Sentences with phrase «for muddling»

A brief apology / update: How I missed the fact that Home Energy has a website in English (cursing myself for muddling through the Swedish one...), is beyond me.
The classic version calls for muddling the sugar, mint and water in the serving glass and then filling it with crushed ice and bourbon.
Garreau's last scenario, Prevail, extols the human knack for muddling through — «the ability of ordinary people facing overwhelming odds to rise to the occasion because it is the right thing.»
Colorful and perfect for muddling and garnishing.
Who has the muscles for muddling?!
The reason for the muddle is that history — like individual life — is extraordinarily complex and filled with complications and ambiguities.
«We keep it light and approachable with a touch of fruit, refreshing herbs and the right amount of booze,» Joly says of his drink, which calls for muddle strawberries and fresh tarragon leaves.
I like the coffee and always wanted to try the obtain oil for my muddled brain.
Too earnest to ironically indulge in the narrative's familiar pulpy beats and too uncertain about the strength of this material to play it straight, Fleischer aims for a muddled middle, jazzing up Beall's faux - hardboiled dialogue with slow - motion shootouts and shaky HD - cam pursuits that only remind us of how much better Public Enemies turned out.
In a word, he's a hypocrite — an apt metaphor for the muddled morality of 1980s America.
It's more like spinning wheels, in the case of the screenplay for this muddled murder mystery that follows a college professor (Guy Pearce) with a history of alleged coed fraternizing.
Taking away ovaries in early or mid-life makes for muddled information, less than perfect music.
And if this weaving draws on one of his favourite technologies it also looks like a metaphor for intertwined thinking, for muddle almost.
It looks to me like they have been a major distraction, a vehicle for muddled thinking, and a political device ably exploited by the core team in and around the IPCC.
As an Australian you will appreciate that Wombat is the proper term for the muddle headed.
- Sturla Gunnarsson «Readers... will find Suzuki's tangential musings on subjects like argon molecules, shrinking swordfish, or the role of salmon in fertilizing forests some of the book's best reading... at the core of his writing lurks a scientist's wonder at the world, and a compelling sincerity that makes you believe - or at least, want to believe -[there is] still some hope for this muddled planet.»

Not exact matches

If not, make one person responsible for the calendar — letting too many people edit the calendar will only muddle things up.
«Food is both the culprit and the treatment for a big part of our lack of energy, muddled thinking, and mid-afternoon drowsy eyes,» she writes, before offering advice on how to modify your diet to keep your mind and body on an even keel throughout the day.
Sales have been muddled in recent years and the company is in the process of remaking itself just a few years after it acquired private - label manufacturer Ralcorp for nearly $ 5 billion in early 2013.
As the economy has muddled along the past few years, banks have been criticized for making it hard for small businesses to get loans.
While Crawford's plan ultimately received the approval of an overwhelming majority of noteholders, some investors accused his committee of muddling the process for ordinary people who had put their savings into the commercial paper.
As long as foreign investors aren't provided with a clear process, and as long as they are unable to take controlling interests in Canadian firms, these muddled rules will likely continue to increase the cost of attracting capital for Canadian resource companies.
Meanwhile, with the NFL still muddling through a string of scandals and legal failures (and in a season that is on track to have more penalty flags than ever before), look for a rise in interest in alternative football options like the new China American Football league, in which NFL veteran - turned - ESPN analyst Ron Jaworski is a principal investor.
In the United States, which has muddled along in the middle for the past decade, government officials have attempted to introduce marketplace competition into public schools.
Next up was a system that streamlines the notoriously inefficient process of pumping and storing breastmilk, which new moms have muddled through for years.
The outpouring of almost comically muddled explanations of and forecasts for the Chinese growth miracle has been an especially egregious example of the way well - intentioned economic analysis has led to, or at least encouraged, worse outcomes.
Action: Use multiple browsers and / or browser containers Who is this for: People who don't want to stop using social media entirely How difficult is it: Some effort to not get in a muddle Tell me more: Using different browsers for different online activities can be a good way of separating portions of your browsing activity.
And for all the muddle, the one thing that seems clear is that the risks to the economy and particularly the labor market — which is generating solid job growth and even some wage gains (for which we should all give Chair Yellen and the Fed serious credit)-- remain «asymmetric:» there's a greater risk of needlessly slowing non-inflationary growth than there is of inflation accelerating.
For Canada to muddle through and ride the United States» coattails (though that ship isn't sailing as fast as hoped and the nation's beta to our neighbours to the south is waning) remains a very reasonable base - case scenario.
As far as the market in general is concerned, this argues for unexciting long - term returns, possibly a «muddle - through» trading range for quite a number of years to come.
It is no big secret that the terminology in the cryptocurrency world is a bit muddled, and for someone peering in from the outside, this vast array of vocabulary can seem a bit daunting.
he says the economy has been muddling along for years because the consumer isn't in the driver's seat.
Some of these problems can be solved with better co-operation, and «muddle through» solutions can be found for others.
If Mr Jean hopes to make the Wildrose party the party of choice for all conservatives, including progressive conservatives, he'll have to do better than float a muddled vision that pussy foots around social issues.
For those looking at cash out refinance rates, the picture is muddled.
Once again, this stuff is pretty straight forward folks, but sadly the theologians have been muddling it up for centuries Lord bless.
As for your definition in atheist, sadly I think you're missing something, the term God and god are muddled but have two separate meanings.
I could no longer hear, for example, a song like «Blowin» in the Wind» with the same sort of innocence that muddled the Biblical and Historicist hopes together.
Were he up for tenure, and were he to appear before me, I would not approve someone of such shoddy scholarship, and muddled and arrogant thinking.
Now, this is one of the clearest verses in the Bible on salvation, but for some reason, a lot of people have muddled and confused this passage over the years to say something it does not.
As for such cases as that of Ben Jonson's «conversion and reconversion,» the muddle is all in the mind of Miola.
After all, Christians worshiped Jesus for several centuries before any of them thought to argue that God created the world out of nothing, and Augustine found the «books of the Platonists» so convincing mainly because the Manichaeans made such a muddle of their version of materialism.
George Orwell, in his famous essay on Dickens, saw in this philosophical and moral muddle not a weakness but a strength, a generosity of spirit, an openness to the irreducible complexity of mankind's moral situation, an immunity to what he called «the smelly little orthodoxies that are now contending for our souls.»
Remember God is painting a larger picture for your life, when today is muddling the grander view, look back to see all the ways that God has already proven faithful.
The combination of small and middling nations curtailing national sovereignty to enhance their own sense of importance and of NGOs using the idea of civil society to undermine political accountability makes for a fine muddle in trying to understand what is going on.
What happens not in «normal» times, when maybe America can muddle along, but in a time of great economic crisis, or in a time of war when the youth of another generation are asked to risk their lives for their country?
Still, if you clammer for more sources I'll provide another... though your mind is clearly so muddled with arrogance and your heart so full of contempt rather than love... it will likely have no chance of penetrating your thick skull.
According to Weigel, the call for gratuitousness is «clotted and muddled», carrying the danger of «a confused sentimentality».
For too long we have been told that our ancestors, with their assumptions about God and man's unique destiny, were ignorant and muddled, and that now we must shake off the nonsense passed on to us.
The protagonist of Humboldt's Gift, Charlie Citrine, is a successful playwright and biographer who returns to the Chicago of his boyhood; muddles about in the urban scene while trying to straighten out a marital problem; leaves for Spain with a large friend, Renata; is deserted by her; returns to America to bury his old friend Von Humboldt Fleisher; and receives his bequest.
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