Sentences with phrase «for local taxpayers»

«It simply doesn't make sense for local taxpayers to pay an extra $ 50 million to hold three primary elections and one general election in the same year,» he said.
The town's spending plan is now $ 43.1 million, which calls for a 1.87 percent tax levy increase for local taxpayers.
Senate District) said, «The GEA has meant less funding for schools, fewer teachers in the classroom, students lumped in larger classes, and a bigger burden for local taxpayers.
Failing a low - percentage appeal by the municipality, the knock - on effect for local taxpayers will be substantial.
Victoria — A new survey from the Union of B.C. Municipalities shows that the Premier Clark's Auditor General for Local Government project has only increased the burden on local governments and costs for local taxpayers
«It's wrong for local taxpayers to have to increasingly shoulder the responsibility that rests with the state,» Iannuzzi said in a press release.
Board member Ricky Cooke said it was critical that the board have correct and complete information to make important decisions for local taxpayers.
Just 6 percent of property taxes are spent on Medicaid, or $ 176.21 average cost per resident — that's 47th the state, making the overall savings for local taxpayers under the Collins / Faso Amendment debatable.
We believe that the airport and the Council should work proactively with airlines to find the best solution for passengers and for the local taxpayers who ultimately own the airport.
And so it goes, creating «payback» for the local taxpayer created incentives.
The supervisor's proposed budget includes a 1.37 percent hike in overall spending next year, and an estimated 1.45 percent tax levy increase for local taxpayers.
But local governments and green groups bitterly oppose the measure, citing concerns over reduced payments to their localities and school districts, a lack of comprehensive study and how the program might change under future administrations — all of which would lead to a larger tax burden for local taxpayers.
The supervisor's proposed spending plan includes a.7 percent reduction in overall spending next year, and an estimated.54 percent tax levy increase for local taxpayers.
Senator Rich Funke (55th Senate District) said, «The GEA has meant less funding for schools, fewer teachers in the classroom, students lumped in larger classes, and a bigger burden for local taxpayers.
The study of equity was to address the growing gap between high - and low - spending districts and the implications for the quality of education received by students and for local taxpayers.
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