Sentences with phrase «for longitudinal studies»

We are grateful to the Centre for Longitudinal Studies for use of the data, and to the UK Data Archive and UK Data Service for making the data available.
London, UK: Centre for Longitudinal Studies; 2010
However, factors like participant attrition and the problem of replicating real life experience in a lab context present considerable challenges for longitudinal studies and experiments, respectively.
There is a need for a more uniform use of recommended instruments and for longitudinal studies.
The Consortium for Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN) 30 is a consortium of 5 study sites that are investigating prospectively the antecedents and consequences of child maltreatment.
In the Consortium for Longitudinal Studies (Ed.)
Study data were provided by the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, London, UK, and were made available through the Data Archive, University of Essex, Essex, UK.
The claim girls in single - sex schools were more likely to study science was backed by long - term tracking studies, said Alice Sullivan, director of the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, at the UCL Institute of Education, in London.
We would like to thank all the Millennium Cohort Study families for their cooperation, and Professor Heather Joshi and the Millennium Cohort Study team at the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University of London.
For this longitudinal study, school lunch student food selection data were collected daily from January 2011 through January 2014 in the 16 school - year months prior to and the 15 school - year months after implementation of the HHFKA.
«These findings clearly indicate the need for further study,» said Dr. Lipshultz, while pointing to one of the study's key conclusions: «Subclinical differences in left ventricular structure and function with specific in - utero antiviral exposures indicate the need for a longitudinal study to assess long - term cardiac risk and cardiac monitoring recommendations.»
A modest proposal was published recently in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, an editorial calling for longitudinal study of dementia prevention.
New skeletal muscle model for the longitudinal study of alterations in microcirculation following contusion and cryotherapy.
«We can't wait 10 years for the longitudinal study
Welcome to the research hub for the longitudinal study of Irish school principal and deputy principal health and wellbeing.
This CTAC report addresses the national need for a longitudinal study of the impact of a state takeover of a major urban district.
While the genotype won't, change, we need to wait for a longitudinal study, the «movie version» as it were, before we'll know how many of those normal - eye dogs go on to develop cataracts.
Population average models were used to account for the longitudinal study design and correlation of repeated measurements, and an interaction term between maternal education (our socioeconomic measure) and age was included in order to examine whether differences in health inequalities by age were statistically significant.
Of these, 1037 children (91 % of eligible births; 52 % male) participated in the first follow - up at age 3 years, forming the base sample for the longitudinal study.
Beverly Fagot, now a professor at the UO, returned to OSLC as one of the first post-docs, and was soon funded for a longitudinal study of a group of toddlers and their families.
In 1991, the NICHD Study of Early Child Care recruited more than 1,300 families and their newborn children at 10 locales throughout the country for a longitudinal study to determine the relationship between children's early experiences and their developmental outcomes.

