Sentences with phrase «for interim relief»

My dispute resolution expertise includes applications for interim relief, negotiation and mediation involving multiple parties.
7.3 In practice, what is the approach of the national courts to requests for interim relief by parties to arbitration agreements?
This involves filing a petition for interim relief with the court.
However, there is now clear authority that an application can be made for interim relief before the court has granted permission.
She is accustomed to being involved from an early stage, and has substantial experience of applications at short notice for interim relief, specific disclosure applications and strike out applications.
The existence of unresolved judicial review proceedings can cause significant problems for a public body even where a party does not make an application for interim relief.
You can file a petition for interim relief to deal with custody matters as well.
Patrick regularly represents both claimants and defendants in applications for interim relief in the Chancery Division and in the Queen's Bench Division.
In the High Court, Patrick regularly makes and resists applications for interim relief against current and former employees and directors.
Acted in an LMAA arbitration involving a dispute over control of English ship - owning companies operated as vehicles for joint venture between Greek parties, plus related Court applications for interim relief under s. 44 of the Arbitration Act 1996
According to the Polish arbitration law (based on the UNCITRAL Model Law), an arbitration agreement does not deprive the parties of the right to apply to a Polish court for interim relief.
Abstract: On May 18, 2017, the International Court of Justice (ICJ or Court) granted provisional measures in the Jadhav Case brought by India against Pakistan.1 This unremarkable order is in line with the Court's ordinary approach to requests for interim relief in death penalty cases.
When Google refused to de-index the offending websites from its search results, the plaintiffs brought a motion against Google for interim relief requiring Google to de-index the websites.
The House of Lords in Reg v Transport Sec, Ex p Factortame Ltd (No. 2)[1991] 1 AC 603 confirmed that the American Cyanamid approach was the starting point for interim relief in public law cases as it is in private law litigation.
The SCC Rules do not specify the grounds or conditions for interim relief, however the blog post breaks down a set of factors that have crystalized and are now commonly accepted as prerequisites for granting interim relief.
While nearly all international arbitral institutions now make provision in their rules for interim relief, national courts are often in a stronger position to...
Motion picture producer / lender's action for interim relief against foreign sales agent based on breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duty
The Competition Appeal Tribunal (Peter Freeman QC) has rejected an urgent application by Flynn Pharma for interim relief against the CMA's decision that Flynn should reduce its prices of Phenytoin capsules with effect from Monday.
If the motion for interim relief is made to the superior court, then there will be no arguments about the limits of the court's jurisdiction since the court has plenary powers.
In - chambers opinions are written by an individual Justice to dispose of an application by a party for interim relief, e.g., for a stay of the judgment of the court below, for vacation of a stay, or for a temporary injunction.
In this request for an interim relief order, CCD agrees with (c) and (e) of VIA's characterization, at page 3 - 4 of Ms. Mackaay's submission of January 3, 2000.
You can file a petition for interim relief, asking for a temporary protection order.
This includes applications for interim relief in support of arbitrations (e.g. anti-suit injunctions); seeking or resisting enforcement of domestic or foreign awards under the New York Convention; and challenging or defending awards under sections 67, 68 and 69 of the 1996 Act.
Judicial review is a paper — based process and the applications for interim relief are usually made on paper in the first instance.
The public interest, and the interests of others who wish to uphold the legality of the action of the public body, comes into play when the court looks at the strength of the case needed to support an application for interim relief.
Wonu assisted in advising a financial services client headquartered in Germany in relation to a complex whistleblowing claim, which included resisting an application for interim relief.
ICC Arbitration (2014) Complex multi-million dollar construction dispute raising issues of proper parties in the light of an assignment, repudiatory breach, applications for interim relief and computation of damages.
We are also regularly instructed in high - profile challenges to the decisions of public authorities and regulators, including claims which require urgent applications for interim relief, and which involve complex issues of international, EU or human rights law in the commercial sphere.
On December 12, 2000 VIA, (Tab 9) through their General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Carole Mackaay, formally responded to CCD's application for interim relief and stated that the rolling stock had already been purchased.
Generally speaking, Chambers applications for interim relief are not allowed to proceed until the parties have been in front of a judge to speak on a «without prejudice» basis about an overall settlement of the matter or about, at the very least, narrowing the issues between the parties.
Her matters often involve applications for interim relief, including injunctions and freezing orders.
James has a wealth of trial experience and of applications for interim relief, including freezing orders and injunctions.
The tendering process for the new criminal legal aid contracts was put on hold by the Administrative Court, following an application for interim relief by the LCCSA and CLSA.
Ben has experience of dealing with issues arising from allegations of fraud and insolvency claims, including a significant number of applications for interim relief.
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