Sentences with phrase «for most readers»

It has 2 GB of internal memory with approximately 1.25 GB available for user content which holds around 1,400 books which should be enough for most readers.
Do not try to explain your political ideas on your profile — it's a naturally uncomfortable space for most readers.
I'll see eBooks priced at $ 9.99 and up which is really a deterrent for most readers.
Other books might get discounted some, but not enough to bring them down to acceptable levels for most readers (effect on indies very low).
This is not a very exciting card for most readers but could be a good option to have in your wallet if you spend a lot on dining.
The chronological format - which emphasizes career progression over time - is by far the most frequently used as it is the easiest for most readers to follow.
Let's face it, 2009 was a rotten year for finding a new job — the toughest job market in our lifetime for most readers.
For most readers of Hacked, the distinction is easily discernible, but for new traders the difference isn't easily gauged.
Even though the final four chapters will be overwhelming for most readers, the first three chapters contain great help and insight for situating the student of Scripture within the world and mindset of the first century authors and audience.
I used to be on the Young Living Bandwagon but have found that their structure and prices are not ideal for most readers.
Well trodden ground for most readers though, so for my fiction example I'd like to highlight a friendship from the * second * fantasy I read, which was The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever.
This is a fun, fascinating twist on standard Shonen Sunday fare, still safely enough in the manga box for most readers while reaching out into subject matter you'd normally find in seinen manga, handled in a less sensationalistic fashion given the audience of the Sunday line.
Yes, you definitely have to be able to write stories that keep people entertained, though I think it takes a few books for most readers to really get into an author, regardless, so I definitely encourage writers to think of penning a series or at least numerous stand - alone titles!
He may be too religiose for most readers, but as a Southerner, religion for me is not so much a belief system but a way of talking about things that matter.
And around that $ 5.00 price is still impulse for most readers.
But Kobo once again gets some points for thinking outside of the e-reader mainstream, and while the Aura One probably isn't worth the price of entry for most readers, the devoted few will find a lot to love, including a massive screen, blue - light shifting, a nice design and a whole lot of storage.
And not a necessarily a great deal for most readers given the number of scammers who have published 11 - to - 12 page «books» in order to get their payment after you read past the title page.
There's something here for most readers, including those who are simply looking for wonderful, well - written stories.A twist of fateTracie Peterson kicks off an engaging new series with Dawn's Prelude.
I also will not buy an ereader without a search feature (which requires text input) because that's the way I read books — Sony says that search was not important for most readers so I may be in the minority but I need the ability to flip backwards and forwards which is easy to do with a physical book and not particularly pleasant without the search feature in an ebook.
You may have heard of a VA mortgage assumption but my guess is this is an unfamiliar term for most readers.
Chris: I think I can probably speak for most our readers and say that got pretty damn weird.
I think it's a damn silly idea for most readers west of Ottawa.
(Hint, it's not likely to be female quotas for judges for most readers).
issue within my earlier post, but my commentaries are already too long for most readers, I am sure.
While the new Kindle has since blown past at a full 300, Kobo has held its ground this time out, and quite honestly, it's still more than enough for most readers.
Monday's post about factor analysis was, I admit, too technical for most readers» tastes.
For most readers of this site (20s - 30s), putting month in a Roth first makes more sense, as it has many, many years to grow tax free.
For most readers of these pages, the central story is the biblical one, told for millennia around campfires, altars and ordinary supper tables by parents, teachers, preachers and friends.
And for most readers, the world of faith and the academic study of Christianity is as exotic as that of South Sea Islanders.
This makes the Bible's «plain sense» «non-sense» for most readers.
If used correctly it will also transfer over to the competition exercise, for most readers being Rugby.
A low price might be enough for a new Kindle owner caught up in the shiny, but for most readers, $ 0.99 isn't enough to get readers to try an unknown author.
The Paperwhite has a slightly higher resolution (221 ppi vs. 157 ppi), but for most readers, it won't make a noticeable difference.
The heart of The Well - Educated Mind are the lists, covering six essential genres: fiction, autobiography, history, drama, poetry and science — arranged in that order, from the most familiar and comfortable (for most readers) to the most fear - provoking.
I suspect that, for most readers, this reflects badly on the library and the author.
Oh, you might have other unrelated ebooks out, but jumping to a new world and / or new characters isn't, for most readers, as automatic as buying the second book in a series.
I wanted to find an interesting setting, somewhere that was familiar to me but not for most readers.
For most readers, a Kindle Tablet is not going to be as good for reading as a Kindle.
But for most readers, anything above the 9,99 mark is out of the question, especially for fiction.
That offers up some interesting potential reading scenarios, but for most readers it just means you can accidentally drop it in the tub without breaking the thing.
I know that for most readers, this isn't an incentive.
For most readers, however, the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite offers the best blend of price, performance, and book offerings.
So, while some readers might get a very good Kindle 3 eInk Pearl screen and feel Kindle 3 is better, for most readers the slightly faster page turns and the far less frequent screen flashes will make the Kindle 4 and Kindle Touch screen seem a bit better.
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