Sentences with phrase «for meaningful use»

It's fully certified for meaningful use by ONC - ATCB for 2011 - 2012.
On Aug. 23, 2012, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a rule stating that only «credentialed medical assistants» (as well as licensed health care professionals) would be permitted to enter medication, laboratory, and radiology orders into the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system for meaningful use calculation purposes under the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) had decided that only «licensed health care professionals» would be allowed to enter orders under the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs for meaningful use calculation purposes.
Stage 1 of the Incentive Program specified that only «licensed health care professionals» could enter orders into the CPOE system for meaningful use calculation purposes.
On May 13, 2014, Executive Director Balasa presented on the CMA (AAMA) credential, California medical assisting law, and the CMS rule for meaningful use electronic order entry for a webinar of the California Qualify Collaborative entitled «Achieve More through Managing Medical Assistants» Scope.»
Mr. Balasa's article entitled «Who Can Enter Orders for Meaningful Use?
Non-credentialed medical assistants are not permitted to enter orders for meaningful use calculation purposes.
The presentation dealt with the CMS rule for meaningful use order entry.
«FAQs about the CMS Rule for Meaningful Use Order Entry» On March 28, 2013, Executive Director Balasa sent the above - captioned piece to Board of Trustees members to help them prepare for questions during Representatives Bureau assignments.
Despite the phasing out of the Medicare Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) rule that only licensed health care professionals or «credentialed medical assistants» are permitted to enter orders into the computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system for meaningful use calculation purposes under the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program remains in effect until at least December 31, 2021.
On May 16, 2014, Executive Director Balasa presented a 90 - minute session entitled «CMS Rule for Meaningful Use Order Entry» at the Michigan Osteopathic Association Annual Practice Manager Program in Detroit, Michigan.
Executive Director Balasa updated his PowerPoint presentation «The CMS Rule for Meaningful Use Order Entry» that was originally presented at the 2013 AAMA Annual Conference in conjunction with the presentation of Robert Anthony of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
In keeping with the above excerpts, it is the position of the AAMA that only appropriately credentialed medical assistants (in addition to licensed health care professionals) should be permitted to enter medication, laboratory, and diagnostic imaging orders into the computerized provider order entry system for meaningful use calculation purposes under the Medicaid Electronic Health Record Incentive Program, and for advancing - care - information purposes under the Merit - Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS).
Legal Counsel Balasa presented «Who Can Enter Orders into the EHR for Meaningful Use: What You Need to Know» at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Dermatology Administrators and Managers (ADAM) March 20, 2015, in San Francisco, California.
The Medicaid Incentive Program requires that only credentialed medical assistants and licensed health care professionals are permitted to enter medication, laboratory, and diagnostic imaging orders into the CPOE system for meaningful use calculation purposes.
Sadly, basic encounters can usually be cleared without the opponent ever making a move, leaving what could have been a fairly enjoyable combat system sat waiting for a meaningful use.
This approach can be effective in some instances, but in general approaches to learning that encourage use of the information, and questioning of ideas and concepts are more lasting, and offer far more potential for meaningful use of the content.

