Sentences with phrase «for people with schizophrenia»

The findings indicate there is no safe level of alcohol use for people with schizophrenia, suggesting that clinicians should ask patients with schizophrenia about alcohol use or misuse and advise them about risks.
There are as yet no licensed pharmaceutical treatments to improve cognitive functions for people with schizophrenia.
Previous research suggests that interventions delivered by expert cognitive behavioural therapists are beneficial for people with schizophrenia.
QUESTION: Can community psychiatric nurses effectively deliver a brief cognitive behavioural therapy intervention for people with schizophrenia?
«Childhood trauma link offers treatment hope for people with schizophrenia: People with schizophrenia may now benefit from more effective, tailored treatments and greater self - empowerment, thanks to research establishing a link between childhood trauma and some of schizophrenia's most common symptoms..»
But the subsequent, expansive closure of mental health facilities, fragmentation of outpatient health care services and growing difficulties in finding housing (increasing homelessness and incarceration rates) and support for persons with schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses have adversely impacted longevity.
Hallucinations and paranoia aren't the only symptoms that make life difficult for people with schizophrenia.
«The results demonstrate that motivation needs to be evaluated in any assessment of cognition for people with schizophrenia,» said Fervaha.
«We know that cognitive impairment can be devastating for people with schizophrenia and there is a push to look at solutions, including medication options, brain training and brain stimulation techniques,» said lead author Gagan Fervaha, a researcher in the Complex Mental Illness program at CAMH and a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto.
These drugs are not very helpful to Parkinson's, but dopamine antagonist are commonly prescribed for people with schizophrenia.
It reduces the level of histamine in the body, which can be useful for people with schizophrenia, whose histamine levels are typically higher than normal.
Family interventions have been shown to improve outcomes for people with schizophrenia and are now widely used.
Harvey C, O'Hanlon B. Family psycho - education for people with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders and their families.
OpenUrlAbstract / FREE Full Text Q Is brief cognitive - behavioural therapy effective for people with schizophrenia?
Professor Lewis's research interests focus on new interventions for people with schizophrenia and psychosis, including the use of new technologies.
There is evidence that nurses can competently deliver cognitive behavioural interventions for people with schizophrenia.1 — 2 Turkington et al found that overall symptoms improved after brief cognitive behavioural therapy delivered by Community Psychiatric Nurses, although contrary to previous studies, 3 psychotic symptoms were not reduced.
Music therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia - like disorders.
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