Sentences with phrase «for objects in the environment»

Draw distance for objects in the environment is also less on medium and lower end iOS devices.
Developers provide minimal hints in the form of blue or red flashing colors on key objects as players trek through this fictional world, named Vanguard, constantly scanning for objects in the environment to use.
From there you look for objects in the environment that come in the form of stickers that you can attach to those people to solve their problem and move on to the next person until all the people in that level have been helped.

Not exact matches

The cartoon is trying to make the point that if the environment causes object X to exist in state A, then it must also be the cause for object X existing in state B.
Yet for Aristotle this direction is completely determined in advance by the essential nature of the object, whereas for Whitehead the direction is a function of several variables: the object in relation to its environment (PW 187/206).
Everyday reality is also a safe, secure world in which we know our place and can largely take for granted the objects and persons in our immediate environment.
The reason children require a number of years to develop mastery of certain basic concepts, according to some child psychologists, is not that they are slow in learning the words — they actually know the words quite early — but that they have to start experiencing the world in a new, more simplified way that corresponds with the classifications suggested by these words.4 For example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classificatioFor example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classificatiofor several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classifications.
As Whitehead allowed cognition to be grounded in real prehensions, which occur between a subject and its object world, so also it was for Piaget: the «epistemic» subject, as an organism, previously an «open system» which simply lives in interaction with its environment, acts — and finally, thinks (BC 477).
What one can historically describe as the «mechanization of the image of the world» is, at any rate in an environment formed by machines, a process which is also being looked at psychogenetically; this process advances the same object categories and ideas of movement, if only in a rudimentary, pre-reflexive manner, which might, especially for that reason, influence thinking so much more persistently.
The high - grade organisms we study in biological evolution contain many subordinate enduring objects; molecules and cells, for example, comprise the environment for atoms and electrons in our bodies.
Babies spend 12 to 16 hours per day on their crib mattress, making the mattress the most prominent object in a child's environment for the first three years of their life and one of the most important items on your baby registry.
The European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) will, on Thursday 14th January, vote on whether to object to proposals for new laws from the European Commission on the marketing of baby foods and formulas and to strengthen them in line with the World Health Assembly Resolutions.
Chris was a dynamic, decisive, strategic Minister - an object lesson to us all in how to fight in office as in Opposition for the environment, economic growth, Europe and our essential liberties.
For example, color can help the observer find an object in a cluttered environment.
In addition, these subsecond microadjustments are integrated with our ability to simultaneously adjust for the pursuit of objects moving in our environment as well, so we can turn our heads and bodies while still following the path of a bird flying across our yarIn addition, these subsecond microadjustments are integrated with our ability to simultaneously adjust for the pursuit of objects moving in our environment as well, so we can turn our heads and bodies while still following the path of a bird flying across our yarin our environment as well, so we can turn our heads and bodies while still following the path of a bird flying across our yard.
Humans are remarkable in performing skilful arm movements for manipulation of objects in dynamic environments with the presence of unstable perturbations.
The mice were monitored for over a year and they maintained vision during this time, being able to recognise objects in their environment which indicated a high level of visual perception.
«We think the cognitive map in the hippocampus is not just for knowing where the self is located,» says Fujisawa, «but also for plotting the locations of other people, animals, or objects, and to comprehend the spatial environment surrounding the self.»
For this to happen, drones must be able to sense and respond to their local environments, altering their height and flying trajectories in order to avoid colliding with other objects in their paths.
Most robots are taught to avoid bumping into people and objects, complicating the simple task of reaching for an object in a cluttered environment, like a salt shaker on a dinner table crowded with plates and glasses.
After many months of looking and listening for correlations between lots of different behaviors and cell activity, I began to realize that the major correlate was not what the animal was doing, whether it was eating or exploring an object or carrying out a simple tasks such as pressing a lever to get food, but something about where it was doing these things in the environment.
The series is also known for unique features such as using a variety of everyday objects in the environment as weapons, combining them, and also trying to complete the story before a doomsday clock runs out.
