Sentences with phrase «for kingship»

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When young Solomon prays for wisdom at the beginning of his kingship — a prayer that pleases God — he asks for a heart that discerns good and evil, using the same language that gives a name to this tree (1 Kings 3:9).
When God's kingship is accepted by an individual, it has in a sense come for him.
Yet it is more than a stamp; it is a burden laid upon him which makes him wholly acceptable, vulnerable, disponible, and yet withdraws him to the task of «giving his flesh for the life of the world»: almost in the moment when an outburst of popular devotion would bestow upon him the splendor of kingship, a kingship of popular acclaim which he refused without seeming even to consider attempting to manage it.
The NEB reads, «and now I vest in you the kingship which my Father vested in me»; the NAB reads, «I for my part assign to you the dominion my Father has assigned to me.»
Amos's «righteousness,» Hosea's hesed, or «lovingkindness,» and Isaiah's «holiness» represent three important developments of the meaning of the divine kingship for the life of the community.
The God of Isaiah whom one knows to be Lord of all is not more spiritual or real than the God of the Covenant of whom one knows only that «He is King in Jeshurun,» for already He makes the unconditional demand of the genuine kingship.
The current wave of dystopian young adult fiction, for example, serves the same kind of public liturgical function for progressive individualism as the New Year liturgy of Marduk's victory over Tiamat once did for a strong Babylonian kingship.
It is the kingship of the cross, and the irony is that those who proclaim his Messiahship here will be baying for his blood by Friday.
From them we glean what has previously been indicated as basic notes in the understanding of the kingdom: the timeless kingship, or kingly rule, of God; an ongoing and present kingdom to be entered and lived in by accepting God's sovereign rule in obedient response; and a final victory of God which is in God's hands, though he calls us to labor in faith and love for its coming.
When we conclude the Lord's Prayer with the words, «For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,» we affirm this divine kingship and our trust in God's ultimate authority and sovereignty.
Jesus, whose authority and kingship is exercised through service, has set us free from sin and provided all people, but men in a special way, with a model for radical self - surrender and self - giving.
But to speak this word, to intimate the actual death of Ben - hadad and the kingship of Hazael, is no easy thing for the prophet.
For the Davidic kingship was permitted in the form of Servant King to Yaheweh, not in the image of the despotic and imperial powers, which were by definition rebellious against the Rule of Yahweh.
Just as kingship symbolism functioned for 1,500 years both as a language of cultural engagement and as a critical tool against all earthly kings, so republican symbolism can provide us with a language of transcendence as well as immanence for our own time.
It was out of an experience of a world order that exalts the godless and humbles the devout, punishes the guiltless and lets sinners achieve honor — it was out of this that the longing for God's Kingship was born.
Myth sanctions the existing social order and justifies its status system and power structure, providing a rationale for social and political institutions — from kinship to kingship.
In the tradition itself the «Alenu prayer (which Solomon Schechter called the Jewish «Marseillaise») has this: ``... in hope we wait, O Lord our God,... for Thee to remove the idols from the earth, the no - gods being utterly cut down, to taqqen «olam bemalkhut Shaddai set the world right by the Almighty's kingship...» The prayer ends in two verses from Scripture: «The Lord shall reign for ever and ever» (Exodus 15:18) and «And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one» (Zechariah 14:9).
He said kingship appointment is not an ordinary one but being permitted by yoruba culture and tradition as the king rules on behalf of the gods and is therefore accountable not just to men but to the gods as well for good governance and sustenance of the legacies of his ancestors.
-- I think we're meant to see that stripping away the Panther's power and calling for challengers is a nod to ancient tradition, but no one has SERIOUSLY challenged the kingship in ages and no one really expects it to happen (which is why Shuri raises her hand and makes a joke of it, and then it's a surprise when M'Baku, the leader of the outsider tribe, shows up to make an actual challenge).
This download includes 8 (x4 = 32) Personal Learning Checklists for GCSE Ancient History (AQA Specification) and covers the topics of: - The Persian Empire, 559 — 465 BC - From Tyranny to Democracy, 546 — 483 BC - Athens in the Age of Pericles, 462 — 429 BC - Alexander the Great, 356 — 323 BC - The foundations of Rome - from kingship to republic, 753 — 440 BC - Hannibal and the Second Punic War, 218 — 201 BC - Cleopatra - Rome and Egypt, 69 — 30 BC - Britannia - from conquest to province, AD 43 — c. 84.
Extracts are from across the whole play and are listed below: Act 1 Scene 2 — Macbeth's bravery Act 1 Scene 3 — Macbeth's ambition Act 1 Scene 5 — Lady Macbeth's ambition Act 1 Scene 7 — Macbeth as conflicted Act 1 Scene 7 — The relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth Act 2 Scene 1 — Confusion and difficult decisions Act 2 Scene 3 — Fear Act 3 Scene 1 — Regret and remorse Act 3 Scene 2 — Deception Act 3 Scene 2 — Macbeth's descent into darkness Act 3 Scene 4 — Guilt Act 4 Scene 1 — Guilt Act 4 Scene 1 — The Supernatural Act 4 Scene 3 — Good and evil Act 4 Scene 3 — Kingship Act 5 Scene 1 — Lady Macbeth's stability Act 5 Scene 3 — Macbeth as a hero Act 5 Scene 5 — Macbeth Blank frame included for creating your own resources.
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