Not exact matches

In our own longitudinal studies, we've seen it at about 26 % and longitudinal studies in Europe have found around the same thing; there could be mathematical reasons for why it's lower in longitudinal studies than in cross-sectional studies ones.
To date, results from several longitudinal studies indicate that e-cigarette use among nonsmoking youth increases the likelihood of future use of conventional cigarettes.5 — 10 Specifically, the pooled odds ratio (OR) in a recent meta - analysis of studies of adolescents and young adults (aged 14 — 30) indicates that those who had ever used e-cigarettes were 3.62 times more likely to report using cigarettes at follow - up compared with those who had not used e - cigarettes.11 This finding was robust and remained significant when adjusting for known risk factors associated with cigarette smoking, including demographic, psychosocial, and behavioral variables such as cigarette susceptibility.
Additional evidence for such ability is provided by the Gorilla Language Research Project, a longitudinal study of the linguistic and behavioral development of lowland gorillas.
A substantial longitudinal study has found better socio - emotional outcomes for both boys and girls who had, as toddlers, experienced some solo - care from their fathers (Washbrook, 2007 *).
There are scant longitudinal studies on independent men and women who prefer to live alone, live apart together for the long term or cohabit, and until there are, we really won't know whether marriage is still the best arrangement for couples.
In British Columbia, in a longitudinal study which partly controlled for fathers» mental health outcomes, multivariate analysis found adverse employment experiences among fathers strongly associated with their sons» attempted / completed suicide later, and with elevated odds for daughters» attempted suicide (Ostry et al, 2006).
Over a 35 - year period, the Minnesota Longitudinal Study of Risk and Adaption (MLSRA) revealed that the quality of the early attachment reverberated well into later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, even when temperament and social class were accounted for.
• An important longitudinal study which controlled for socioeconomic factors found fathers» involvement in routine every day childcare, plus play / school liaison throughout a child's life to beyond adolescence, accounting for 21 % of the variance in fathers» marital happiness at midlife (Snarey, 1993).
Kochanska, G., Kim, S. Toward a new understanding of the legacy of early attachments for future antisocial trajectories: evidence from two longitudinal studies.
All EDN characteristics are linked to health in mammalian and human studies (for reviews, see Narvaez, Panksepp, Schore & Gleason, 2013; Narvaez, Valentino, Fuentes, McKenna & Gray, 2014; Narvaez, 2014) Thus, shifts away from the EDN baseline are risky and must be supported with longitudinal data looking at wellbeing in children and adults.
Over time, longitudinal studies have demonstrated economic returns of $ 5.70 for every dollar invested, including reduced costs associated with involvement in violence as teenagers and adults.
The Infant Feeding Practices Study II is a longitudinal study of new mothers and their infants conducted by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from May 2005 to June Study II is a longitudinal study of new mothers and their infants conducted by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from May 2005 to June study of new mothers and their infants conducted by the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from May 2005 to June 2007.
The strengths of our study include a well characterized group of more than 3700 infants, with varying demographic characteristics drawn from 2 discrete geographic regions, and longitudinal follow - up for 6 months, including reports of infant sleep position at 1, 3, and 6 months.
For example, in two longitudinal studies of high - risk mothers («high - risk» due to low - socioeconomic status, single status, young age at first birth, and a history of abuse), the rate of intergenerational transmission ranged from 45 % (22) to 63 %.
They could provide a mechanism for conducting longitudinal studies on head trauma, allowing researchers to assess years of data on the frequency, magnitude and ramifications of head impacts.
In order for a study to look at the differences between the two we need a longitudinal study which specifically compares those who are exclusively breastfed to sleep and through the night with those who are sleep trained and night weaned, leaving out variables which can also affect the results AND have it be peer reviewed.
There have been no long - term longitudinal studies of the effects of early feeding method on the microbiome, but early feeding has the potential for lasting effects on microbial community structure, 32 and these effects may be one mechanism for the health benefits of breastfeeding on childhood and lifelong health.
For example, a fairly recent U.S. longitudinal study tracking over 6,400 boys for over 20 years found that children who grew up without their biological father in the home were roughly three times more likely to commit a crime that led to incarceration than were children from intact familiFor example, a fairly recent U.S. longitudinal study tracking over 6,400 boys for over 20 years found that children who grew up without their biological father in the home were roughly three times more likely to commit a crime that led to incarceration than were children from intact familifor over 20 years found that children who grew up without their biological father in the home were roughly three times more likely to commit a crime that led to incarceration than were children from intact families.
Physical punishment is associated with a range of mental health problems in children, youth and adults, including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of drugs and alcohol, and general psychological maladjustment.26 — 29 These relationships may be mediated by disruptions in parent — child attachment resulting from pain inflicted by a caregiver, 30,31 by increased levels of cortisol32 or by chemical disruption of the brain's mechanism for regulating stress.33 Researchers are also finding that physical punishment is linked to slower cognitive development and adversely affects academic achievement.34 These findings come from large longitudinal studies that control for a wide range of potential confounders.35 Intriguing results are now emerging from neuroimaging studies, which suggest that physical punishment may reduce the volume of the brain's grey matter in areas associated with performance on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, third edition (WAIS - III).36 In addition, physical punishment can cause alterations in the dopaminergic regions associated with vulnerability to the abuse of drugs and alcohol.37
The strongest research methods for psychological studies are: qualitative findings versus quantitative; experimental rather than descriptive or correlational; controlled - experiment, meta - analysis, and observation designs over archival, case study, computational modeling, content analysis, field experiment, interview, neuroimaging, quasi experiment, self - report inventory, random sample survey, or twin study; and prospective (where subjects are recruited prior to the proposed independent effects being administered) and longitudinal (where subjects are studied at multiple time points) rather than retrospective or cross-section study.
This is consistent with other studies demonstrating a link between breastfeeding and maternal sensitivity.25, 26,27 For example, in a longitudinal study of more than 1300 families in the USA, mothers who breast fed were observed to be more sensitive to their babies at 6, 15, 24 and 36 months.27 Importantly, this difference persisted after statistical control for the effects of maternal mental health, the quality of the home environment in terms of infant health and stimulation and socioeconomic statFor example, in a longitudinal study of more than 1300 families in the USA, mothers who breast fed were observed to be more sensitive to their babies at 6, 15, 24 and 36 months.27 Importantly, this difference persisted after statistical control for the effects of maternal mental health, the quality of the home environment in terms of infant health and stimulation and socioeconomic statfor the effects of maternal mental health, the quality of the home environment in terms of infant health and stimulation and socioeconomic status.
This study used data from the Infant Feeding and Practices Study II, a publically available longitudinal data set sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, designed to understand infant feeding patterns, infant health, mother's health, and mother's study used data from the Infant Feeding and Practices Study II, a publically available longitudinal data set sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, designed to understand infant feeding patterns, infant health, mother's health, and mother's Study II, a publically available longitudinal data set sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, designed to understand infant feeding patterns, infant health, mother's health, and mother's diet.
In with respect to the quality of mother - infant relations, a prospective longitudinal study of around 1000 young New Zealanders found a small but significant association between breastfeeding duration and adolescents» perceptions of maternal care, with a longer duration of breastfeeding being associated with increased adolescent perceptions of maternal nurturance.9 This association persisted after statistical control for a wide range of the selection factors noted above.
We recruited women receiving prenatal care through the University of California Davis Medical Center (UCDMC) for this longitudinal cohort study.
Initiatives by successive governments to provide better access to higher education for young people from less - privileged backgrounds have failed according to Understanding Society, the world's largest longitudinal study.
A pair of longitudinal twin studies, for example, found no significant link between marijuana use and IQ.
For a decade after he retired, Pembrey worked 3 or 4 days a week as part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a large health - research project for which he previously was director of genetiFor a decade after he retired, Pembrey worked 3 or 4 days a week as part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, a large health - research project for which he previously was director of genetifor which he previously was director of genetics.
Clark D. Jeffries, PhD, bioinformatics scientist at the UNC - based Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI), is a co-author of the study, which was conducted as part of the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS), an international effort to understand risk factors and mechanisms for development of psychotic disorstudy, which was conducted as part of the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Study (NAPLS), an international effort to understand risk factors and mechanisms for development of psychotic disorStudy (NAPLS), an international effort to understand risk factors and mechanisms for development of psychotic disorders.
The researchers followed 625 participants every six months for up to ten years in The 90 + Study, an ongoing longitudinal study of people age 90 and oStudy, an ongoing longitudinal study of people age 90 and ostudy of people age 90 and older.
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