Sentences with phrase «for industrial action»

It's the first nationwide strike ballot since tough new legal requirements for industrial action were introduced.
Responding to news that the largest unions in the country will ballot for industrial action over pensions, Public and Commercial Services union general secretary Mark Serwotka said:
Mr Straw will deliver a speech at the annual conference of the Prison Officers» Association (POA) which has repeatedly called for industrial action over the pay dispute.
The NUT conference heard calls for industrial action in opposition to the changes, which union leaders say could threaten teachers» pay and job security, as such decisions about pay and conditions would be decided by academy chains.
Public services including the payment of tax credits and the production of new driving licences could be hit by strike action after hundreds of IT staff voted for industrial action over pay.
The manifesto also states: «Labour will legislate to permit secure online and workplace balloting for industrial action votes and internal union elections.»
The Trades Union Bill proposes minimum turnouts in strike ballots, time limits on mandates for industrial action and changes to political levies.
The NUT conference will hear calls for industrial action in opposition to the changes, which union leaders say could threaten teachers» pay and job security, as such decisions about pay and conditions would be decided by academy chains.
- Home Office - 15,000 members - ballot for industrial action short of a strike over planned job cuts and victimisation of two PCS reps, closes on Wednesday (23 Mar).
Thomas Cook Airlines Ltd v BALPA [2017] EWHC 2253, [2017] IRLR 1137 BALPA's ballot for industrial action by airline pilots was lawful, because the voting paper did not infringe new legislative provisions about the period of industrial action contained in s. 229 (2D) Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
On Monday, the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Joint National Public Service Negotiating Council at news conference at the Iwe Irohin House of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), declared that the workers were set for industrial action by Thursday.
Tory party chairman Baroness Warsi condemns Len McCluskey's comments today about the potential for industrial action during the Olympics
The Government said with this category of workers in Grade Level 1 - 7 having been paid 100 % of their salaries up to date there will be no justification for any industrial action.
The bill also includes plans to introduce a threshold of a 50 % turnout for industrial action ballots and — for «important public - sector services» — a requirement of at least 40 % of all eligible voters to be in favour of action.
IT workers who maintain the records of millions of people for the Department for Work and Pensions have voted almost unanimously for industrial action over plans to offshore their work, the Public and Commercial Services union announces.
Staff who administer the pensions of 1.5 million existing and retired civil servants have voted overwhelmingly for industrial action as part of a campaign against plans to privatise their work, the Public and Commercial Services union announces.
Mr Cable's comments come as teachers» unions ballot for a strike over their pensions to take place on June 30th - the same day as a group of other public sector unions have set aside for industrial action.
The agreement was reached after NEU members had rejected the previous pay offer and agreed to be balloted for industrial action if necessary.
The union has now notified the Home Office of its intention to ballot its members for industrial action short of a strike.
«Unite came to these negotiations with a strong mandate for industrial action,» said Unite's national officers, Brian Boyd and Brendan Gold.
The best way forward is to continue with talks, he says, calling the balloting for industrial action «disappointing».
A former NUT Chairman in the state, Oladele Adetunji, however, said the association had no moral and legal right to call for an industrial action.
These conferences have often seen votes for industrial action, but this year the two teachers» unions have pre-empted this by already announcing details of a campaign of strikes and industrial action.
The union has not ruled out balloting it members for industrial action over the company's behaviour.
This will trigger a ballot for industrial action of over 270,000 PCS members across the civil service and related bodies.
All the unions have either already balloted for industrial action, are balloting, or will be supporting the day of action over pensions on 30 November.
Vince Cable has attacked the Conservatives» plan to introduce a reported 50 percent minimum threshold in ballots for industrial action, accusing David Cameron's party of «undermining basic workers» rights».
Anger is mounting ahead of the budget on Wednesday (23 Mar) with around 80,000 members of the Public and Commercial Services union involved in ballots for industrial action.
Immediately after the meeting, the union hand - delivered a letter notifying the employer of its intention to ballot its 15,000 Home Office members for industrial action.
«That is why the NASUWT has committed to ballot its members for industrial action this autumn.
It's been a day largely dominated by reaction to the new strike laws being proposed by the government, which would introduce minimum turnouts in strike ballots, time limits on mandates for industrial action and changes to political levies.
Around 86 per cent of 1,689 sixth - form college members who voted supported the call for industrial action.
Nonetheless, teaching unions have opposed the new contracts, claiming the changes would cause teaching assistants to lose around # 400 per month and have warned they would be balloting members for industrial action.
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