Sentences with phrase «for political leadership»

He was honored for his political leadership with the 2015 Illinois REALTORS ® Political Involvement Award.
«Now is the moment in history for all caring people to stand up and say we can no longer wait for political leadership
We have been waiting for political leadership on this topic for a very long time.»
Step It Up called for political leadership on three aims to help stabilize the climate: cut carbon emissions 80 % by 2050, a moratorium on new coal power plants, and grow green jobs in support of a renewable energy economy.
An analysis of Trump's tweets and what implications his personality traits have for political leadership are the focus of a study published in Springer's journal Small Business Economics.
In the summer of 2009, we conducted a nationally representative survey of 1,500 Russian citizens, and found that respondents who were directly affected by the financial crisis were more likely to respond negatively to questions concerning popular support for the political leadership of the country, the efficacy of the political authorities, and the actual practice of democracy in Russia (Chaisty and Whitefield, 2012).
It's well past time that «religiosity» be eliminated as a kind of litmus test for qualifying for political leadership.
These and many other cases and over two hundred years of business experience with profit sharing in America and serious academic study on profit sharing have created a rare opportunity for political leadership.

Not exact matches

Committee leadership provides a political and policymaking megaphone, as well as a farm team for higher office.
The «dangers» of peace may not have been purely imagined for the political and military leadership that believed in the necessity of fighting the Great War.
It's time for entrepreneurs and business leaders to get involved, because finding creative solutions to these challenges will require not just great political leadership and innovative research, but a transformation of business itself.
The term «G - Zero world,» coined by Bremmer and political scientist David F. Gordon, refers to a power - vacuum world in which «major powers set aside aspirations for global leadership — alone, coordinated, or otherwise — and look primarily inward for their policy priorities.»
The original plans of the McKinley administration and the Republican congressional leadership for Puerto Rico seemed to call for the island's «incorporation» into the United States — that is, annexation of Puerto Rico as an integral part of the United States and the bestowal of a constitutional and political status comparable to other American territories destined for statehood.
While most entrepreneurs both faulted Trump and forgave him for political ham - handedness, a few criticized him, ironically, for lacking business leadership skills.
It's hard to tell how many do this — I know of a few politically engaged Liberals who periodically hold Tory membership cards too — but it's a fact of life for those of other political stripes in a one - party province like Alberta: the political direction of the province is decided at the PC leadership conventions, not in general elections.
The business plan: Provoke war between Britain and China using a stealth catamaran vessel, kill China's political leadership by destroying Beijing with a cruise missile, install a puppet ruler, and secure «exclusive broadcasting rights in China for the next 100 years.»
The Midwestern state that launched the political careers of Presidents Lincoln and Obama isn't as well known for its leadership in electric grid technology.
The OSCE chairmanship has served as an important platform for other post-Communist European countries to demonstrate the maturity of their diplomatic capabilities, showcase the commitment of their political leaders to the Helsinki principles, and earn the respect of other OSCE participating states by exercising leadership on key regional security issues.
A member of the executive leadership team, Keith oversees a diverse range of language strategy work for clients including Microsoft, Pfizer, Tyco International, Estee Lauder, eBay and several political campaigns.
Morgan Stanley's final reason for the upgrade revolves around a «surprisingly supportive political environment» and the «strategic relationship between Tesla leadership and the new administration.»
On International Anti-Corruption Day, there are a number of questions raised for Liberal leadership candidate and political insider Christy Clark.
Nonetheless, to ignore the absolute need for simplification and reform of the tax system, and the contribution it would make to a strengthening economy and a sustainable fiscal framework would represent a complete lack of «political leadership and courage» by the Minister of Finance and the government.
Since Peter Lougheed catapulted from official opposition leader to Premier in 1971, Alberta's opposition leadership have become a political graveyard for many well - intentioned and ambitious politicians.
The most notable PAC created since the NDP banned corporate political party donations was Jason Kenney «s Unite Alberta PAC, which supported his campaign for the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party and the United Conservative Party.
Wildrosers had a history of refusing to moderate, but Kenney learned political leadership at the feet of fellow social conservative Stephen Harper, who excelled at letting certain elements hijack the party agenda for strategic advantage.
Prabowo, on the other hand, has built his appeal by calling for «firm» leadership capable of cutting through political gridlock.
