Sentences with phrase «for infrastructure spending»

Lots of words by political parties about the need for infrastructure spending, but there have been few commitments to real action.
Then there is the option of raising taxes to pay for infrastructure spending.
On the negative side, the push for infrastructure spending and barriers to trade could result in a serious uptick in inflation.
It also provides $ 47 billion for infrastructure spending over 10 years, slightly less than expected.
But investors are sticking with the company: Caterpillar's stock price is up 15 % year - to - date and the market seems bullish that the company could benefit from President Donald Trump's proposals for infrastructure spending that is, if they clear Congress.
As long as we need to, TMAF will stand strong, advocating for infrastructure spending that improves the highway networks most critical to the movement of freight and interstate travel, while prioritizing the safety of the motoring public in the process.
The passage of the GOP's tax cut bill is likely to boost economic growth in the short term, and Republicans may push hard for an infrastructure spending initiative to juice the economy further ahead of what promise to be hotly - contested mid-term elections in November.
The Conservative government pledged on Thursday to close tax loopholes and curb spending to erase its budget deficit in time for the 2015 election, even as it found new cash for infrastructure spending and manufacturers.
«There are a lot of people who are watching Washington to see if there is a real catalyst for infrastructure spending,» says Nathanial Sager, senior managing director, CTL and structured debt products, at Mesirow Financial in Chicago.
We get expert opinion from Eugene Mulero of Transport Topics on the President's proposal for infrastructure spending.
The news conference was organized by Rebuild NY Now, a coalition of industry groups and trade unions that is conducting a statewide media campaign to publicize the need for infrastructure spending.
She hasn't specified how she'd pay for this infrastructure spending, but Bill Clinton has supported a «repatriation holiday» that would allow companies to bring back cash if they invested 10 % in infrastructure bonds.
Among the more sanguine, the government's Economic Action Plan receives its highest marks — 41 % approval — for infrastructure spending (including home renovation support).
Over four years, the NDP is borrowing $ 34 - billion for infrastructure spending.
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