Sentences with phrase «for pet stores»

There's good news for pet store owners looking to sell their businesses.
Puppy mills are basically farms where dogs are kept in small, dirty cages and bred endlessly to keep a steady supply of puppies for pet stores.
It is important for a pet store to carry seeds that are appropriate for the region's wildlife.
What is the best way for pet store operators to fight back?
Dogs are increasingly joining their owners on a variety of outdoor adventures, creating an emerging opportunity for pet stores who cater to active customers.
How could someone that worked for a pet store give such terrible advice?
The busy schedule of today's shopper is making it more important than ever for a pet store's staff to be accessible and knowledgeable.
Look for pet stores that are operating with a humane model that either adopt out pets or work with local shelters and rescues to host adoption events.
The key for pet stores is providing incentives for customers to physically come in.
Did it always result in a sale for the pet store?
The pond department can be a profit center for pet stores that understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by this category.
Obviously, more pet owners will mean more potential customers for pet stores, and that would be a decidedly positive development for the industry as a whole.
What does that mean for pet stores that operate within these malls?
And while these trends certainly continue to pay dividends, it seems that we may be getting close to reaching a ceiling for the growth that they can drive for pet stores.
For this reason, it makes sense for pet stores to take advantage of this easy - to - sell category.
There are similar licensing and permitting requirements for pet stores and kennels.
If enacted, this amendment would increase standards for pet stores while enabling responsible pet stores to continue to serve the needs of their communities.
Now shut down the rest of the puppy mills in your province and make it against the law for pet stored to sell animals.
It is time for pet stores to take full advantage of this potential market niche.
We offer training services on diet, care, handling, health concerns and more for pet stores and other commercial pet companies.
Now in its fifth year, the program offers more than 20 courses developed for pet store owners, managers and sales associates by pet experts — and it's still free.
The county later passed a voluntary rating system for pet stores.
Since customers will usually buy a setup from the same store where they acquire the pet, it's vital for pet stores to keep a good mixture of healthy livestock.
What makes these products a good fit for pet stores?
Networking with local shelters and veterinarians can provide a huge sales boost for a pet store.
Without the demand for pet store puppies, there would be no supplies i.e. no puppy mills.
Puppy mills are facilities that exist with the sole purpose of producing dogs for pet stores.
This would have meant business as usual for pet stores and the large commercial breeding operations - puppy mills.
This had not been a problem for pet stores, which sold live animals because they generally had puppies and kittens — not full grown animals like the shelter stores.
It also gave us the opportunity to add a couple awards for pet stores that have grooming shops, mobile groomers and groomers that specialized in pet spas or boutiques.
Hidden in that bill is a loophole for pet store owners who want to continue selling animals bred in cruel mills.
The Answer Knowing how you feel we have spent quite some time searching the internet for the pet stores that offer the best quality pet supplies at the lowest prices.
Look in your area for pet stores that sell puppies and educate about your local problem.
Yet given the persistent economic pressures on the disposable income of shoppers, at no time has it been more difficult for a pet store to achieve that goal.
However, it would be a mistake for pet store owners and operators to sit back and let the recognizable names and faces on product packaging and advertisements do all the selling.
It will be crucial for pet stores to offer that something extra to their clients like demonstrations, promotions and other attractions to bring people into the store.
Designed to be Clean Keeping the bird area clean should be a top priority for a pet store.
Here, the study revealed a mixed bag for pet stores, with 45 percent reporting margin growth and 40 percent reporting declines.
As a growing number of consumers become educated on, and receptive to, raw diets for their pets, the category holds increasing profit potential for pet stores.
Thus, it is important for any pet store that sells cages to offer and display a variety of styles and colors.
The clinic did frequent work for the pet store, which would later be shut down after the puppy mill connection came to light.
Puppy mills are large - scale breeding facilities that produce hundreds of puppies for pet stores every year.
Even people who can't own a household pet can get joy from caring for wild ones, so it makes sense for a pet store to sell at least some wild bird products.
Paid $ 5,000 a month by an industry association of CBEs, his goal in making the claim was to get the court to overturn a law that makes it illegal for pet stores in Grove City, OH, to sell puppy mill dogs; the law requires pet stores to work with rescues and shelters to adopt out rescued animals instead.
Source: ABC News / By KELLY MCCARTHY / Oct 17, 2017, 8:12 AM ET Gov. Jerry Brown last Friday signed into law bill A.B. 485, making it illegal for pet stores to sell dogs, cats, and rabbits from any source other than a shelter or rescue group.
PB: What are some of the keys to success for pet stores in the healthcare category?
The nutrition - based bag fronts make it easy for pet store employees to recommend Blackwood foods to pet owners.
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