Sentences with phrase «for overall behavior»

Eleven studies were selected for inclusion in the meta - analysis, providing 16 ESs for overall behavior problems and 14 for internalizing (e.g., anxiety, depression) and externalizing (e.g., hyperactivity, aggression) behavior problems (Table I).

Not exact matches

Of course, human resource managers have always contributed to overall business processes in certain respects -; by disseminating guidelines for and monitoring employee behavior, for instance, or ensuring that the organization is obeying worker - related regulatory guidelines.
Although some users who have been hit with the restriction have said they believe it was because they used an abusive term, a spokesperson for Twitter told BuzzFeed that when deciding who to apply the limit to, the service's harassment and abuse team looks at a pattern of overall behavior, rather than just individual words.
That trend following behavior exacerbates the reflexive process and leads to higher highs and lower lows, resulting in lower overall returns for the average investor and institutions as a group, but also leads to truly outstanding returns for investors like Soros who understand Reflexivity and have the discipline to take the other side of these short - term investors» movements.
Overall, the results show how divorced Facebook's user behavior is from the day - to - day news coverage blasting it for allowing Russian interference in US elections and for making us unhealthy zombie browsers.
@John — Perhaps you should read E. O. Wilson's «Sociobiology: The New Synthesis» for a better understanding of how specific individual behaviors may favor overall reproductive fitness for a species where, frequently, these behaviors appear to be to the detriment of the individuals involved.
Case and Deaton highlight the finding that overall mortality rates for middle - aged white Americans have increased in recent years due to deaths from self - destructive behavior: suicide, drug and alcohol overdose, and disease resulting from long - term alcohol abuse.
Insofar as breastfeeding proxies for attachment parenting (and I'm afraid it does), the result is happier, healthier, and more productive future adult members of society, less likely to engage in destructive and self - destructive behavior and more likely to help others and generally increase the overall level of happiness in society.
Be on the lookout for signs your teen's cellphone is interfering with his behavior, grades, social life, or overall everyday functioning.
Contemporary research at the interface of developmental psychology, neuroscience and genetics demonstrates that children develop the capacity for emotional regulation, cognitive resourcefulness and overall mental health when caregivers respond to the meaning of behavior rather than the behavior itself.
Staff will help the participant develop self - control and assume responsibility for their own behavior based on four overall rules:
Mays explained that although indoor tanning is becoming less common overall in the United States, research indicates that it can be a problematic behavior for some young women similar to other forms of addiction.
Adds senior author Mark Ilgen, Ph.D., «These results highlight the importance of addressing provider behaviors in our efforts to address the opioid epidemic, and the need for large health systems to develop and implement systematic approaches that are flexible enough to allow clinicians to make individual decisions while still reducing the overall prevalence of potentially risky prescribing.»
For the same reason, according to the lawsuit, Hornig kept quiet about Lipkin's overall pattern of behavior toward her.
Nonetheless, the authors say: «Overall, simple smartphone prompts appear to be a promising strategy for reducing sedentary behavior and increasing activity, though adequately - powered and well - designed studies will be needed to confirm these preliminary findings.»
The chemistry of protactinium, which is very difficult to study due to it scarcity and complex chemistry, is important for understanding and controlling its behavior for application in nuclear reactors, as well as for comprehending the overall variable and complex chemistry of the actinide series and transition elements used in everyday technologies.
The researchers were interested not just in how the clinical trial participants» behavior changed, but also in how these efforts affected the community as a whole, said Thomas Coates, Project Accept's overall principal investigator and director of UCLA's Center for World Health.
One possible explanation for the overall improvement is that teachers did not need to attend to behavior problems or remediation, the researchers said.
Overall, sexual behavior accounted for 6 % of the total DALYs for the U.S. in 1998, about 3 times what's been reported for other industrialized countries.
Research has shown that this is because ACEs may increase a child's risk for toxic levels of stress, which in turn may impair brain development, behavior, and overall physical and mental health.
For instance, Kauffman says, it's possible that the workers» overall lifestyle — including type A behavior — contributed to the long hours and the heart risk observed in the study.
Numerous studies have shown its effectiveness for improving student concentration, behavior, memory, attendance, and overall happiness.
There's this one from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, a massive review of the evidence in favor of and in opposition to the AHA's weasel warnings about «high protein diets,» namely, that people who engage in such risky behaviors as limiting carbs and increasing protein «are [at] risk for... potential cardiac, renal, bone, and liver abnormalities overall
Anyways, for those people, for people who follow a baseline of minimum healthy behaviors, what does moderate alcohol consumption do for their overall lifespan?