For example, you can play through the entire game on the touchscreen, sliding your finger to move Bruce and tapping on interactable objects in the environment is a novel way to play the game, but unless you happen to have your Switch and no controllers in reach, it's not exactly the method we would recommend.
In other spots — towns and fortresses — you can look around the environment from a first - person perspective, searching for other characters to talk to while panning around to find useful items and gear, almost like a hidden object puzzle.
That law has four key provisions: 1) every child, no matter how disabled, has a right to a free and appropriate education, which can take place in either a public or private setting; 2) an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must be designed for each child in consultation with his or her parents; 3) the child should be educated in the «least restrictive environment»; and 4) parents can object to the educational provisions for their child by requesting a «due process» hearing with an independent hearing officer, whose decisions can be appealed to the courts (see sidebar).
Big ideas should have explanatory power in relation to a large number of objects, events and phenomena that are encountered by students in their lives during and after their school years and provide a basis for understanding issues, such as the use of energy, involved in making decisions that affect learners» own and others» health and wellbeing and the environment.
Year 6 Science Assessments and Tracking Objectives covered: Describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences, including micro-organisms, plants and animals Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics Identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function Describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution Recognise that light appears to travel in straight lines Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain that objects are seen because they give out or reflect light into the eye Explain that we see things because light travels from light sources to our eyes or from light sources to objects and then to our eyes Use the idea that light travels in straight lines to explain why shadows have the same shape as the objects that cast them Associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on / off position of switches Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram
For eLearning, it could be used to animate 2D characters or objects in / with real - life environments, equipment, or objects; or design learning interactivities where 2D characters or objects interact with real - life objects and scenes.
It has an ambient light sensor which adjusts the screen's brightness so you can view the phone in any light environment, an accelerometer for motion - based gaming, and proximity sensor for detecting nearby objects.
This omission is intentional, as the framework for addressing and sharing objects is designed to facilitate many different workflows: exchanging Distributable Objects in an open textbook environment, integrating Distributable Objects into content and learning management systems, identifying components of an EPUB Publication for sale separately, andobjects is designed to facilitate many different workflows: exchanging Distributable Objects in an open textbook environment, integrating Distributable Objects into content and learning management systems, identifying components of an EPUB Publication for sale separately, andObjects in an open textbook environment, integrating Distributable Objects into content and learning management systems, identifying components of an EPUB Publication for sale separately, andObjects into content and learning management systems, identifying components of an EPUB Publication for sale separately, and so on.
It is also necessary for the owners to understand that the puppy is going to spend a lot of time exploring his environment, and in the process, he may inadvertently ruin some household objects.
Unfortunately for Louie and his new owner, it became apparent within the first few weeks after his adoption that he was severely reactive to almost everything new that he encountered — this included unfamiliar people, dogs of all shapes and sizes, and even sometimes objects in the environment that he had not seen before.
Cats in multiple cat environments are at much higher risk for FCoV infection than solo cats because they are more likely to be exposed to the feces of infected cats, either via shared litters or by bits of feces on shoes, clothing or objects.
Parvovirus is highly resistant and can live in the environment for months and can survive on inanimate objects like bowls, shoes, and floors.
For many cats, the addition of something foreign in the environment such as a new chair, new carpeting or new bed can create a revved - up need to adequately mark the unfamiliar - smelling object.
Here's what to look for in a good puppy socialization class; the goal is creating the opportunity to many positive interactions with many different dogs, people and objects in a safe environment.
This course is offered for handlers interested in becoming Warm Hearts Network teams but who need additional practice with basic skills and socialization to novel objects in the environment.
Carefully inspect the ears of dogs who have been out in a field environment for foreign objects such as grasses or weeds that may have entered the ear canal.
Be sure to clean any inanimate objects that may have become infected in your dog's environment, so that you lessen the risk of infection for any susceptible dogs.
The virus can live in the environment for months, and may survive on inanimate objects such as food bowls, shoes, clothes, carpet and floors.
Cats scratch objects in their environments for a variety of reasons.
