Sentences with phrase «for patent cases»

Although these groups represent a range of perspectives, we all recognize that the current system of determining venue for patent cases is unfair.
About a year later, he got a call from a lawyer asking if he wanted defense counsel for a patent case.
January has been the slowest month for patent case filings -LSB-...]
January has been the slowest month for patent case filings every year since 2007, which may account for some of the drop in filings last month.
Patent case filings in October 2014 up from September 2014, but still down 33 % from last October The October total for patent case filings is 340 - a slight increase of 2.5 % over September's total of 331 cases filed.
In an 8 - 0 opinion, the Supreme Court held that the original patent venue statute and the Supreme Court's 1957 interpretation continues to be the rule for patent cases.
I would like to see the Federal Courts in Michigan adopt a uniform set of Patent Rules so that the procedure for a patent case is the same, regardless of the Judge that is hearing the case.
Many courts today have adopted local patent rules which allow a district to particularize rules specifically for patent cases, allowing the cases to proceed more expeditiously.
This turn - around time would be extraordinary for even a simple case and is beyond imaginable for this patent case.
One of the reasons for which Samsung demands a new trial is that «the Court's constraints on trial time, witnesses and exhibits -LSB-...] were unprecedented for a patent case of this complexity and magnitude, and prevented Samsung from presenting a full and fair case in response to Apple's many claims».
Alan Loudermilk became enchanted by Marshall's charming but neglected century - old buildings when he came to Marshall for a patent case in 2009.
Based on data from Lex Machina's 2015 Patent Year in Review, the median damages award for patent cases is about $ 1.5 million, and approximately 90 % of awards are less than $ 50 million.
The District of Delaware, while still the second most active district for patent cases, saw a 40 % decrease over the same period, with only 254 new patent cases filed so far in 2015.
Primary elements of the bill would create a presumption of awarding attorney fees to the prevailing party and ensuring that those financing litigation can be held liable if the assertion entity is undercapitalized; requiring higher pleading standards for patent cases; and limiting discovery until after claim construction.
In a closely - watched case, the Supreme Court greatly narrowed venue for patent cases.
The October total for patent case filings is 340 — a slight increase of 2.5 % over September's total of 331 cases filed.
There were 3,400 legal defenses mounted by small businesses in 2011 for patent cases, a 32 % increase over the prior year, according to research paper from 2012 by Boston University law professors James Bessen and Michael J. Meurer.
In particular, this newly - issued decision held that a «regular and established place of business» under 28 USC 1400 (b) for patent cases must include these three components:
The Eastern District of Texas is still number one for patent cases.
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