Sentences with phrase «for most investors»

Mutual Funds are now perhaps one of the most sought - after investment options for most investors.
The couch potato way makes sense for most investors because of its simplicity.
Therefore, getting in on an IPO can be just too risky for most investors who can invest in a stock only after it goes public.
There is no quick answer to this question — personally I think low cost index funds are the best choice for most investors and I will illustrate why in the rest of the post.
«Trying different ways» won't work for most investors because constantly chasing for winning strategies is one reason why investors don't even earn market returns.
Of course, we do know that the party ended badly for most investors back then.
Investing in a globally diversified portfolio with a dollar cost averaging strategy is the best strategy for most investors.
This is a great number to use and works for most investors.
That's a segment of the market that is difficult for most investors to access through direct ownership of property.
For most investors who have grown up on the diet of high stock beta = high risk, this statement will come as a surprise.
These products are a better way for most investors to own dividend stocks rather than buy them directly.
That makes it a high - risk gamble that isn't suitable for most investors.
The greatest challenge for most investors in growth investments is keeping a long - term perspective.
2013 was a great year for most investors, but that makes a new challenge for 2014 — changes to your portfolio that you probably don't even know about!
The intermediate - term of ten to twenty years is the most important for most investors, especially for retirees.
The biggest issue for most investors however, is that it is difficult to qualify for these loans; not impossible, but difficult.
Finding the time to do everything is simply not a reality for most investors.
Thus, a stock heavy portfolio appears prudent for most investors right now.
The effort won't result in a precisely equally - weighted portfolio, but it should be close enough for most investors to obtain a modest performance boost over the long term.
Yet nothing about the ETF's response to the most recent downturn raises long - term questions about its viability as a suitable dividend - paying investment for most investors.
D Class properties are the most challenging, and definitely are not recommended for most investors, especially new investors.
Maybe best of all they're extremely convenient, offering diversified or niche strategies that would have been nearly impossible for most investors to put together themselves in the past.
Certainly picking individual stocks is out of the question for most investors, so mutual funds are the most sensible choice.
An easy lure for most investors since «safe returns» is a primary criteria.
The problem for most investors is that cryptocurrencies are too risky as they see values change shape from day to day.
After all, a portfolio that consists of just one equities ETF contains too much risk for most investors, so they need to combine several ETFs to match their individual risk tolerance.
This is true for most investors in the lower tax brackets.
Why this is hard for most investors is because buying what is not popular is frightening to them.
Historically difficult to access and costly to implement in a single trade, volatility exposures were previously very limited for most investors.
For most investors out there looking to grow their nest eggs, seeing a return like that would be pretty awesome.
But buying a commercial property is out of the comfort zone for most investors.
Trying to make above average gains through taking on more risk is a fools game for most investors.
He also uses a nearly infinite holding period for stocks that isn't realistic for most investors.
And again this is just a difficult thing for most investors to really kind of come to a conclusion on.
While, I think these change are a great idea, I don't think this will make much of a difference for most investors.
For most investors using these types of loans just isn't going to cut the mustard.
Developing a solid investment policy statement is not a typical exercise for most investors.
Rental income is generally passive income for most investors, meaning it is not earned income.
The tax - exempt municipal bonds are favored since the incomes they yield are free from federal and, in many instances, state and local income taxes for most investors.
Despite the potential, quantum computing is still a hard sell for most investors, thanks to the potential 20 - or 30 - year timelines involved.
That's probably too much volatility for most investors to endure.
Gold coins are the best way of buying gold for most investors.
Understanding what is happening can relieve some of the pressure, but the markets are made up of emotions which is hard to control for most investors.
There is no replacing the value of a real financial advisor for most investors, analysts agree.
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