Sentences with phrase «for judgmental»

In Rae's work, where there is seemingly no time for judgmental consideration; the profound, the superficial and the mediocre are afforded indiscriminate treatment, blended together, tossed around, abstracted, their significance rendered ambiguous.
And, with luck, the multi-level options this kind of thinking offers will eventually scramble things so completely that nobody has time for judgmental thinking anymore!
The underrated Patricia Clarkson is the perfect embodiment for the judgmental rottenness that permeates the neighbourhood.
i want a true and well committed relationship... i am not looking for a judgmental type, or someone who is too pushy,..
All opinion to the contrary is reserved for their judgmental, superior atti tude towards others.
This is common for any judgmental society or person, as long as they use their religious background and beliefs to justify taking away rights, implementing rules to defame groups of other people they feel are not of their group's «norm.»
This approach places a strong reliance on model - based forecasts (while still providing some scope for judgmental adjustments).

Not exact matches

«He always talks a good game, very vocal, pointing fingers, very judgmental,» Moews said, strongly underscoring he was not speaking for the department.
And I have news for you, my fellow judgmental old people: That's a good thing.
And commentators remain judgmental to this day: for example, almost all the»96 roundups skipped offerings that came to market without the backing of investment bankers, although at least one issue managed by a company CEO thrashed the underwritten crowd.
Once I left religion behind and embraced humanity I found myself less judgmental, depression subsided when I realized I really wasn't in danger of burning in hell at the discretion of a God, and found that for the most part people are good.
You know — the Universe is big enough for all religions, even the narrow minded and judgmental religions.
Many books written for Religion actually touch on the subject which is Love and being NON JUDGMENTAL because there can be no human that can tell me they know exactly what God is only my faith and love towards myself and my fellow Humans is an expression of his love not the intolerance or hatred that is spewed out in the name of God, God is ABOVE all of that CRAP PERIOD.
I went to a small town in the midwest to work for a non-profit thinking it'd be like chicken - soup - for the soul... INSTEAD it was a fundamentalist nightmare... it was NOT just small town mindedness... I could hardly find a church with out people wondering — why is this attractive woman in her early 30's unwed (or at least divorced with 3 kids) people were cold and unfathomable judgmental and sometimes downright hostile eager to quote scriptures seemingly un-lead by the Holy Spirit.
The highlight came when the dean of a seminary jumped in and condemned me for being so judgmental and urged his fellow preachers to use other peoples» material as if it were their own.
What is interesting is how so many (not all) atheists rail against the Christians for being hypocrites and judgmental.
Humility is not: — being judgmental (don't expect others to behave like us)-- vanity (being self consumed leaves no room for humble behavior)
They conveyed to me that I ought not be intimidated by religious people who are judgmental, for their judgmentalism has very little of God in it.
While this kind of suppressive behavior starts because we want to avoid the hassle of nosy, judgmental Christians, it eventually paves the way for abuse.
I am not one who would say that I approve of sexual relations outside of marriage, but I have come to be less judgmental and more compassionate; I have come to understand behavior patterns as appropriate for some people in some circumstances even though they could never be called ideal nor could they ever be fully acceptable to me or for me.
In previous eras sexual prohibition was decreed for «maiden lades,» at least for proper maiden ladies, and they endured it frequently by becoming the paradigms of rigid virtue with ramrod backbones and judgmental airs, in many instances, enough to create a recognizable caricature.
Curiously enough I sometimes long for the second coming, because while I don't care where my beliefs land me, I won't mind because I am certain that no amount of zealotry and self - deceiving piety will let someone this judgmental ascend to heaven.
Before we were selfish, judgmental, controlling, liars, indulgent, He died for us!
Nevertheless, many contemporary critics (including Jewett) insist that everything in the letter must be directed by Paul to the historical circumstances of his first readers: everything in chapters 1 - 13 should be understood in terms of the community differences described briefly in chapter 14: the strong are contemptuous of the weak because of their observance of dietary and Sabbath rules, while the weak are judgmental of the strong for their failure to observe the same.
How much harder would it be for the world to label us as judgmental, condemning, intolerant, superficial hypocrites, if we actually lead by example, by service, by radical, ridiculous, unconditional love?
Sometimes it might be wise for her to be firm, at other times tender; sometimes it might be compassionate for Her to be judgmental, at other times tolerant.
I don't need the old judgmental man in the sky to tell me I've done good or bad, I know who and what I am and take responsibility for my choices, good and bad.
So when a person says that someone is living in «open rebellion» to their body by excessively eating unhealthy foods, not exercising and drinking too much (for example), does that make that person a bigot or judgmental?
I don't have any scripture that tells me those people in Sandy Hook weren't pious enough and DESERVED their fate — so I can feel profound compassion for them, without any need for being judgmental.
Its what you use as a reason to be a judgmental of others and not have to take responsibility for your own bad behavior.
For being so open minded and having the ONLY CORRECT WAY to believe about god you atheists sure are rude, vindictive, show no love and are very judgmental and self righteous.
I couldn't agree more that religion is a problem but maybe you shouldn't bash one group for being judgmental while you yourself are.
If the prosecution didn't reject me as a sentimental bleeding - heart, surely the defense would refuse me for being overly judgmental of sin.
In my experience, for example, those who are most concerned with getting rid of all pagan influences in Christianity, are also those who tend to be the most judgmental and critical toward those Christians who still incorporate some of those pagan traditions and customs.
These attributes pose a sharp contrast, we are informed, to his mean - spirited, judgmental and arrogant predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who was known for his fancy vestments and aloof, academic attitude.
Spurred by their recent condemnation of Rob Bell, I was going to rail against their narrow view of Orthodoxy, challenge their commitment to Christian unity, judge them for being so judgmental, and then throw a bunch of Bible verses around like Rambo in a last - ditch siege.
He wrote this for his ignorant and judgmental peers.
I'm sorry for YOU, considering yourself a God - fearing Christian yet being so judgmental and deprecating to people who do not share your zeal.
Wow Jeremy, looks like the Pharisees are circling you, and getting their judgmental rocks ready for an old fashioned stoning!
If you find it more a of greenish - teal then lets have a discussion about it but don't call me judgmental for thinking its blue.
If I am a hater and judgmental for my view — so are they for their view.
This used to be something that was very hard for me to do, until I realized that when I'm not being antagonistic or judgmental, and people react to me as if I am, the reality is that their reaction says more about them than about me.
We should have selective nostalgia for unions, just as we should have the same for the vital and deeply judgmental parishes of the fifties with their affordable parochial schools.
We've got a rigidly judgmental personality that demands death for any perceived human transgressions.
It is also a strong antidote to perfectionism, a reproach to a thousand daily judgmental impulses, a cause for gratitude and praise.
13 Whitehead does not use the term judgment at this point, but see S 50; PR 100, 260, 267; MT 181 for various summaries of PI in which its judgmental character emerges.
Don't be judgmental can be an alibi for moral laziness, but it can also stem from an impulse that is sound.
Because we teach that the Bible does call some sex acts sin, such as pornography, premarital sex, homosexuality, adultery and more, we are criticized for being judgmental, prudish, antiquated and fundamentalist.
One thing I know for sure is that I've got to be less judgmental of those who choose to use such language to honestly express their gratitude to God.
But while I enjoyed that security, I am also now aware that it produced in me an unthinking rigidity and a highly judgmental attitude, for both were distinct parts of my personality structure as a teenager.
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