Sentences with phrase «for meaningful conversations»

Thinking about tomorrow... what will you do to make time for meaningful conversations with staff, children and families?
U.S. DOT drafted Guiding Principles on Voluntary Data Exchanges to Accelerate Safe Deployment of Automated Vehicles to help bring government and industry stakeholders together for meaningful conversations around automated vehicle - related data exchanges.
By the same token, community thirsts for meaningful conversations so that the media are not their sole means of learning about the life of schools.
Meanwhile, Cornelia joins Darby at hip - hop dance class (Watts, who rarely does comedy, is hilarious here), and the four of them gather for meaningful conversations, at which Josh is chided for whipping out his smartphone to help remember a fact.
When you learn to stop sounding like a demeaning, self - righteous kook, we'll be ready for a meaningful conversation.
[As This will give them the opportunity to review your background and career target, determine whether you may be a good fit, and prepare for a meaningful conversation with you.
Patty Olwell, former co-host of Therapist Uncensored, returns for a meaningful conversation with Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity.

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To have more meaningful conversations with your clients and to show your commitment to them and at the same time ask for a commitment from them.
Facebook's goal is for computers to eventually have meaningful conversations with humans.
This makes for more meaningful conversations and ensures that I'm likely to meet the right people at the right time for the betterment of my business and life.
DeProfio has a remarkably useful method for sparking meaningful conversations that really matter to her associates — and her store.
Trying to make everyone in the office best friends is a bad idea for a number of reasons, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have meaningful conversations outside of a typical work environment.
There's no flowers or candy, no meaningful conversations, and no foundational activities for establishing a relationship.
I am not as hyper - focused, but try to have a meaningful conversation with only about five people at every event I attend or for each day of a conference.
There are numerous ways to participate in meaningful conversations with people looking for help in solving challenges.
Having meaningful conversations with those searching for the help you can provide is the turning point in transforming clicks into customers.
With the right strategies and practices, it can take administrative burden off your plate, help you better serve your customers, and warm up more prospects for meaningful, personal conversations that create sales for your small business.
Try to make this a meaningful conversation for all involved.
Social media is an essential tool for getting your content in front of your target consumers; it also can serve as a powerful engagement platform in its own right, enabling brands to conduct meaningful, two - way conversations that are more timely and relevant than other content formats might allow.
Todd, I think it's time for you to back away from the keyboard until you can actually contribute something meaningful to the conversation other than schoolyard bully insults.
Always stressing God's love for us, he shows us how we can have honest, meaningful conversations with God.
For one they don't speak the same language and for two, the bear isnt» one to have meaningful conversations wiht it's snack foFor one they don't speak the same language and for two, the bear isnt» one to have meaningful conversations wiht it's snack fofor two, the bear isnt» one to have meaningful conversations wiht it's snack food.
For churches already heavily invested (monetarily and otherwise) in computer technology in worship, moving toward this kind of limited use may be a first step in recognizing the effects of PowerPoint in worship and in generating meaningful conversation.
CLEARLY this was a hit for a lot of folks and started meaningful conversation as I scrolled down past the 60 plus comments to add mine.
Well, everything is moving too fast for an actual conversation, so nobody is really responding in any meaningful way, which means «conversation» isn't the right description.
Often, kids prefer to simply «serve their sentence» rather than have a meaningful conversation with their parents about the reasons for and impact of their lie.
Holding a space, setting a tone, interacting one - on - one in real and meaningful conversations, and... (best part of all, for me anyway), watching the connections between people that happen when they gather in a space of likeminded individuals.
Since 3 year old kids are not well known for keeping deep and meaningful conversations, I have to think of ways to connect with her, or she becomes a little monster that nobody can tame.
This activity will not only offer many opportunities for conversations with your baby, but it also will show him at the earliest age that pictures and printed words convey messages that are personal and meaningful.
For more support on discussing these issues with parents, see our «Having meaningful conversations with mothers» and «Caring for your baby at night» guidFor more support on discussing these issues with parents, see our «Having meaningful conversations with mothers» and «Caring for your baby at night» guidfor your baby at night» guides.
And, Rhonda Richardson, PhD, co-author of «What Kids REALLY Want to Ask: Using Movies to Start Meaningful Conversations»» A Guidebook for Parents and Children Ages 10 - 14.
Every family feels differently about social media, but this is a great guide for keeping your child safe and having meaningful conversations about Instagram should and shouldn't be.
Just make sure you follow the mantra of social media: do not over-promote, keep the content interesting and meaningful, encourage engagement, and monitor conversations for meaningful opinions and trends to help you continuously improve your social media presence.
But while it is easy for academics and other observers to demand that armed forces should «reach out» to insurgents, there is precious little guidance on the practicalities of initiating a meaningful conversation with the people determined to bomb the foreigners out of their homeland.
«For quite some time, Education Commissioner John King has closed off all meaningful conversation with parents, educators, administrators, and elected officials who have highlighted serious deficiencies in State Education Department policies,» Abinanti said.
Mr. de Blasio said the decision to include policies that might fall outside the city's control derived, in part, from a conversation with Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, whose long - term plans have «assumed a meaningful role for their national government.»
Although the balance of the evidence indicates that bariatric surgery is safe and effective for the typical patient with severe obesity, Dr. Arterburn said, individual patients and their doctors need to have meaningful shared decision making conversations about the long - term benefits, risks, and uncertainties of bariatric surgery so they can each choose the best treatments for them.
For example, if you eat to feel comfort and security, then you could find healthier alternatives which could fulfill those same emotional needs — e.g having a deep and meaningful conversation with someone.
Whether you go for a walk, watch sunrise or sunset, have a meaningful conversation, engage in a spiritual practice, or partake in your favorite activity, your life is made more meaningful by participating in practices that inspire you and make you feel passionately alive.
They're engaging their customer in meaningful conversation and acting as a resource for information, and discovery.
A phone conversation makes it so that you don't have to wait all day for a response and can have a more meaningful conversation in a shorter amount of time.
So don't try to have deep and meaningful conversations with her because she is not looking for that.
I am looking to meet with a man who values meaningful conversation, is respectful, caring, witty, fun, has got a positive outlook on life and is ready for a real, healthy relationship with the right person.
Looking for someone to have meaningful conversations.
Looking for a smart woman who could hold a meaningful conversation.
Looking for sharing meaningful intellectual conversation with assertive women who are liberally open to freedom, and expressing their true values, character, and sensuality.
Probably honest to a fault and often hungry for deep, meaningful conversations.
There are senior singles looking for casual hookups but most are looking for actual dates, where meaningful conversations form a major part of the evening.
Smart women who can get into nice meaningful conversations, which wld enable us to be good frnds for real.
The definition of these relationships should be the same for... This is why in - person conversation, and flirtation, is more meaningful than online.
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