Sentences with phrase «for idealised»

The Landscape Garden is rooted in an eighteenth century taste for idealised classical landscapes that developed from studying the seventeenth century landscape paintings of Salvator Rosa, Gaspart Poussin and Claude Lorrain.
In Psychology Today, Jennice Vilhauer, Ph.D emphasises that it's also important to understand if you really do want your old relationship back (complete with the flaws that broke you up in the first place), or whether you are pining for an idealised version of it that only exists as fantasy.
I live in a «post-1930 Lambeth Conference house»: a large, detached house optimised for the idealised family of the birth - control era: Mum, Dad and two children (preferably a boy and a girl).

Not exact matches

We can not idealise the Church or the state there, but we can be thankful for the rich history of both — and for the many lessons they can teach us in the West and in the world of Islam.
As Gutierrez says, Jesus does not assume the condition of poverty and its tremendous consequences with the purpose of idealising it, but because of «love for and solidarity with men who suffer in it.
It seems to me that this is a serious oversight because by overlooking the influences on or precursors to Francis» «Gospel chivalry» the author misses a chance for further historical grounding that would take the edges off his rather idealised view of Francis as the original genius of the concept.
• Severing father - child relationships entirely, either actively or by default, can result in children demonising or idealising their fathers (Kraemer, 2005; Gorrell Barnes et al, 1998) or blaming themselves for their absence (Pryor & Rodgers, 2001).
That this House is concerned that the provisions of the Infant Formula and Follow - on Formula Regulations 2007 are disrespected in the UK, as evidenced by the current promotion for Nestlé SMA infant formula by Tesco in breach of Article 23 of that regulation, the near identical labelling of infant and follow - on formula to make them cross-promotional in breach of Article 19 of that regulation, the widespread advertising of infant formula brand names and logos in breach of Article 21 of that regulation and the use of idealising text and images on labels in breach of Article 17 of that regulation; therefore rejects the Department of Health's proposals to decriminalise certain of those requirements, such as labelling provisions in planned draft legislative proposals, related to EU Regulation 609/2015 which will replace these 2007 regulations; and stresses that any move to a system of Improvement Notices must have the purpose of speeding up compliance and be backed by prosecutions rather than giving companies who have flouted the law for many years additional time to comply.
Companies such as Nestlé actively promote this idea, following their statements of support for breastfeeding with idealising claims for products, as in the above example.
The baby feeding industry invented follow - up formulas for marketing purposes and falsely argues that these are not covered by the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly resolutions (The International Code) It has now added to the strategy fortified formulas with idealised names such as «growing up» or «toddler» milk — claims that have not been authorised for the European market.
For example, Tesco has promoted SMA infant formula in its catalogue with the idealising claim that it has the «healthiest nutrients» (left).
These include: ● tighter controls on follow - on milks ● no idealising text or pictures ● stricter controls on foods claiming to be «for special medical purposes» (FSMPs) ● increased transparency, ● the use of the Precautionary Principle ● more democratic oversight ● MEP reviews of new ingredient There was a Member States Working Group on 2nd Feb to discuss the Commissions proposals for the new Resolutions.
Non-ideal theorists often draw on Rawls's own work to distinguish between ideal questions and cases where we can not make idealising assumptions about the motives of those engaged in the search for principles of justice.
Analysis of simple models and intercomparisons of AOGCM responses to idealised forcing scenarios suggest that, for most scenarios over the coming decades, errors in large - scale temperature projections are likely to increase in proportion to the magnitude of the overall response.
When this model is run with a standard, idealised global warming scenario you get the following result for global sea surface temperature changes.
Ralph Lauren — with his immaculate houndstooths and princess - tulle ball gowns — remains nostalgic for his — and the country's — idealised past.
For almost every brand or magazine for which Chaix works, she starts by envisioning a certain woman, idealised but also drawn from real - world observations: «Who is she, is she sensual, distant, iconic, full of energy or something else?&raqFor almost every brand or magazine for which Chaix works, she starts by envisioning a certain woman, idealised but also drawn from real - world observations: «Who is she, is she sensual, distant, iconic, full of energy or something else?&raqfor which Chaix works, she starts by envisioning a certain woman, idealised but also drawn from real - world observations: «Who is she, is she sensual, distant, iconic, full of energy or something else?»
Indeed, the real reason to watch The Secret Life of Pets is for the animation, with the beautifully sprawling vistas of Manhattan a wonderful reflection of the animals» idealised version of the city as their home and centre of their universe.
First up is Richard Diebenkorn, revered as a painterly post-war master for his intricately balanced, light - drenched elegies to the West Coast, then in July we bring together some of Joseph Cornell's most remarkable «shadow boxes», assembled from dime store treasures which spoke to a yearning for distant, idealised places and times.