When your dog is first learning the ins and outs of his new environment, he could be prone to chewing on household objects like electrical cords, plants and household cleaners, for example.
When I explore this landscape I find myself connecting with the textures and patterns that nature provides, finding interest in detritus that washes ashore, both organic and in - organic, for even the smallest of objects contain the beauty of randomness and irregularity.We live in one of the most dynamic environments on the planet, where ocean meets land; ever changing, our lives are deeply connected to this place where tides ebb and flow revealing aggregate shapes, leaving imprints, and proving that time is both fast and slow.
It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.
Courtesy of the Amber flowing through his body, a substance produced by the huge World Tree, Styx also has access to a couple of fun tricks, starting with the relatively simple Amber Vision which highlights objects in the environment, and the ability to vanish for a brief amount of time.
Portal — a pioneering type of single player action game that rewrites the rules for how players approach and manipulate their environment — much like how Half - Life 2's Gravity Gun reinvented the way gamers interact with objects in the game.
- as Captain Olimar is making his way home, an asteroid onslaught forces him to land on a nearby planet - Sparklium is the fuel for Olimar's Dolphin III ship - with the ship's fuel depleted, you have to find items on this planet which can be turned into fuel - collect everything from seeds to large scale treasures - you need 30,000 Sparklium to make your way home - you are eventually required to find a lost ship part at the end of the game - levels are more linear and puzzle based, and include specific goals / goodies to collect - move Captain Olimar with the Circle Pad, while all other interactions use the touchscreen - blow your whistle, throw Pikmin and also touch certain objects - worlds are called Sectors, with six areas altogether - find all the treasure and look for new passageways to complete a sector 100 % - passageways can grant you access to secret spots or additional levels highlighted with the letter X - the first world is called Brilliant Garden, which has lush forest environments - Yellow Pikmin can easily reach the upper screen, where you can sometimes collect goodies and pull down vines - there's a level where you use yellow Pikmin as a source to connect two wires - connecting the wires lets you see enemies and platforms that were hidden in the shadows - Winged Pikmin can be flung at high speeds, and they can pick up Olimar and help him descend down into new areas - in a later level, you need to use red Pikmin to stomp out fire and clear the way for you - Rock Pikmin are the strongest ones of the bunch and can break crystals - blue Pikmin can swim and fight well underwater - the maximum amount of Pikmin you can have in a stage is 20 - blow your whistle to call over the correct Pikmin for a task or puzzle - Ravaged Rustworks offers a unique industrial environment where you climb on pipes - Loney Tower has you climbing to the top of a tower without any help of Pikmin, and instead use pipes and Olimar's jetpack - Valley of the Breeze, found in the Leafswirl Lagoon sector, relies complete on Winged Pikmin - Barriers of Flame is in the Sweltering Parchlands sector - here you «lll be forced to improvise with Yellow and Rock Pikmin to get around fire - every world ends with a boss stage - one boss fight puts you up against a Fiery Blowhog, where you use Red Pikmin to pick up / feed bombs to the boss - beating bosses gives you treasures worth 1,000 Sparklium each - supports amiibo in the Splatoon, Super Mario and Animal Crossing lines - amiibo can be scanned in to grant you access to secret spots - these are one room puzzle challenges where you collect a statue - these bonus rooms will also get you 200 Sparklium every time - you are limited by how many amiibo you can summon to each secret spot - one of the treasures you will find is an NES cartridge for Ice Climbers, which carries the name «Revenge Fantasy».
The «Royal Gadget Pack» introduces several new lovely additions to the game including a new playable character, 5 new and varied gadgets such as the Shield Bubble and Stasis shield for freezing objects in the environment, and 10 new achievements for players to challenge themselves with.
On top of that, each stage has a number of side missions asking you to find hidden objects, either somewhere in the environment or somewhere on a random girls» person, and you can find out about these side - missions before each level by checking your flip phone for requests or forum posts made by the girls attending the school.
Much of the gameplay has you exploring the environment and the insides of buildings, looking for objects that can help someone, and they will in turn give you the next piece you need to progress through the quest (be it information, an object, or some other form of assistance).
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