Sentences with phrase «for new antibiotics»

The study contributes to our fundamental understanding of how bacteria adapt and survive under adverse conditions and provides clues about key processes that could be targeted in the search for new antibiotics.
«We are now using this method to look for new antibiotics from unique collections of microbes to find those that are active against antibiotic resistant bacteria,» she said.
Results of the study could open avenues for new antibiotics and drugs to battle diseases.
«Yes, we need more resources going into this,» Price said, going on to support a «dual track» approval process for new antibiotics.
In addition, the pipeline for new antibiotics has grown dangerously thin.
Since market forces do not drive the search for new antibiotics, why not try using techniques from another field?
This growing public health threat has motivated scientists to look for new antibiotics and alternative treatments to beat infections.
There is an urgent need for new antibiotics capable of treating infections caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria.»
«Bacteria research opens way for new antibiotics
As the fight against drug - resistant infections continues, University of Leeds scientists are looking back at previously discarded chemical compounds, to see if any could be developed for new antibiotics.
«Innovative technique may transform hunt for new antibiotics, cancer therapies.»
«Our initial discovery allowed us to perform the equivalent of an autopsy on bacterial cells and is changing the way industry searches for new antibiotics from collections of pure chemicals,» said Kit Pogliano, a professor of biology at UC San Diego who headed the research team.
Imposing a 50 % tax on antibiotics for food animals could decrease global consumption by more than 30 %, and at the same time generate revenues from $ 1.7 to 4.6 billion, which could be invested into research for new antibiotics or improvements to farm hygiene.
The microbes that live in our gut could prove to be a fertile source for new antibiotics and other useful drugs
You can see that the search for new antibiotics occurs down at the enzyme level, hunting for differences between the enzymes in human and bacterial cells that can be exploited to kill bacteria without affecting human cells.
Structure of bacterial RNA polymerase, showing the binding sites for the new antibiotic pseudouridimycin (PUM) and the current antibacterial drug rifampin (Rif).
Population expansion may be a major driver in the evolution of cooperation, with implications for new antibiotics, cancer treatments and perhaps even human behavior.
CRE is one of the three most dangerous superbugs on WHO's list of critical priority needs for new antibiotics.
Scientists at the University of Sussex in the UK have unraveled a key process in the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB), potentially paving the way for new antibiotics to fight the disease.
6 - dependent protein, potentially opening avenues for new antibiotics and drugs to battle diseases such as drug - resistant tuberculosis, malaria and diabetes.
Price also advocated streamlining the Food and Drug Administration's approval processes for new antibiotics and medical devices, and giving scientists more discretion in how federal research dollars are allocated.
In the non-stop fight against infectious agents, many researchers have foregone searching for new antibiotics and instead have turned to older antibiotics that never reached the clinic for one reason or another.
«At the national organization level there's a clear recognition of the need for new antibiotics
Supporting Dr O'Neill's work, Dr Jonathan Pearce, Head of Infections and Immunity at the Medical Research Council, said: «There is an urgent need to discover new ways to fight AMR and the scientific community is leaving no stone unturned in its search for new antibiotics.
«While the infectious - disease community was crying out for new antibiotics, the FDA seemed to be going in the opposite direction.»
The study has applications regarding the search for new antibiotics that can be used in humans.
«Once you find metabolites and want to analyze them for new antibiotics or new pathways, you need the genome information to identify the enzymes and clone the genes.»
The need for new antibiotics is there and if Cubist can continue to identify growth markets and develop treatments for them, it can have sustained success beyond these drugs.
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