Sentences with phrase «for plant resistance»

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«NuMex Twilight» also has become an important source of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) resistance for plant breeders.
Phytochemicals are the biologically active substances in plants that are responsible for giving them colour, flavour, and natural disease resistance [1].
Professor Bruce Fitt, professor of plant pathology at the University of Hertfordshire, added: «This new understanding of plant defense through ETD suggests different operations of specific resistance genes which will help us to be more successful in breeding new strains of crops for resistance.
Years ago, Foncéka's team at the Regional Center for Studies on Plant Drought Resistance crossed Fleur 11, a common peanut variety in Senegal, with a hybrid of the peanut plant's ancestors, A. duranensis and A. ipaëPlant Drought Resistance crossed Fleur 11, a common peanut variety in Senegal, with a hybrid of the peanut plant's ancestors, A. duranensis and A. ipaëplant's ancestors, A. duranensis and A. ipaënsis.
Resistance could mean resurrecting the peanut ancestors» drought tolerance; or it could be a plant with a knack for repelling bugs; or it could be found by hacking the plant's immune system through mechanisms scientists are just beginning to understand.
The progeny from that cross would then be tested for yield and mildew resistance and high - yielding resistant plants would be further developed.
A larger chemical arsenal alone will not solve the problem, but in combination with traditional weed management, such as tilling and crop rotation, it should make it harder for unwanted plants to evolve resistance.
Noting that insects have been evolving resistance to natural plant defenses for millions of years and that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the first reported case of insecticide resistance, he concludes, «Finding ways to delay resistance is a never - ending challenge with any pest management approach.»
The stakes are especially high for defining and managing insect resistance to corn and cotton plants genetically engineered to produce proteins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).
We are also, interested in improving our understanding of how this resistance works so we can do a better job of selecting for it,» says University of Illinois plant breeder, Brian Diers.
The first transgenic crop likely to be put forward for approval for open trials and commercial release is Bt cotton — which has added genes from the Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium, making the plant produce toxins that confer resistance to some insect pests.
«An efficient method for measuring copy number variation applied to improvement of nematode resistance» is published in The Plant Journal.
In addition to helping farmers check crop health, the new system will be helpful for studying how plants respond to changes in growing conditions and for high - throughput phenotyping, an automated method used in crop research and development to analyze how genetic modifications affect plant characteristics such as leaf size or drought resistance in a large number of plants.
Kongming Wu, director of the Institute for Plant Protection at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Beijing said, «This review paper will be very helpful for understanding insect resistance in agricultural systems and improving strategies to sustain the effectiveness of Bt crops.»
As examples, plants evolve decreased seed dispersal to compensate for the expansion of uninhabitable pavement, animals evolve resistance to industrial and residential chemicals, and bacteria evolve resistance to antibiotics.
In 2000, Australian farmers for the first time planted varieties of canola with resistance to acetolactate synthase - inhibiting herbicides.
«If plants have glyphosate resistance, but they're sprayed with 2,4 - D, for example, the majority of those plants will die because they're not resistant to 2,4 - D.
Transgenic crops expressing resistance to the herbicide glyphosate (GR) have been commercialized and planted widely across the U.S. for two decades.
«Plants with one type of glyphosate - resistance mechanism make multiple copies of the target site for glyphosate, a gene called EPSPS.
When they inserted those genes into crop genomes, through a technique called recombinant DNA, the plants were able to produce the protein for bug resistance on their own, eliminating the need to spray insecticide.
If we can block those peptides and the pathways nematodes use to overtake the soybean plant, then we can enhance resistance for this very valuable global food source.»
Most resistance genes, in wheat and other plants, code for protein receptors located inside cells; the Stb6 gene codes for a receptor protein on the cell's surface.
Elizabete Carmo - Silva, LEC lecturer in plant sciences for food security, said: «Both jointed grass and barley are regarded as valuable genetic resources for improving wheat disease resistance, our research suggests that they can also be used to improve biomass production.»
However, an upstream cap - and - trade program would be likely to face political resistance because it would bring a sharp increase in operating costs for power plants that emit greenhouse gases.
Biologists at UC San Diego have succeeded in visualizing the movement within plants of a key hormone responsible for growth and resistance to drought.
Prof Bentzen from Dalhousie University said: «Although this study focused on MHC genes in vertebrates, the evolutionary dynamics described in it likely apply to other gene families, for example resistance genes and those which prevent self - fertilization in plants (self - incompatibility loci) that are caught up in their own evolutionary races.»
The findings thus challenge the generally held perception that wastewater treatment plants are hotbeds for the spread of antimicrobial resistance genes.
New Danish research has now revealed that the most common resistance genes in wastewater treatment plants are not to be found among bacteria outside these facilities — in people or animals, for example.
