Sentences with phrase «for one's energy»

Homeowners can deduct the cost of the building materials used for energy efficiency upgrades to their home.
Exclusive research shows that corporations and developers are rising to meet the new demand for energy efficiency.
With your metabolism in overdrive, your body uses stored fat for its energy needs.
As people age, their bodies gradually loses their ability to produce critical amino acids — the essential proteins needed for energy production, immune actions and protein buildup in the muscle.
One axis is global demand for energy of all sorts.
Because your body is highly efficient, it adjusts the ratio of fats and carbs used for energy production based on the intensity of the work you're doing.
These medium chain fats can also rapidly burn for energy in the body.
An even more familiar material is being used for energy storage — glass.
The need for energy research is obvious, but agricultural research is a mixed bag.
Cells throughout the body require glucose for energy in order to function and survive.
The raw nuts provide good fats, and the dried fruit has complex carbohydrates for energy as well as fiber.
But an impressive and diverse collection of parties deserves credit for these energy policy improvements.
This has caused electricity consumers to look for energy efficiencies at a time when things like compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs became financially viable.
This word is derived from the «ketones» that are used by your body for energy when sugars / carbs aren't available.
He also wants funding for energy efficiency improvements to federal buildings and millions of homes.
A phrase which here means «statement from the secretary of state for energy and climate change».
Blood sugar, also known as blood glucose, is the primary source of fuel for energy production, particularly for your muscles, brain, and other parts of the body.
If you're in the market for an energy efficient vehicle, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the wide selection.
I really think I have started to train my body to rely on fat stores for energy as opposed to carbs.
The market for energy storage on the power grid is growing at a rapid clip, driven by declining prices and supportive government policies.
For the vegetables, the lower the caloric level the more you can eat for fullness and still have the carbs for your energy source.
This type of forest has large volumes of biomass that can not be used by traditional wood - processing industries, which represent a potential source for energy generation.
Your pets will have a healthy outlet for their energy in an open play environment.
Rather than penny stocks, look for energy company stocks that are well - financed companies with no immediate need to sell shares at low prices.
The good news is that this presents a great opportunity for energy savings around the world.
This autoimmune - safe herbal coffee substitute recipe uses herbal tea and natural sources of protein and healthy fats for an energy boost without caffeine.
The body instead burns muscle for energy which can decrease * your metabolism.
According to the statistics, there is a greater demand for energy drinks throughout the world than for bottled water.
This smoothie pretty much has it all, good source of carbohydrates for energy from the banana, antioxidants in abundance from the berries.
His model research includes studies on the global distribution of carbon sources and sinks and studies on environmental consequences of expanding reliance on biomass for energy supply.
The country doubled down on its nuclear bet after the oil crisis in 1973, convinced of the acute need for energy security built on a domestic source.
Insulin lowers blood sugar by telling fat cells to store the sugar for energy use later.
Sleep helps bolster your immune system, gives you energy — making it less likely that you'll eat or indulge in sugary foods for an energy boost — and actually helps your metabolism.
The higher demand for energy by muscles created a higher demand for mitochondria to provide it.
In developed countries, it is predominantly used for energy generation in the forest industry.
A properly functioning endocrine (hormonal) system is essential for your energy levels.
I am an endurance athlete — do you have a recipe for this energy drink?
Between now and 2030 over $ 17 trillion will be invested globally to meet the growing demand for energy services.
His research experience spans a range of topical areas important to functional materials and their application to developing technologies for energy storage and conversion.
«The increased investment needed is entirely due to higher capital costs for energy supply facilities,» it said.
An average home built to current industry standards for energy efficiency will have an index of 100.
We can't afford the luxury of ruling out any alternative plan for energy independence.
The first step is typically paying for an energy rating report on the property.
The first Republican policy was good for energy independence and good for the environment.

Phrases with «for one's energy»

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