Sentences with phrase «for life forms»

It's to illustrate the idea of many different needed ingredients coming together to create something else, like what is needed for a life form.
I am reminded of heat sensitive tracking devices looking for life forms.
Or how about DNA, the basis for all life forms on Earth?
Analysing data gathered from this low orbit could reveal new ingredients for life formed in space.
Fossil abundance versus geologic period diagrams should be shown for all life forms discussed in the text or presented in tree of life or cladogram interpretations.
This third cosmos is the celled cosmos or the cellular cosmologic orders duly ordained of and by and even for all life forms to be made anywhere cellular life can gain a foothold to evolve and gain in the abundant natures toward the evolution of its structures ever evolving in base pairings.
The point is that senseless suffering exists for ALL life forms, and that's all there is to it.
In either case, these planets didn't last long as habitable worlds, at least for any life form beyond a microbe.
The aaRSs thus play a central role in converting genes into proteins, a process called translation that is essential for all life forms.
While researchers proclaim the first half of our 4.5 billion - year - old planet's life as an important time for the development and evolution of early bacteria, evidence for these life forms remains sparse including how they survived at a time when oxygen levels in the atmosphere were less than one - thousandth of one percent of what they are today.
«This evolutionary innovation fundamentally changed the global cycles of carbon, water, and energy and thus was a prerequisite for all life forms on the mainland, including us humans.»
The Breakthrough Listen research program has even investigated whether «Oumuamua is an alien space ship by scanning the object for life forms with the Green Bank Telescope.
Overall, vitamin and mineral content of American fruits and vegetables has declined significantly during the last fifty years.4 The revival of interest in compost and natural fertilizers, rich in minerals including trace minerals, is due in part to the realization that healthy soil is the basis of health for all life forms.
This killing is in contravention to Buddhist teachings, which preach respect for all life forms.
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