The majority of the females are fake, phony email messages and overall the site has a very bad reputation for scams and fraudulent behavior.
With just a couple of changes in your behavior, overall looks and approach, you can find the right person for yourself and engage in dating, meeting, sex and more.
In many instances, the improvement in overall performance should speak for itself, given that the learners will be able to show off their newly learned behaviors and skill sets if performance goals have been successfully utilized.
Because the Promise had a clearer effect on behavior than on grades for KPS students overall, the authors conclude that «policies focused on making higher education more affordable may be usefully supplemented by helping students better understand how their behavior affects their future.»
Overall, our evidence suggests that state standards and accountability policies, including state - level interpretations of NCLB requirements, have a modest impact on local behavior and planning for the improvement of teaching and learning.
While there were programmatic initiatives underway (the elementary mathematics program, a federally - sponsored program intended to motivate high school students to pursue post-secondary studies, and a government - funded after - school program to provide positive alternatives for teen social behavior), there was no overall consensus on needs, goals, and a strategy for improvement.
Non-punitive approaches to discipline that emphasize positive reinforcement for appropriate behavior and early individualized interventions for students showing signs of misbehavior become a strategy to improve overall educational outcomes.»
Central Academy will build a more positive school culture by achieving a 4:1 positive - to - negative behavior ratio overall for the 16 - 17 school year.
What evidence do you have of student achievement, attendance, parental involvement, student behaviors, teacher retainment, course selections, graduation rate, instructional practices, teacher collaboration, polices and procedures that are effective, overall satisfaction with your school and other factors that can support the frame for continuous improvement?
This was caused by increased student capacity for critical thinking and an overall reduction in disruptive behavior, all because of the process of engaging students as partners throughout education.
Students are generally well behaved, and attentive in those first few minutes giving you the opportunity to captivate their attention immediately, lay the foundation for acceptable behavior, and dictate the overall tone for the remainder of the year.
According to authors of the study, the success of this simple screening tool has positive implications for schools — especially those with limited resources — because it can help to link children with early supports while allowing districts to identify which social and emotional behaviors are most commonly interpreted as contributing to overall readiness.
Equally challenging for educators is the continued lack of student motivation, undesirable student behaviors and the overall underachievement of at - risk student populations across racial and ethnic lines.
Cleveland, which for two years has had an SEL program from K - 5, did a survey of teachers at the end of last school year and 86 percent of them said that classroom behavior and overall environment improved as a result of the program.
SAEBRS may be used to evaluate students» overall general behavior, as well as risk for problems within the following specific types of behavior:
The overall objective for this research is to develop logistic regression model to identify factors that influence drivers» lane changing behavior in order to improve work zone safety.
The 21 — 40 group's book borrowing behavior is slightly lower than the overall population, but these individuals make up for that by their borrowing of family - related media such as movies and games.
«Puzzles and interactive toys have positive effects on a dog's overall behavior and health, and the challenge to find the hidden treat is their reward for working hard and being smart.»
We recommend senior testing for all senior pets as well as any pet who is exhibiting one or more of the following symptoms: weight loss or gain, increased thirst or urination, lethargy, vomiting / diarrhea, poor hair coat, coughing, seizures, unusual behavior, or overall decline in condition.
Dr. Overall has served on the faculties of both the veterinary and medical schools at the University of Pennsylvania and ran the Behavior Clinic at Penn Vet for more than a dozen years.
Working with a local architect with input from Behavior Specialist Dr. Karen Overall, a Fear Free design was created which allowed for the implementation of most of the Fear Free Task Force's recommendations.
Louie continues to come semi-regularly for training sessions as his owner's schedule allows — he still has days that are difficult from time to time, since behavior issues are rarely 100 % cured, but things overall are much better than they used to be.
Overall, when it comes to training your dog or working to modify any canine behavior, Wirant encourages dog owners to always look for the most humane and least - invasive methods.
While there can be many overall benefits to such training, the training is usually for the training's sake and not necessarily to improve the dog's behavior.
It generally covers house breaking, basic commands, instilling good manners, teaching proper leash behavior, and overall setting them up for a schedule and regimen of consistency and success.
Upon meeting with one of our Behavior Consultants, we will closely work with you to create a customized training plan for ongoing education to help further the dog's progress to improve overall bBehavior Consultants, we will closely work with you to create a customized training plan for ongoing education to help further the dog's progress to improve overall behaviorbehavior.
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