Sentences with phrase «for middle class families»

This would be lowest tax rate for middle class families in 58 years.
Cut taxes for middle class families with the lowest tax rate in 58 years.
That latter approach makes much more sense if the point is to make higher education more affordable for middle class families who can't afford to sock away large sums in 529 investment accounts.
The governor also began the next phase of his «free» college tuition program for middle class families.
In this growing world with lots of expenses for a middle class family with an average of two children, saving one lakh per year is not that easy as it seems to be.
Bill's got a strong record of fighting for middle class families in upstate NY, and he has what it takes to create jobs and grow the economy.
«Scott will fight hard for middle class families and has the temperament and judgment to be extraordinarily successful.»
«But what this is about is giving a little with one hand and taking away a lot, because child tax credits for middle class families are to be cut, child tax credits are to be cut, child trust funds are to be cut, Sure Start children's centres for our children are to be cut, the schools budget is to be cut.»
When he does, he invariably talks about three things — the corporate income tax rate cut, the tax cut for middle class families with kids, and Opportunity Zones.
«Hillary's record as a tireless fighter for middle class families, civil rights, and putting people over special interests make it clear that she will be a president who moves New York and our country forward.»
WAMC's Dr. Alan Chartock discusses the good weather, the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch, Tillerson vs. Russia, and free tuition for middle class families who attend SUNY and CUNY schools in New York.
Universalizing access to public preschool, besides being very expensive for taxpayers, amounts to a huge windfall for public schools (and their teacher unions), as well as for middle class families and communities that have already found ways of obtaining it for their kids.
For example, the fiscal cliff legislation enacted at the beginning of 2013 permanently extended most of the 2001/2003 income tax rate structure, keeping rates lower for middle class families, who collect most of the benefits of the MID.
«Fighting for good paying jobs while keeping Long Island affordable for middle class families is a top priority, and I'm thrilled to have 1199SEIU's support for my campaign.
The Democratic governor says his proposed reforms build on the Excelsior Scholarship, which makes New York's public universities tuition - free for middle class families.
«This comprehensive plan will reduce the tax rate for middle class families to their lowest levels in more than fifty years, create thousands of new private sector jobs, and begin to turn our economy around.
Lee said, «In addition to not repealing all of the Obamacare taxes, it doesn't go far enough in lowering premiums for middle class families; nor does it create enough free space from the most costly Obamacare regulations.»
I think it is important to point out that this isn't just an issue for middle class families who care deeply about their child's diet and are able to provide abundant healthy food choices but school menus have great impact on many, many poor children who, through no fault of their own and often with no agency to change the situation, end up being pawns in the lunch tray wars.
«While Nan Hayworth has taken hundreds of thousands from the insurance industry and siding with them in every vote, Sean Maloney has shown he's willing to fight to clean up Washington and make government work again for the middle class families in New York.»
I'll fight bad trade deals and level the playing field for middle class families
Within his first hour after being sworn into office, Bill Owens broke four campaign promises when he decided to support a government takeover of healthcare that included massive tax hikes for middle class families, taxes on benefits, drastic cuts to Medicare, and a government - run option that would result in rationed care.»
«Hillary Clinton has been a lifelong champion for middle class families, an advocate for the underserved, and a fighter for civil rights,» Mr. Cuomo wrote in a statement to the press.
(CNN)-- Former Rep. Anthony Weiner, who in a repentant interview last week said he was considering a run for New York mayor, released a document Sunday detailing a plan to restore the city as a place for middle class families.
Providing more and better college tuition assistance for middle class families is an important step in our knowledge - based economy,» Higgins, the congressman from Buffalo, said.
As State Senator, I will fight to strengthen protections for our middle class families and give them the tools they need to remain strong.»
«I wasn't running against the Senator, I was running for middle class families in my district,» Wagner said in a statement posted to his Facebook page.
Mark Murphy will fight back in Congress and be a strong voice for middle class families and others in need who are struggling.»
The article «quoted» a «senior source» in government as saying: ««We looked into who would be adversely affected by scrapping the # 87 a month child benefit for middle class families and realised pretty quickly that it was Oddbins and Majestic».
But Deutsch says he was disappointed when he learned that the tax on millionaires would go to finance cuts for small business and to fund rebate checks for middle class families with children earning up to $ 300,000 a year.
Among the issues he plans to focus on, if elected, are creating jobs, providing tax relief for middle class families, as well as expanding affordable healthcare, according to his website.
Baum calls Cuomo's program an expensive subsidy for middle class families who already send their kids to college.
The administration says Obama will talk about improving the value and reducing the cost of higher education for middle class families.
«This job - creating economic plan defies the political gridlock that has paralyzed Washington and shows that we can make government work for the people of this State once again,» Cuomo said in a statement, noting that the change would create the state's lowest tax rate in 58 years for middle class families.
This is also in keeping with the government's efforts to present the policy in terms of improving chances for the poorest families, rather than funding an escape route for middle class families from the local school system.
To get such results, each school incorporates longer school days, robust music programs and have co-teachers in select classrooms, all of which provide opportunities low - income students may not have had otherwise and incentives for middle class families to emigrate from high - quality suburban schools, says Mike Magee, CEO of Rhode Island Mayoral Academies, who spoke recently at the South by Southwest EDU conference in Austin, Texas.
It is very easy to buy a car for middle class family as well as there are various models which are available in a budget with almost all the features and if you are having any special choice according to your family then you can go for the used car in which your best model can be purchased in a budget.
He worked to expand eligible expenses under 529 college savings plans claiming they were «critical tools for middle class families planning ahead.»
«But the president should not take any action that undermines the American energy revolution currently underway that is creating thousands of high - paying jobs for middle class families in Louisiana and across the country.»
«Homeownership plays a pivotal role in the U.S. economy and has historically been one of the primary sources of wealth accumulation for middle class families,» he said.
However, the House proposal will have broad consequences for middle class families, homeowners, and future homebuyers.
A. New Housing Financing System for Middle Class Families and Economic Stability: Today, the President made clear it is time to turn the page on an era of housing bubbles and taxpayer bailouts, and build a new housing finance system that will provide secure homeownership for responsible middle class families.
«This ballot initiative would make it even harder for middle class families to stay in San Francisco and pay the bills.»
Hill also talked about state child care tax credits for middle class families and proposals on the federal level from President Donald Trump.
We look forward to meeting Michael Grimm in our scheduled future debates, where Domenic will proudly match his record of fighting for middle class families to improve our schools and protect our city against Michael Grimm's embarrassing and failed leadership,» Weinstein wrote.
«I'm supporting Todd because he delivered for Nassau County families — passing 12 weeks of paid family leave, winning a $ 15 minimum wage for New Yorkers, $ 1 billion in tax cuts for middle class families, and $ 20 million in new funding for our schools this year,» Obama says in the call.
I have no doubt that she will be a real fighter for middle class families and serve as another important female voice in the Senate,» the statement said.
«Governor Cuomo passed a $ 15 minimum wage, the strongest paid family leave program and gun control laws in the nation, banned fracking, raised the age of criminal responsibility, and enacted the first - ever free college tuition program for middle class families.
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