Sentences with phrase «for modern churches»

Anthony Ehrhardt has a great series going on about the Characteristics of Pharisees for modern churches.
It has been the irritating grain of sand in the oyster, around which the Catholic ages deposited the priceless pearl of supernatural, otherworldly piety; but for the modern church it has remained an impossible ideal of asceticism, an ideal whose very first precondition of fulfillment is lacking, namely, the eschatological outlook upon the world, the belief in the impending Judgment and the Age to Come.
Martin was discussing his new book, Building a Bridge, which is a kind of etiquette manual for the modern Church.
Though the problem is so rooted in the nature of both Church and secular society that it is always present, yet it has a peculiar urgency for the modern church which is confronted with unusual evidences of misery in the life of human communities and of weakness within itself.
And the stuff I write about isn't mainstream material that lots of people would find useful for the modern church agenda.

Not exact matches

MLK Now, in its third consecutive year focused on the contributions of women to the modern movement for parity in the celebration of the ideals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was held at Riverside Church Jan. 15, 2018, the site where Dr. King gave his controversial 1967 «Beyond Vietnam» speech.
Far from seeking his own advancement, each move up the echelons of the episcopal ladder has been met with surprise by Justin Welby, perhaps influenced by the fact he was told there wasn't «place for him in the modern Church of England» when he first applied for ordination.
Many believers, including many Christian leaders, consider it a powerful tool for fighting what they say is one of the modern church's biggest problems: porn addiction.
I am pretty sure when they revamped back in the day to a oil heating system at my mom's home church, that was a big modern step for them from the wood burning stoves.
The Mormons got this right, and as explained in Corinthians, the modern christian churches have lost the principle of baptism for the dead... and ultimately lost the doctrine of a just God.
Never, so far as I can tell, has modern historical study made it impossible for a contemporary person concerned about intellectual integrity to believe what the Church (or the synagogue) has long taught as necessary for true faith.
As a historian I do not want people downplaying horrific events for modern points - be it the early persecution of the church, the Crusades, the holocaust - whatever it might be.
The founding fathers almost got it right, instead of simple separation of church and state, they should have clearly stated that there is no place for religion in the modern world.
For instance, an attempt to root out modern elements in the church ought to be viewed with the same suspicion we should have for any systematic program of destructiFor instance, an attempt to root out modern elements in the church ought to be viewed with the same suspicion we should have for any systematic program of destructifor any systematic program of destruction.
This failure, he suggests, then paved the way for a modern, hierarchical reconfiguration of ecclesial authority, in which Church authorities took a more decisive role in the determination of doctrine.
As conduits for «postmodern spirituality,» argues Wells, these churches «appear to be succeeding, not because they are offering an alternative to our modern culture, rather because they are speaking with its voice, mimicking its moves.»
«Christian leaders consider it a powerful tool for fighting what they say is one of the modern church's biggest problems: p * rn addiction.»
In «Evangelii Gaudium» (The Joy of the Gospel), officially known as an «apostolic exhortation,» Francis calls for church reforms, urges Catholics to be more bold and joyful, and castigates elements of modern capitalism.
It's also inspired the church's great modern poets — the people responsible for updating the outdoor marquee with new service times and mind - boggling puns — to rise to their finest hour and show these gamers what they're missing if they just come for the Pokemon.
When the church addresses public economic issues from a revisionist perspective, it presses the biblical imperative for justice while simultaneously accepting modern economic insights into the nature of productivity and growth.
The book of Job has served as a philosophical Rorschach blot for its most outspoken interpreters, from the Talmudic rabbis and Church Fathers through their medieval philosophical successors and down to modern philosophers, theologians, and creative writers.
The large divergence of episcopal opinion revealed (concerning the modern relevance of church teaching, for instance on contraception) is never reflected in the directives of our national Conference of Bishops.
My hope is that as evangelicals move beyond the modern paradigm of individual autonomy (particularly as it applies to biblical interpretation), we will begin to appreciate church tradition as an undeniable foundation for our faith.
Questions also are raised about the identity of the church that plays such a major role in the Radical Orthodox account of history, about whether there is a doctrine of providence implicit in it, about the dismissal or ignoring of Protestantism, about the role of Jesus in its Christianity, about the role of Socrates in its Platonism, about its failure to engage with the challenge of modern scientific and technological developments, about how other faith traditions are related to this version of faith, and about whether this is a habitable orthodoxy for ordinary life.
