Sentences with phrase «for people with mental health problems»

The stigma has a serious impact on the quality of services for people with mental health problems, because too few people feel able to complain.
This is not the best diet for people with mental health problems or a history of eating disorders.
The resolution asked for «reasonable firearms regulations... enhanced security measures» at schools and better resources for people with mental health problems.
Sane provides care and emotional support for people with mental health problems, their families and carers as well as information for other organisations and the public.
Initially running a few raw chocolate workshops for people with mental health problems and seeing the joy it brought them, he decided to start making his own raw chocolate whilst carrying on the day job.
We need to create a stable, warm, loving environment for people with mental health problems so they can focus on themselves, and not worry about what we all think.»
Gathering evidence can be very challenging for people with mental health problems, learning disabilities or autism whose health or condition can make it hard for them to understand or navigate the complex processes involved in being assessed.
Ministers have argued that it provides more help for people with mental health problems, while at the same time ensuring doctors can admit patients for treatment or detain them where necessary, for example for public safety.
Wednesday, 10 October - Four leading mental health charities are launching a guide today to provide practical advice for people with mental health problems and their families, on how they can have their voices heard in the mental health system and hold services to account.
Lord Philips told the newspaper that while prison was obviously the right punishment for the most dangerous criminals, it was not somewhere for people with mental health problems.
As an example, I've found some advice on Mind's Web site for people with mental health problems, which includes the following advice, applicable to any medical problem: «If you do decide to disclose you might like to work out a strategy in advance, about how and when you will disclose, how much and to whom, in order to keep some control of the process.
Mental Health Online (formerly Anxiety Online) is an internet - based treatment clinic for people with mental health problems.
Emma has led culture change through engagement with employers, health and safety professionals, HR audiences and Government on mental health in the workplace and back - to - work support for people with mental health problems.
«Previous research has provided mixed data on how effective mental health courts are at reducing recidivism, or repeat offending, for people with mental health problems,» says Sarah Desmarais, an associate professor of psychology at NC State and senior author of a paper on the research.
New research from North Carolina State University finds that mental health courts are effective at reducing repeat offending, and limiting related jail time, for people with mental health problems — especially those who also have substance use problems.
For people with mental health problems, whilst more are in work, there are still many people who want to work but can't find jobs.
Measures with a negative focus can suggest to participants that such programmes are for people with mental health problems and in this way detract from, rather than support, these initiatives.
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