Sentences with phrase «for political advantage»

Right now there is great temptation for both sides of the standard culture - war divide to use this attack for political advantage.
However, some analysts have said the move is merely for political advantage.
Funds must be concentrated rather than spread as far and wide as possible for political advantage.
These are gradually being understood by more people as proper scientific testing and challenges occur after being deliberately delayed for political advantage.
When the current coalition government introduced the Fixed - term Parliaments Act in 2011, the case appeared compelling: The Government believes that fixed - term Parliaments will have a positive impact on our country's political system; providing stability, discouraging short - termism, and preventing the manipulation of election dates for political advantage.
Publicly, they are throwing insults at each other and vying for political advantage in this election year.
The only reason Governor Wike would engage in his planned subterfuge can only be to score a cheap political point due to his desperation for political advantage in Ogoniland — something way out of his reach under a peaceful atmosphere».
«Nothing in the judge's decision changes the fact that power is being taken away from legislators and given back to New Yorkers,» said Dadey, who says the amendment will «ensure that no lines, no districts are drawn for political advantage anymore».
They understand that the litigious wordsmiths have opted for political advantage at the risk of compromising integrity of logic and reason.
Prop 1 will ban partisan gerrymandering by outlawing the drawing of legislative maps for political advantage, positioning New York as a national leader on redistricting reform.
But Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps accused Mr Miliband of trying to fudge the issue for political advantage.
Some in the blogosphere ¯ including many who were so critical of Duke's handling of the «rape» ¯ are falling into the temptation to take sides too early and use this incident for political advantage.
SO Perry and Bachmann play the «God» card; Cain plays the racial card - and so it goes; whatever it takes for political advantage... when everything else fails.
What we need is common ground, not angry encampments of more - and - more politicized stakeholders, vying for political advantage over the others.
I heard Senator Mark Begich of Alaska on NPR one evening this week saying, «The Republicans are being held hostage by a small group in their party for political advantage and the American people hate it.»
With a good enough separation (again, don't ask me how) between legislature and judiciary, one could even imagine an offense of making false or misleading statements for political advantage, to the eventual disadvantage (hard though that is to prove) of your marks.
Another possibility is to coin a new term based on the word gerrymandering, since this practice, like gerrymandering, is malicious manipulation of ostensibly fair rules for political advantage.
Salmond, who will be well aware of the polls showing the referendum vote slipping out of his grasp, will be desperate to use the event for political advantage.
«Evidence of not complying with the code can be drawn from the fact that the misinformation provided was emphatic rather than tentative, was repeated, was not corrected when fuller information was available or was calculated to deceive for political advantage,» Mr Bryant said in his speech during the debate.
«It's about the mechanics of this place for the political advantage of the Conservative party, even if it breaks up the United Kingdom.»
That message appeared to get through to Maria Hutchings, Tory candidate, who promised not to exploit Chris Huhne's criminal trial for political advantage.
From the opposition benches came shaky wobblers thrashing around for political advantage.
«It is absolutely typical of the Labour Party to abuse the NHS for political advantage.
Then again, it's political season and October has a habit of lingering issues used for political advantage.
Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has accused Labour of exploiting a taxpayer - funded buidling for political advantage:
«They say it is a political process which will often be skewed for political advantage.
To kick with sabots, to willfully destroy, especially for political advantage.
Given the politicization of global climate change in America (Krosnick et al. 2000), this pattern may reflect the selective use of these terms for political advantage, consistent with «global warming» being easier to discredit than «climate change.»
I can see a similarity between the green movement and the rise of protestantism; In both cases there's an alliance between a minority of true believers, empowered by a communications revolution (printing, and the internet) and a cynical elite adopting the new belief for political advantage.
When the Act was introduced in 2011, the coalition government justified it by arguing that «fixed - term parliaments will have a positive impact on our country's political system; providing stability, discouraging short - termism, and preventing the manipulation of election dates for political advantage
Mr. Cuomo rejected the suggestion that he was trying to use the terrorist attack for political advantage.
This state constitutional amendment will ban partisan gerrymandering by outlawing legislative maps drawn for political advantage
The Government believes that fixed - term Parliaments will have a positive impact on our country's political system; providing stability, discouraging short - termism, and preventing the manipulation of election dates for political advantage.
The Howard Government, like its US counterpart, has been willing to invoke, for political advantage, a primitive view in the electorate that «foreigners» can't tell us what to do.
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