A seasoned exhibitor and graduate of the Helsinki school, Kantanen describes her work as «a search for a landscape that doesn't really exist», disrupting the idea of capturing truth through a photograph — increasingly untenable in the digital age — by creating her own «idealised picture» — we see what she wants us to see.
With a background in graphic design, his work seems part of a Western abstract tradition but also freighted with symbolism: the use of denim, a material idealised for proletariat durability in the West, is a reminder of 1980's Chinese fashion; seemingly enigmatic geometric patterns are derived from brain — teaser puzzles.
Marshall's vision for social justice reaches its apotheosis in the central gallery, where seven paintings present idealised versions of public housing projects.
Incorporating the characters themselves, these iconic figures feature in idealised landscapes shadowed in sour, unhealthy hues of green or pink that reflect a new sense of narrative for the artist.
At the exhibition's core is a series of large - scale paintings depicting the interiors of two public houses and a restaurant that have been rendered with a distinctly under - idealising eye for detail.
Born in 1878 — well before WWI during which he was a war artist — master - draughtsman, Augustus John's, David at the Table portrays the somewhat idealised image of a haggard though handsome, wild - eyed young man in work clothes sat slumped at a plain table on which one senses there is no food and might not have been for some time.
The difference between a Peyton portrait and a Nan Goldin candid portrait is perhaps most indicative of this divide: Peyton's work, though progressive in many ways for her emphasis on the androgynous and idealised, pales in comparison to the dichotomy of Goldin's photographs.
These highly finished forms allow for no procedural traces by which they are built, and in doing so become idealised forms where the appearance is divorced from the means of fabrication.
For Jamie, this is Georges Bataille's flower, an idealised and therefore misleading form, the medium for a symbolic projection of the idea of beauty, born, however, of compoFor Jamie, this is Georges Bataille's flower, an idealised and therefore misleading form, the medium for a symbolic projection of the idea of beauty, born, however, of compofor a symbolic projection of the idea of beauty, born, however, of compost.
Analysis of simple models and intercomparisons of AOGCM responses to idealised forcing scenarios suggest that, for most scenarios over the coming decades, errors in large - scale temperature projections are likely to increase in proportion to the magnitude of the overall response.
While its easy to idealise the past, my ancestors had to live through world wars (don't forget the Somme and Hiroshima), high infant death rates, no cures for many common (and now forgotten) illnesses, much higher levels of air pollution, no disaster relief schemes, etc, etc..
There are a number of papers by Samuel S. Shen looking at the design of observing networks for estimating spherical harmonics with idealised surface temperature distributions, but I'm not aware of the technique having been used to reconstruct global average temperature using the real distribution of stations and data.
Nineteen of them have been used to perform idealised 1 % / yr CO2 - increase climate change experiments suitable for direct intercomparison and these are analysed here.
These two idealised adiabatic processes (like the adiabatic stages in the Carnot Cycle) will result in the parcel returning to Earth with nearly the same temperature as leaving (the slight drop being accounted for by radiation at TOA).
To explore how these physical processes influence the ITCZ width, we use an idealised climate model (see O'Gorman & Schneider 2008 for a description) to simulate a wide range of different climates.
In the idealised situation that the climate response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 consisted of a uniform temperature change only, with no feedbacks operating (but allowing for the enhanced radiative cooling resulting from the temperature increase), the global warming from GCMs would be around 1.2 °C (Hansen et al., 1984; Bony et al., 2006).
The only sane way the is diagnostic (checking if some global conservation laws are not broken by the model, — this can catch bugs and inadequacies of the numerical methods) and extensive validation (this catch inadequacies in modeling, which involves approximation and elimination of some factors, to obtain a tractable model, and is always present even for particle physics simulation, which directly use first principles (model an idealised version of an experiment).
What strikes me again and again in reading such comments is not a wish to look backwards to some non-existent and idealised world when things were supposedly better but rather to hope for sanity and common sense in dealing with the present and future.
I certainly would not be deluded into looking backwards to some non-existent and idealised world when things were supposedly better but rather would hope for sanity and common sense in dealing with the present and future.
Facebook offers us the chance to curate an idealised version of ourselves to the world, but nothing is a match for our vanity.
For example, Bakermans - Kranenburg 1998 reported that amongst mothers with insecure attachments, those classed as «insecure dismissing» (who idealise their own parents or minimise the importance of attachment relationships in their own lives) benefited most from video feedback, whilst those classed as «insecure preoccupied» benefited most from video feedback with additional discussions about their childhood attachment experiences.
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