Not exact matches

Facebook says that «liking» a post is just a passive activity and is therefore a less meaningful signal to use for ranking purposes.
Investigators believed the company's reviews over whether to supply customers more controlled substances were not meaningful and were used as a sales tool; customers were granted threshold increases for reasons, like the 4th of July, or the closure of an area pharmacy years earlier, that the government considered less than compelling.
When you craft a meaningful and encompassing vision for your life, your business and your world, you can use it as a map for years to come.
The «Mad Money» host predicted that because of recent scandals, Wells Fargo might hesitate to show meaningful growth in its report for fear of regulators thinking it is using illegal tactics again.
«A lot of the opportunities out there are for people to use artificial intelligence to market, to do app placement or spam filters — to do things that are not quite as meaningful» as improving how food is produced, he says.
Comparison of our presentation of NAREIT FFO to similarly titled measures for other REITs may not necessarily be meaningful due to possible differences in the application of the NAREIT definition used by such REITs.
Don't do tech just for tech's sake; implement it in a meaningful way, as Nike does by using augmented reality in its go - to - market strategies.
Companies use corporate venture capital as a compelling means to drive outside - in («open») innovation for: access to new and disruptive technologies, the development of new business models and participation in emerging markets, all of which may provide meaningful contributions to corporate growth.
What software can I use to play around and do some backtesting or generate meaningful stats for ideas that I have?
And on Twitter, Sanchez seconded that sentiment, saying, «OpenBazaar is supposed to be a free and open protocol for trade using cryptocurrency, a way for currencies and tokens to gain meaningful economic utility to acquire goods and service, and an entry point for people to earn and onboard.»
If unpracticed optimizers have been given free rein on your site, check that you are not displaying identical anchor text throughout, that titles are restricted to five or six descriptive words, that meta tags provide meaningful, unique information about that page, that H1 and H2 headers are not simply vehicles for having keywords in larger, bold print, and that the body text makes use of both short and long tail keyword variations.
Content planning that uses a modular approach will make the repurposing process easier, keyword relevant and meaningful for the audience because topics are driven by an understanding of customer interests, questions and triggers.
For most cryptocurrency use cases, mass user adoption is still years off: «Less than 10 million people «use» crypto today, and aside from use as «digital gold» or «payment rail», other use cases won't have meaningful traction for 18 + months at fastest.&raqFor most cryptocurrency use cases, mass user adoption is still years off: «Less than 10 million people «use» crypto today, and aside from use as «digital gold» or «payment rail», other use cases won't have meaningful traction for 18 + months at fastest.&raqfor 18 + months at fastest.»
Using inbound marketing for IT companies will require meaningful content, thoughtful placement and a well - designed website to serve as a foundation for lead generation efforts.
Equity factors can be valued using fundamental metrics Value and Size are cheap while Low Volatility and Growth are expensive Likely more meaningful for medium - to long - term than short - term investors INTRODUCTION The term «Factor Investing» reached an all - time high this year according to Google
But using data from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's National Temperature Index (NTI), we found that cold weather during the winter months (December, January and February) does not have a meaningful implication for stock market returns.
«We use the survey results to focus on areas that help us offer the most rewarding, meaningful and productive work environment possible for our employees.»
Though the concept of a persona, a fictional character used to understand a particular audience segment, has existed for years, this study sought to uncover why organizations fail to create, update, maintain or apply persona intelligence in meaningful ways, rendering them ineffective.
When market conditions are viewed as favorable, use of leverage using call options may be amplify exposure to general market fluctuations for meaningful periods of time
When we take an instance like the Dawkins Foundation's Facebook post and use it as a chance to poke fun, we slam shut the door of opportunity for meaningful discussion.
We are claiming it for our own, using the concept of «Christian Myth» to mean something valuable and meaningful to us.
Ministers cast about for responses to displaced farm families, to the deepening misery of the rural and urban poor, to the epidemic use of drugs in every strata of society, to half a million homeless children; they seek techniques for church growth, approaches to spiritual nurture and meaningful worship.
Instead of wasting a ton of money and time on a stupid court case, why not use it for something more meaningful like feed the hungry!
Using this double aspect of grace, Niebuhr contended that history is meaningful but depends upon God for its fulfillment.
A wise pastor will use that stock for the currency of his or her sermons, recognizing that such a practice not only ensures meaningful communication, but also improves the chances of God's Word being heard in its depth and power.
On the other hand, his struggle to find meaning, the liberation he may have felt in finally choosing to end his life, the benefit he may have felt by removing himself as «troublesome» to others could actually be valuable experiences that God can use positively to stimulate more meaningful actiondecisions in the minister - brother, for example.
To use terms in a meaningful sense, we are told, requires an experiential grounding for those terms.
[35] Perhaps with this explanation, her comments quoted earlier become more meaningful for this discussion of identity, and her concluding comments on the use of the «master's tool», offer an intelligible link that connects the idea of «politicised identity» with an «imagined identity»:
For churches already heavily invested (monetarily and otherwise) in computer technology in worship, moving toward this kind of limited use may be a first step in recognizing the effects of PowerPoint in worship and in generating meaningful conversation.
The Copernican revolution has thus led us by steps to the point where God (presuming for the moment that we can still use this word in a meaningful way) must be much greater than the pre-Copernicans ever imagined, while on the other hand man, in spite of the recent rapid expanse of his knowledge and technology, appears to have been reduced to an infinitesimal role in space.
The traditional revision committee has been replaced by a permanent worship committee which is to continue to suggest meaningful liturgical forms for congregational use.
That means a lot to me knowing that I've done something special & meaningful for some homeless people that could use something good in their day.
For those with less mature sustainability strategies it offers a great opportunity to use a meaningful framework to move forwards.
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