It ignores the leadership of civil society, including religious leaders; the political value of religious ideas (real theology) in creating a functional future for these nations; and practices like forgiveness that allegedly prevent the just application of punishment.
This is a very important topic, because elites provide political and cultural leadership, and in so doing set the direction for society as a whole.
Whatever the necessary concessions to short - term political rhetoric, and despite the ever - present leadership need for forward - looking - encouragement, the time has come for a far more sober cast of mind.
I'll start: I feel most at home in a church that 1) takes its mission to care for the poor and marginalized seriously, 2) does not make assumptions about its congregation's political positions nor emphasizes political action to begin with, 3) speaks of Scripture in terms of its ability to «equip us for every good work,» 4) embraces diversity (theologically, ethnically, etc.) and allows women to assume leadership positions.
Frustrated wings of both parties blame cowardly political leadership for failing to accomplish the impossible.
Good for the Republican leadership, a political party that profits from stupidity will never lack for votes!
The moment right wing Christian «leadership» embraced the once reviled, decidedly un-Trinitarian, Latter Day Saints for political expediency, they ceded any moral authority they might have had to dictate who is and is not a «true» Christian.
Six times the Socialist Party's candidate for president, Thomas is sometimes seen as a disaster in terms of his political leadership.
And while the strains of the post-Conciliar years (which were also years of tremendous demographic transformation on the American urban / suburban landscape) have tested that claim as never before, there remain, in this, the sesquicentennial year of the erection of the diocese, many impressive signs of vitality in a local church that has been distinguished for its rich ethnic diversity, its identification of parish and neighborhood, its impressive clerical and lay leadership, its self - conscious social and political liberalism, and its sense of itself as the «lead diocese» in matters ranging from liturgical renewal to Christian social action.
If the «conservatives» do not stand for capitalism, they stand for and are nothing; they have no goal, no direction, no political principles, no social ideals, no intellectual values, no leadership to offer anyone.
The leadership, by contrast, repudiated for theological and moral reasons much of the emerging mass culture, the economic system, and many of the works — particularly military adventures — of the system's political leaders.
The minister may play a provisional political role in these situations, since he is a visible spokesman for his own people who need his leadership.
But, unlike Teitelbaum, Heschel opted to be a professor and a political activist, and not only on behalf of his fellow Jews, for Heschel was actively concerned with the moral climate of his adopted America and made that concern manifest in his leadership in both the civil rights movement and the fight against the Vietnam War.
Profit, not sustainability, is the dominant concern of business and of much of the political leadership that is beholden to the wealthy for funding their campaigns.
With Daley perceiving the Park District as a political liability, the pressure has grown for change - in the budget, in parks operations and even in leadership, with General Supt. Robert Penn «s job seemingly on shaky ground.
Lack of political and national leadership, uneven health professional training, formula milk marketing, poor data collection and patchy community support for mothers were identified as gaps in UK policies and programmes.
He went on to graduate at the top of his class with first class honours in Politics and Modern History at Manchester University, winning the Robert McKenzie Prize for political science, his first book contract and election to the (sabbatical) leadership of the students» union, Labour Students» National Committee and NUS National Council.
Paterson has no political future (for the time being), thereby freeing him to grab the union leadership by the neck while he makes them submit to a temporary furlough that will save tens of millions per week.
Even in South Africa, a country with a comparatively developed welfare state, the historical support of other African states for the anti-apartheid struggle, and the legacy of Mandela, inequality and irresponsible leadership have fostered ethnic tensions and political instability.
It is far too early to begin predicting the results of the next election, but this is an opportune moment to examine the changing contours of the Israeli political map, and see to what extent the big stories of the last year have changed Israelis» opinions about the leadership they want for their country.
The range of events now in the spotlight of international relations — such as the Arab Spring — has further emphasized that the bid for leadership change, be it highly authoritarian, might in fact be premised on a quest for something more wholesome than just political freedom.
Mr Cameron will meet with president Thein Sein, whose leadership he praised for allowing the release of political prisoners, the holding of by - elections and the legalisation of previously outlawed political parties, on the trip.
Developing such policies will be hard, difficult work, and call for renewed intellectual and political leadership — but it is also much needed work.
The «foreign agents» bill, for example, was formally introduced under the names of 243 Duma deputies, helping to sustain a narrative that this was a measure supported by the Russian people, rather than merely the political leadership.
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