Sentences with phrase «for infrastructure investment»

The comptroller said the tax plans also could result in higher costs for municipal bonds, which would drive up state and local expenses for infrastructure investments.
He says he's pushing hard at the federal level for infrastructure investment.
-- Bringing back corporate profits held offshore without setting any aside for infrastructure investment.
For a century, utilities expected electricity demand would grow indefinitely as the economy expanded, providing new opportunities for infrastructure investments that return revenue to shareholders.
Even after the proposed cut, agriculture would remain the largest spending area, with deeper cuts pencilled in for infrastructure investment in the bloc's poorest regions as well as research.
So here's hoping for some quiet support for infrastructure investment and expansionary monetary policy.
NATIONAL POST, Toronto: Australia Courting Canadian Pension Funds for Infrastructure Investment
«Governor Cuomo's plans for infrastructure investments at the fairgrounds will offer an improved experience for the fairgoer while also making the fair a year - round tourist attraction which will benefit all of Onondaga County,» Mahoney said.
But it also matters in that Astorino, while giving news conferences on, say, mandate relief and the need for infrastructure investment, will be keeping himself both in the news and keyed in with Albany power brokers, media and the like.
Coral Gables went as far last fall as releasing an analysis of how it would pay for infrastructure investment in the face of a shrinking tax base if people leave.
The # 25bn a year for infrastructure investment, # 8bn over the next Parliament for social care and yesterday's pledges on education spending were all more or less as expected.
Minimising output disruptions in the Niger delta is key to growth in Nigeria, which relies on oil revenues for infrastructure investments to diversify the economy, Udoma said, explaining that «you have to use what you have to get what you want.»
Funds will come from the # 5bn pot for infrastructure investment announced on Tuesday, which the Treasury hopes to raise from fresh cuts to Whitehall departments.
The lieutenant governor for New York says the state has money for infrastructure investment in sources other than the economic development competitions.
The Coalition (and Cable too, if we take him at his word) is committed to its existing parameters for deficit reduction, and everything that falls within them — the proposals for infrastructure investment or for supply - side reform — would still be subject to the same internal horse - trading that goes on now.
Then, the final report of the G20 High - Level Panel for Infrastructure Investment reinforces the call for MDBs to catalyze regional investment in the energy sector — particularly in electricity generation, transmission, and distribution.
Wynne called for an infrastructure investment from the Federal government to allow Canada to grow further.
«In this period of austerity, national economic uncertainty, unpredictability of federal funding, and rising social service costs there is an increasing risk that funding for infrastructure investments will be curbed to dangerous levels,» Ravitch said in a press release.
Jeremy Corbyn has consistently ruled out a second poll both in recognition of the political risk associated with going against the «will of the people» but also because his world view over thirty years has been that the EU is a bosses club and that its regional aid rules will block his plans for infrastructure investment.
«Crumbling or tumbling» — that was the subject of a Hudson Valley non-profit's conference today on infrastructure issues, a week after it released a report on the topic as President Obama visited Westchester County to talk about the need for infrastructure investment.
The Comptroller says the tax plans could also result in higher costs for municipal bonds, which would drive up state and local expenses for infrastructure investments.
The administration has identified one new revenue stream that would levy a fee on oil companies to pay for infrastructure investments.
In a country with a long - running negative savings rate and an historical aversion to taxation that has been leant a hand by a dominant faith in the overarching ability of the market to solve all problems, it's not surprising that there is a lack of public support for infrastructure investment — both in physical and human capital.
Azzopardi said Cuomo's multi-year thruway plan will cost $ 1 billion: $ 340 million in toll tax credits and $ 700 million for infrastructure investments.
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