It has therefore been generally assumed that wastewater treatment plants are the ideal location for pathogenic bacteria to develop new resistance genes.
Viral genes have been used to protect papaya plants against the ring spot virus, for example, with no sign of resistance evolving in over a decade of use in Hawaii.
Non-flowering plants could also ensure the containment of genes for herbicide resistance (or other traits conferred to the organisms), counteracting the concern that transgenic trees would spread their lab - produced genetics throughout nearby wild forest.
Stem rust, named for the blackening pustules that infect plant stems, caused devastating crop epidemics and famine for centuries before being tamed by fungicides and resistance genes.
«Self - pollination leads to reduction of genetic variability in the population, and this can be a problem for the plants, because they have a reduced ability to evolve resistance against diseases.»
For instance in Mahonia or Oregon grape — it's a plant from the Pacific Northwest — there is one compound called hydnocarpin that will kill [a] certain type of bacteria, but the bacteria develops a resistance where it evolves this pump to remove the hydnocarpinfrom its cells and it's no longer toxic; and then it turns out that the Oregon grape also has this other compound called berberine which stops that pump from working, so it's only in combination [that] these two compounds in that plant will actually still kill the bacteria.
An interesting new area of research is the use of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) for improving resistance to pathogens using transgenic plants as bio-factories for fungicides or bactericides.
In the form of both a printed book and an offline app for iPhones and Androids, the guide will include colorful images showing detailed characteristics and vegetative features of each grass, an easy - to - use dichotomous key, and information on each plant's history, forage value, fire resistance, and other details.
As for the wastewater treatment plant, Dantas called it the perfect storm for transmitting antibiotic resistance genes.
He has led a well - regarded basic research program into mechanisms of plant disease and plant disease resistance, for which he was elected EMBO member in 1999 and FRS in 2003.
His research has advanced our understanding of fundamental questions in plastid biochemistry and achieved important biotechnological and synthetic biology breakthroughs, including engineered insect resistance and the transfer of the entire metabolic pathway for artemisinic acid from a medicinal plant to a biomass crop.
His research interest focuses on 1) development and application of TALEN and CRISPR technologies for targeted genome editing in plant species, and 2) molecular mechanism of plant / microbe interactions and crop disease resistance engineering by using the bacterial blight of rice as a model.
An assessment of the risks associated with the use of antibiotic resistance genes in genetically modified plants: report of the Working Party of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy.
We just knew that we could breed plants for resistance — that was a key goal of agriculture for seed improvement.
For example, the resistance of wild parsnip to webworm attack depends on when the parsnip blooms and on concentrations of certain chemical compounds with insecticidal properties found in the plant.
Plant, root, and soil microbiome Potential for plant biocontrol activity of isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus stratosphericus strains against bacterial pathogens acting through both induced plant resistance and direct antagonism — Kaliannan Durairaj — FEMS Microbiology LePlant, root, and soil microbiome Potential for plant biocontrol activity of isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus stratosphericus strains against bacterial pathogens acting through both induced plant resistance and direct antagonism — Kaliannan Durairaj — FEMS Microbiology Leplant biocontrol activity of isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus stratosphericus strains against bacterial pathogens acting through both induced plant resistance and direct antagonism — Kaliannan Durairaj — FEMS Microbiology Leplant resistance and direct antagonism — Kaliannan Durairaj — FEMS Microbiology Letters
The pair work together to develop detection methods for new and emerging tomato viruses, identify the tomato genes responsible for virus resistance, and make this information available to plant breeders.
«Our findings could allow geneticists and plant breeders to purposefully push the right buttons for activating the natural defense mechanisms and turning on plant resistance,» he says.
And a deeper understanding of the genetic basis for resistance will be instrumental in developing and breeding better plants,» says plant molecular biologist John Mundy of Copenhagen University's Institute of Molecular Biology who led the Arabidopsis study.
In addition to Fabrick and Tabashnik, the following authors collaborated on the study: Jeyakumar Ponnuraj from the National Institute of Plant Health Management in Hyderabad, India, who studied pink bollworm resistance as a visiting scholar in Tabashnik's lab; Amar Singh and Raj Tanwar of the National Centre for Integrated Pest Management at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute in New Delhi; and Gopalan Unnithan, Alex Yelich, Xianchun Li and Yves Carrière from the UA Department of Entomology.
For the rice plant to effectively combat blast, scientists at IRRI are combining into the same rice type different race - specific genes and genes conferring quantitative resistance.
The nucleases were capable of pushing out an undesirable trait in a plant — such as a gene for a chemical that acted as an environmental pollutant when consumed by livestock — and replacing it with a desirable trait, such as herbicide resistance, in a single shot.
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