Sentences with phrase «for industrial hemp»

Numerous individual states have expressed interest in and support for industrial hemp as well.
In recent years, there has been an increase in popularity and demand for industrial hemp to return hemp to the agricultural crop it once was.
These counties were selected based on their agricultural conditions and local support for industrial hemp.
The letter below is from Rep. George Miller (D - CA 7th District) to a Vote Hemp supporter in reply to a letter asking him to become a sponsor for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009.
The letter below is from Rep. Howard Coble (R - NC 6th District) to a Vote Hemp supporter in reply to a letter asking him to become a sponsor for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009.
Vote Hemp seeks the full normalization of and a free market for industrial hemp in America.
Vote Hemp seeks the full deregulation of and free market for industrial hemp in America.
Passed on August 7, 2017, the new directive on hemp farming legislation asserts NCSL support for both federal and state regulations for industrial hemp cultivation in the U.S., and is the result of several years of Vote Hemp's advocacy on the issue.
Reps. Kaniela Ing (D - South Maui) and Cynthia Thielen (R - Oahu) have introduced House Bill 2555, which would allow for industrial hemp production for research purposes.
The Oregon Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for industrial hemp licenses.
An Act amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for industrial hemp research; imposing powers and duties on the Department of Agriculture and the Legislative Reference Bureau; imposing criminal and civil penalties; abrogating a regulation; and making a related repeal.
ALBANY — The state has given permits to 62 additional farms and businesses — nine of them in the mid-Hudson — to participate in its pilot research program for industrial hemp.
WASHINGTON, DC — Vote Hemp, which advocates for industrial hemp in Washington, DC, and the Hemp Industries Association (HIA), representing over 200 hemp companies, are concerned by recent Associated Press and USA Today news reports alleging that lollipops «flavored with hemp oil» are «legal.»
Because of fears that marijuana from cannabis grown for industrial hemp could be diverted into the illicit drug trade, the DEA has refrained from granting such registrations.
Walsky says Coalition is able to continue making the beer because there's an exemption for industrial hemp and the CBD it uses comes from a proprietary product that does not fall under the controlled substances act.
But the freshman lawmaker frames the issue as both about states» rights, and creating jobs: «This step allows states to determine appropriate medicinal use and allows for industrial hemp growth, something that will provide a major economic boost to agricultural development in Southside Virginia,» he said in a statement.
Legal THC thresholds for industrial hemp range from 1 % — .3 % THC, and there are breeders of high CBD cultivars of industrial hemp that have THC below this threshold.
For the past two months, ending Monday, people have been applying for an industrial hemp license in Wisconsin for the first time.
The annual registration fee for industrial hemp production is $ 500 USD plus $ 5 per acre outdoors and / or $ 0.33 / 1000 sq. ft. indoors.
This proposal will provide for an industrial hemp industry in the Commonwealth through the establishment of an Industrial Hemp Licensing Board within the Department of Agriculture to license and regulate the cultivation, growth and sale of industrial hemp.
Global Hemp President Eric Pollitt's lobbying for an industrial hemp research bill has finally paid off as the Illinois Senate passed HB 5085 on Monday, May 19th, with all voting in favor of the bill.
Despite this being a ubiquitous practice for industrial hemp processing and the fact that the plants were non — toxic and harmless, the affidavit claimed this practice presented a «health and safety concern for the community and individuals associated with the operation.»
Details on the program, regulations and applicaiton forms can be found on the ODA page for industrial hemp.
University of Florida IFAS 2015 Report on Industrial Hemp The Potential for Industrial Hemp Production in Florida
Trees take 20 years to mature vs 4 months for Industrial Hemp!
So, passing a dubious farm bill that includes monies for the restoration of antique barns in New England can be done, but fighting for industrial hemp grown in North Dakota can not?
In light of the growing support of state legislatures for industrial hemp, it is timely and essential that the federal government remove barriers to its cultivation and production.»
Within two weeks of Reform Party candidate Jesse Ventura appearing in the debates and announcing his support for industrial hemp during his race for Governor of Minnesota, his poll numbers soared from 7 % to 38 %, in part due to support for this issue.
The Industrial Hemp Farming Act would create a classification for industrial hemp that is separate from the designation of marijuana.
Hemp Industry Confident, Awaits Court Decision Market for Industrial Hemp Continues to Expand Hemp Paper In Staples Stores this Week
The letter below is from Rep. Michael Honda (D - CA 15th District) to a Vote Hemp supporter in reply to a letter asking him to become a sponsor for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013.
The letter below is from Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D - NM) to a Vote Hemp supporter in reply to a letter asking them to become a sponsor for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009.
Thank you for contacting me to express your support for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act.
The state has given permits to 62 additional farms and businesses — nine of them in the mid-Hudson — to participate in its pilot research program for industrial hemp.
Not to overly play into the stereotype of the TreeHugger moniker, but today is 4/20 so a quick review of all the great uses for industrial hemp — you know, that non-psychoactive relative of marijuana that for myriad moronic reasons is more or less illegal * to cultivate in the United States but not work with and sell — seemed apropos.
You may be interested to know that in 2006 and 2008, the California State Legislature passed legislation that would have allowed for industrial hemp to be grown in California.
With so many promising applications for industrial hemp, the possibilities for unprecedented innovation in a variety of industries are truly limitless.»
As the overwhelming 59 - 2 vote shows, support for industrial hemp in New Mexico is virtually universal.
Vote Hemp is a non-profit organization dedicated to the acceptance of and a free market for industrial hemp and to changes in current law to allow U.S. farmers to once again grow low - THC industrial hemp.
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