hide deficits / profit shortfalls through adjusting pension assumptions, or trading lower salary increases for pension benefit increases, which don't hit the bottom line immediately, but increase funding needs for years to come.
Made specifically for the Colonol's Room at the Park Avenue Armory, Command and Control: Mobile Observation Station uses surveillance cameras and the existing architecture, including a hidden chamber, to explore the psychological assumptions and imagined scenarios that a top - secret room ensconced within an official headquarters evokes.
This type of exercise is brilliant, and crucial for creating insights, it forces the participants to re-evaluate their core assumptions, often these are hidden from us.
In a couple of posts last week — here and here — I laid out the brutal logic implied by the latest climate science (with credit to scientist Kevin Anderson for stripping away the rosy assumptions hiding in many of today's common climate scenarios).
Again, this is an area where mistakes can lie hidden until it is too late, especially where different assumptions have been used for the purposes of preparing the budget.
Understanding the motivation for an answer that is hidden behind a question helps reveal biases, suppositions, assumptions and missing inputs that, if misunderstood, lead to incomplete, incorrect, and inefficiently gathered results.
If my data contains misleading evidence, looking for confounding variables can expose them, and if my reasoning contains unstated assumptions, looking for hidden variables can expose them.
For example, therapists with their own histories of loyalty conflicts and alignments may hold hidden assumptions that could interfere with their ability to discern the realities of any specific case (Feinberg & Greene, 1995).
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