I owe my own enthusiasm for the church to the vitality and freedom I felt in the late sixties in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Council, when Pope John XXIII threw the windows of the church open to the best thought of the modern world.
At the Edinburgh conference in 1910, Bishop Charles H. Brent of the Protestant Episcopal Church had keenly felt the need for a full discussion of theological beliefs in order that the Churches might find the proper mutual support in the modern world.
It might be supposed that we could turn to the schools, since the task of the schools is constantly being enlarged, but the very nature of the modern school precludes this, as we have already noted in Chapter I. (For a careful and scholarly study of this problem see Alvin W. Johnson, The Legal Status of Church - State Relationships in the United States with Special Reference to the Public Schools, University of Minnesota Press, 1934.)
So the «emerging church» for example is addicted to post modern gobbledygook and political correctness.
Since modern man, for various reasons, is almost completely out of touch with the life and activity of the alert contemporary Church, he must be urged to go back and consider the act of divine initiative on which all Christian conceptions finally rest, before he can fairly observe any contemporary Church.
This Autumn is a particularly opportune time for encouraging our parishioners to reflect upon the fact that there is actually a significant gap between modern moral values and those of Christ in the Church.
«We hope this is a step forward for St George's and many other churches like it, in staying ahead in the modern era.»
Whatever the ultimate outcome for Bonhoeffer in the history of doctrine and the history of the modern church, his name is certainly one of influence.
I am not very unlike you, very cynical of the modern culture of the «church», but I have found, for me, that to fixate on the problems of the church does not seem to build the Lingdom of God.
Too much drama and politics in the church for a modern day leper like me.
For the revolutionaries, a complete breakthrough to the modern was impossible without a secularism robust and unremitting enough to displace and reoccupy the social and intellectual space of a church, ancestrally embedded in the political order of the ancien régime.
Calling for «a modern equivalent of Jubilee,» signers of a proposal fundamentally to revise the property tax structure petitioned the endorsement of the 1984 General Conference of the United Methodist Church.
The proof of panthrotheistic was the establishment of the monotheistic religion, Jesus Christ was the God whose religion had convinced the roman emperor to decree that the Roman Empire had to adapt Christianity as it's official religion, paving the way for science to grow or proliferate and in the church era, because of the fast growth of science in the Christian world.But we are now at the crossroad of change, Christian doctrine is now in conflict with modern science, so it has to evolve to panthrotheism, the future religion
His treatment of the role of the Christian in the modern world will probably be a continuing inspiration for many people if the prestige of the church continues to diminish.
Wills says that unlike the popes of old, whose overriding sins were greed, venality, and lust for temporal power, the modern popes, beginning with Pius IX, recruit Catholics into «structures of deceit» about Church doctrine and discipline.
It was the missionary movement and the churches in the mission field that gave impetus for the emergence of the modern ecumenical movement at the beginning of this century.
The modern use of e-mail, especially for the church, has many benefits as well as shortcomings.
The modern pluralistic religious ethos has provided materials for a quantum leap in ideological justifications, and has made the task of honest discernment of social policy more difficult and all the more necessary at all levels of the church.
Maybe as the church goes through upheavals in modern times, we should search for a new term.
and to say a roman emporer is responsible for the modern Bible shows you have no idea of the history of the Bible... we have a list of almost ALL the NT that was ALREADY accepted widely by the church in 150 AD!
Unfortunately, the 1959 UCC Statement of Faith has attained quasi-creedal status for some UCC people, and functions in a number of churches as a kind of modern confession test.
To speak of sexual undertakings in the way implied by the traditional marriage rites of the churches is to deny people access to a basic human good from the start and for reasons that are difficult if not impossible for modern people to grasp.
Rather it involves the recognition that the modern Church can now be only one society among many, and that its distinctness in this sense occasionally demands accommodation for sake of self - protection.
Ironically, while black theology theoretically relies heavily upon expressions of the people, such as freedom and sorrow songs and sermons, the more academic elites of black theology — those who have the luxury of tenure and endowed professorships in prestigious white seminaries and universities — seem to have little respect for the modern black church.
Many other modern interpreters of marriage have made the same mistake, and so have many people in American churches, who are tempted to join with Coontz and insist that couples get married for reasons of love alone, Economic, kinship and network issues and even the desire to have children are sometimes seen as contaminations of the purity of marital love.
for the modern «church - court» has no power of global excommunication, only the power to read, to think, and to «be more noble» and compare everything to the scriptures.]
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