Sentences with phrase «for little jobs»

It's not a carpenter's level, obviously, but it's ideal for little jobs around the house.
I also have a small 2 step ladder for little jobs.
I have used them I feel like 100's of times for little jobs:
For the little jobs, I just recently discovered the awesomeness of the Ninja Master Prep.
For the little jobs, I just recently discovered the awesomeness of the Ninja Master Prep.

Not exact matches

As immigration lawyer Evan Green asked the Globe and Mail, ``... how do you prove for someone with [little] work experience that there is no Canadian to do the job
Rather than judge Canada's success on abstract measures, which have little meaning to average folk — GDP, productivity, trade balances — Trudeau's candidacy is built on a pragmatic mantra: «A strong economy is the one that provides the largest number of good jobs for the largest number of Canadians.»
A little over five years ago, Joel Young found himself in a situation many American families are facing: He was deeply in debt with a less than stable job and young children to provide for.
This need to let go a little and let your people do their jobs isn't ever easy for anal - retentive entrepreneurs — which I guess may be oxymoronic.
When criticized for paying little tax, companies often respond by emphasizing how many jobs they've created.
Less than half of Gen Y lists their employer on Facebook, and unless they're job hunting, there is little reason for a teacher to advertise their profession on their personal profile.
CEO Don Thompson, then in the job for a little over a year, had needed the wings to be a hit.
The current system is a boon for foreign job placement firms but does little to help promising startups looking for talent that's in short supply.
Clooney said, «Suddenly, you're responsible for other people, which is terrifying... Right now my job is changing diapers and walking [the twins] around a little bit.
A bigger problem for Trump and the GOP: Whatever reduced rate ends up in proposed legislation, critics are bound to point out that there's little evidence to support the idea that corporate tax cuts create jobs or raises wages.
Everyone wants to be more global, to infuse ethics and integrity into the curriculum, to teach students to be more entrepreneurial and innovative, and to put more of a challenge into MBA programs that, at some places, have become little more than a two - year search for a better job.
Wexley has taken on some unusual projects — a mass paper - airplane launch, for instance — but the company's founders were still surprised when they got a call from a U.S. Army colonel who had read about them in Inc. and wanted to send his communications officer for a little on - the - job training.
Starting out young and having lots of little jobs, whether it's working for the town delivering papers, pumping gas, working in an Italian restaurant, pushing shopping carts at Finast Supermarket.
When the expectation from the top down is that people's personal or family lives have to be sacrificed for the job as evidenced by 50 - hour - plus workweeks, little or no vacation time, and 24/7 availability for work communication, you've reached the height of a toxic workplace.
Hackett has little to show for his fresh approach in the four short months he's been in the job.
People skating close to the financial edge have little breathing room in the event they lose their job, for example, or if something that's important in their lives (such as gasoline, food or interest payments) suddenly becomes more expensive.
The Harper government leaves little doubt it thinks schools are doing a poor job preparing students for the real world.
That's a lot of jobs for one little taco.
From an early age, Asquith, who was born in Sussex but has spent most of his life in London, has been saving his money, starting with «hoarding cash and doing little jobs where I could» such as washing neighbourhood cars at age 12 to asking for money instead of presents at birthdays and Christmas.
The findings also reveal a little bit about why prospective applicants are increasingly searching for jobs on their phones and tablets.
«Most leaders do too much,» Murnighan told Kellogg Insight, explaining that this leads to «under - utilized and under - challenged» team members who often switch jobs in frustration, as well as stressed - out managers with little time for big picture thinking.
Providing opportunities for them to pursue their passions improves their productivity and job satisfaction, but many managers want people to work within a little box.
Sixteen people compete in silly weekly tasks that have little to do with the work of a business executive for the «dream job of a lifetime.»
I work some weekend jobs for a little spending money.
The benefits they may have received — such as the knowledge of how a production or accounting office functions or references for future jobs — are the results of simply having worked as any other employee works, not of internships designed to be uniquely educational to the interns and of little utility to the employer.
If you are looking for a little inspiration, check out these stories of job seekers who love to use FlexJobs!
Chair Yellen, with real growth over the recovery a little slower than we thought, output gaps and job market slack still on the scene, prices appearing to decelerate and wages / compensation revealing little in the way of threatening pressures, try as I might — and I repeat, I'm solidly in your camp — I don't see the rationale for tightening, even a little.
The slowdown in job growth and the absence of any significant wage pressure could strengthen the arguments of those who see little risk in keeping borrowing costs exceptionally low and waiting not just for more encouraging data but also for unruly markets to settle down.
There tends to be more steady, longer - term need for these jobs, and they can be a huge help for earning a little extra income during slow periods while still allowing you to remain current.
Anyway the point is that if you are a banker and conceive of your job as «save the careers of corporate managers» rather than «do what is best for the corporation,» that's a little weird.
Looking for a job that offers a little more flexibility?
In that sense, the Fed has the potential to make a huge structural difference in the economic lives of blacks and other minorities by heavily weighting the full employment part of the their mandate relative to the inflation part, especially since there's still considerable slack in the job market, with lower - wage, minority workers facing the brunt of it, and — importantly — little evidence of inflationary pressure (if anything, the Fed has missed their inflation target on the low side for a few years running now).
There are a a number of ways to earn amount of money, but whenever people try that they get trapped in a scam, Therefore Now I am sharing with you a genuine and guaranteed way for free to earn huge amount of money at home.I am making atleast $ 10000 every month since 12 months.Its a web - based job and super easy to do, Even a little boy or girl can do this job and make money on the internet.
They will do little to help former factory workers who have had to take lower - paying jobs — which is one reason that calling for new investments doesn't bring nearly the cheers on the campaign trail that denouncing Nafta does.
Opposition MPs and businesses have complained for months that the planned EI premium hike, which was little noticed in the March 4 budget package, was a hidden tax hike that would slow job creation at a time when 1.5 million Canadians remain out of work.
Now try to recall the thanks you received from your boss or colleagues for a job well done — a little employee appreciation.
Now, the market for initial public offerings is starting to heati up, but the law, the Jump - Start Our Business Startups Act, or the JOBS Act, has had little to do with it.
Silver futures settled last Friday in New York at 16.26 an ounce while currently trading at 16.36 up about $ 0.10 for the trading week reacting neutral off of the monthly unemployment number which was released this morning stating that we added 103,000 jobs which were very disappointing sending gold prices higher, however having very little impact on silver.
The real questions are which parts of your portfolio could use a little help and who is the best person for the job.
TransCanada said little Tuesday except for noting the «best - in - class technology and construction techniques» of the project, and arguing it will generate construction jobs, higher property taxes, and boost U.S. GDP.
Federal support for research and development is generous and essential, but too often, government - assisted research results in patents that create jobs abroad; consider how little Apple and Microsoft technology results in U.S. - based manufacturing.
Employment growth in the recent period has been concentrated in part - time jobs; full - time employment has been, at best, flat in recent months, even allowing for the prospect of some reversal of the large monthly fall recorded in March, and there has been little net gain in full - time jobs since October 1995 (Graph 12).
What's more, mining online data for information leads to buyer personas that are little more than job descriptions.
SCHNEIDER: The number one metric and this gets back into my comments about optionality for the Fed, but the number one metric that the Fed is going to be focused on is the tightness of the job market and wage pressures on the go - forward basis, so sure inflation — headline inflation has perked up a little bit.
If you lost a job or retired early in the year you may have very little taxable income for the year, particularly if you itemize deductions.
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